Last month I finished an article describing the handful of Seattle’s drive-in markets. They may have been Seattle’s first buildings designed to engage automobiles —…
Leave a CommentTag: history
Blueprints of Broadway Market
Almost a year ago I wrote a long history of Broadway Market in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood, which ran in Capitol Hill Seattle blog. Because of…
2 CommentsOnce Upon a Time in the Plan of Seattle
Just before Christmas I dropped a limited edition paper on the history of the 1911 Plan of Seattle. It was limited to a single copy,…
Leave a CommentSeattle’s Drive-In Markets
Only one of Seattle’s drive-in markets is extant, the current Builders’ Hardware & Supply in Interbay. At its core, this article is an exploration of the historical…
2 CommentsClock DB – Where Seattle’s Street Clocks Were
A Database of Seattle Clocks by Time, Owner and Location Six years in the making, I’m happy to publicly unveil my Seattle street clock database.…
6 CommentsTime Travel to Pike’s Forest of Street Clocks
Seattle still has a bunch of street clocks. (Those clocks on poles in the sidewalk.) Almost a dozen, which is more than just about any…
Leave a CommentFestival Queen to Asylum Inmate, Virgilia Bogue Baron
“Miss Bogue is about five feet, ten inches in height, splendidly proportioned, with an exceedingly graceful carriage; is of the brunette type with large, dark…
12 CommentsTime Travel to West Seattle
(This article appeared in 2014 in the Westside Weekly. It hasn’t shown up online though so I’m posting it to my own site.) Time Travel…
Leave a CommentRoom 59, Alki Hotel
This is a series of rephotographs in Seattle’s International District, mixed with the story found in newspapers of Room 59 of the Alki Hotel. The…
5 CommentsOld Ballard Street Names, Searchable Table
Ballard was a city of its own until 1907, when the citizenry voted to be annexed into Seattle. Data updated significantly on 8/20/2019. The data…