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Rebuilding Seattle after the Great Fire, All 1890 Structures

The January 1, 1891 Seattle Post-Intelligencer was full of boosterism. They were so taken up with recounting how thoroughly Seattle had recovered from the Great Fire of 1889 that three pages were dedicated to listing details of every structure built in the prior year.

The pages are available for free on the Library of Congress Chronicling America site, after the Washington State Library completed a project to scan, OCR and post them. The OCR struggles with blurry 19th century type at times, though. This project will provide a tabular version of the list. I have been joined by my friend Curt Fischer putting the data into a table, which you can find below.

STEP 1: Transcribe text correctly. COMPLETE

! Page 6 Column 6 improvement value blanks are caused by illegible text. Many values in that column are barely legible and may be wrong.

STEP 2: Get it in one big table, and get it into wordpress. COMPLETE

OwnerTypeFloorsMaterialsDimensionsLocationExpended to end of 1890Cost (complete or projected)Section of cityJan 1 1891 PIpost-1895 renameModern AddressModern Parcel NumberWiki LinkLat/Long
Champoux-Nugent bus blkthree stories and basementbk and iron 60×60 Washington and South Fourth24000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
W. H. Maud bus blkthree storiesbk stone and iron 30×111 Commercial near Main20000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Wa Chong bus blkfour stories and basementbk stone and iron 60×120 South Third nr Washington45000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
George Kinnear bus blkfour stories and basementbk stone and iron 120×108 South Third and Main75000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
George Kinnear bus blkthree story and basementbk stone and iron 60×108 South Third and Jackson36000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
George Kinnear bus blkthree story and basementbk stone and iron 60×108 South Second nr Main32000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Schwabacher Bros. & Co. bus blkfour stories and basementbk stone and iron 54x108x45 Yesler and Commercial130000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Washington Territory Investment Co. bus blkthree stories and basementstone bk and iron 60×108 Second and Cherry65000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Geo B Kittinger bus blkfour-storiesbk and iron 72×120 South Second and Washignton80000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Kittinger-Terry bus blkfour stories and baseementbk and iron 120×120 Commercial and Washington112000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
J. G. Kenyon Bus blkthree stories and basementbk and iron 30×60 Commercial and Washington10400(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Puget Sound Fire Clay Co. officeone-storybk Jackson and Commercial400(Blank=city center)5 col 2
H. L. Yesler bank bldgtwo stories and basementstone bk and iron 26×60 Commercial and Yesler25000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Colman-Collins bus blkthree storiesbk and iron 40×120 Main and Railroad20000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
McDonald Bros. imp on saloon bldgone-storyfm Main and Railroad Main and Railroad400(Blank=city center)5 col 2
G. W. Hadfield bus blkfour storiesbk stone and iron 30×120 Second and University23000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
John Sullivan bus blkfour stories and basementbk stone and iron 120×111 Front nr Cherry90000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Dexter Horton engine housetwo storiesbk 30×50 Second and Cherry3000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Guy C. Phinney bus blksix stories and basementbk stone and iron 108×115 Cherry and Second200000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
J. H. Rengstorff bus blkfour stories and basementbk stone and iron 60×111 Second nr Cherry50000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
T. D. Hinckley bus blkfive stories and basementbk stone and iron 120×90 Second and Columbia80000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Estate G. M. Haller bus blksix stories and basementbk stone and iron 60×111 Second and Columbia95000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
J. M. Colman store bldgtwo-storyfm and corrugated iron Marion and West10000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
L. Diller hotelfour-storyJapan bk stone and iron 80×90 Front and University65000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
James Campbell bus blkfour stories and basementstone bk and iron 30×111 Front and Marion40000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Chris. Scheuerman bus blkthree storiesbk stone and iron 60×110 Front and Columbia40000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Toklas, Singerman & Co. bus blkfour stories and basementbk stone and iron 80×111 Front and Columbia 150000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Starr-Boyd bus blkfour stories and basementbk stone and iron 100×120 Front and Commercial90000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Kline & Rosenberg bus blkfour stories and basementbk stone and iron 30×120 Front opp Cherry42000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Seattle Safe Deposit & Trust Co. bus blkseven storiesstone bk and iron 30×111 Front nr Cherry50000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Pacific Freezing & Cooling Co. cold storage warehouseone and three storiesfm and corrugated iron 40×120 West foot Union10000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Stewart Baxter & Bailey bus blkthree stories and basementstone bk and iron 50×120 Front opp Commercial40000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
W. E. Bailey bus blkone-storybk and iron 87×120 Second and Yesler12000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Richard Holyoke bus blkfive storiesstone bk and iron 60×111 Front and Spring75000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Gilmour-Kirkman bus blkfour storiesbk stone and iron 120×110 Front nr Union130000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Post-Edwards bus blkthree storiesbk stone and iron 60×110 Front nr Union60000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Mrs. Lou Graham business blockthree stories and basementbk and stone 40×60 feet South Fourth and Washington22000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Denver Market-Vienna Bakery baker shopone-storybk 30×60 Madison nr Second1500(Blank=city center)5 col 2
