In September 1967 my grandfather visited Stockholm for a meeting of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Technical Committee 45, setting standards for nuclear reactor test equipment. TC45 held yearly conferences, rotating around mostly European cities. My grandfather was very serious about taking photographs and left slides from each trip. In addition to a couple carousels of slides of Stockholm, he left an assortment of ephemera from the trip. My grandmother accompanied him and left brief hand-written notes as well.
Here I share two pamphlets describing Sweden’s new nuclear power facilities.
First describes the nuclear power facilities in Sweden along with a brief timeline of atomic energy history in Sweden:
The second document describes Ågestaverket, a nuclear power facility that was opened in 1964, just a few years before. Here is Grandfather Cook’s photo of the Ågesta nuclear reactor site:
And here is the pamphlet:
I plan to post the rest of the materials from the trip. Most of the photographs have been posted already to this set in Flickr, though I still have a dozen or so to determine the scene.
Nice tweets about this,
På dagens tema: två broschyrer om Ågesta-verket/AB atomenergi och ett foto från när verket var i drift!
— (@IndustSemest) May 14, 2015