D. W. Douthitt bus blkfour storiesbk stone and iron 60×100 Second nr Columbia35000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Gordon Hardware Co. bus blkfive-stories and basementbk stone and iron 30×111 Front foot Cherry 30000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Seattle Heat & Power Co. engine and boiler houseone-storybk fm and corrugated iron Post nr Yesler15000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Wright & Sylvian bus bldgtwo-storiesfm and corrugated iron Washington and Railroad10000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Stetson & Post Mill Co. bus bldgtwo-storyfm Commercial nr Weller6500(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Stetson & Post Mill Co. bus bldgtwo-storyfm Commercial nr Weller3500(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Stetson & Post Mill Co. Lumber, sheds, etc. Commercial nr Weller1000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
W. F. Epler bus blk four storiesbk stone and iron 60×108 Second and Columbia47000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
H. E. Schmidt hotel bldgtwo-storyfm Commercial and Weller3500(Blank=city center)5 col 2
John Johnson bus bldgtwo-storyfm Commercial nr Weller1500(Blank=city center)5 col 2
S. Lenstrom bus bldgtwo-storyfm Commercial nr Weller1500(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Peter Reis. bus bldg repairtwo-storyfm Commercial and King500(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Mr. O’Brien bustwo-storyfm and piling and planking for same Commercial nr Dearborn2000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Bollong & Annon barntwo-storyfm and piling and planking for same Commercial nr Dearborn2000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
McKinnon & Kerr office and piling and planking for same Commercial nr Dearborn2100(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Puget Sound Milk Co imp on store bldgtwo storyfm Commercial nr Dearborn500(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Dr. Hussey bus blkthree storiesbk stone and iron 120×60 Pike and Third40000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Jesse George Occidental hotelsix stories and basementbk stone and iron 66×111 Second and Main95000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
James Nugent bus blkthree stories and basementbk and iron 20×110 Washington bet South Second and Third9000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
James Nugent bus blkthree stories and basementbk and iron 30×60 Washington bet South Second and Third9000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
McCowan & Collin bus blktwo stories and basementbk and stone 20×60 feet Washington nr South Third5000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Mrs. Mary V. McDonald bus blkthree storiesbk stone and iron 30×60 Yesler foot Front6500(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Schlessenger & Brodeck bus blkthree stories and basementbk and iron 90×108 South Third and Washington30000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
John Collins bus blkfive stories and basementbk stone and iron 84×210 Second Yesler and James 230000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Colman-Starr bus blkfour stories and basementstone and bk 75×120 Commercial and Yesler60000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Terry-Denny bus blkfive stories and basementbk stone and iron 100×108 Commercial nr Yesler 100000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Squire-Latimer bus blkfour stories and basementstone bk and iron 150×111 Commercial and Main156000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Bannigan & Smith bus blkthree storiesbk and iron 30×111 Commercial and Main26000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
G. Winehill bus blkthree storiesbk and iron 40×120 Commercial and Main21000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Lauren Ingels bus blkthree storiesbk iron and cement 60×120 South Second and Jackson40000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Harrington & Smith bus blkthree stories and basement 60×155 Washington and Railroad60000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Mrs. C. M. Sanderson bus blkfour stories and basementbk stone and iron 30×100 S Third and Yesler16000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Mrs. E. J. Starr bus blkfour stories and basementstone bk and iron 60×111 Front and Seneca80000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
L. A Griffith bus blkthree storiesstone bk and iron 60×110 Front nr Spring16000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
John Noyes bus blkfour storiesstone bk and iron 120×120 Front nr Madison115000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Robert Knipe bus blkfive storiesstone bk and iron 30×111 Front nr Madison40000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Geo. F. Frye bus blkfive-stories bk iron and cement 120×111 Front and Marion125000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
M. and K. Gottstein bus blkfour storiesbk stone and iron 60×111 Front and Marion70000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Engle-McElroy bus blkthree stories and basementbk and iron 60×90 South Third nr Washington24000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
H. L. Yesler bus blksix stories and basementstone bk and iron 120×120 Front and James235000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Starr estate bus blksix stories and basementstone bk and iron 60×130 Front foot Cherry130000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
E. F. Wittler greenhouseSecond and Madison450(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Wilber & Johnson hotelthree-storyfm Weller and Second7500(Blank=city center)5 col 2
W. C. Noyle store bldgtwo-storyfm Weller nr Commercial1500(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Unknown barntwo-story frame Weller nr Commercial300(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Isaac Parker warehouseone-storyfm and corrugated iron Railroad Ave2500(Blank=city center)5 col 2
G. Poncin bus blkone-storybk 108×60 Second and University10000(Blank=city center)5 col 2
Isaac Parker two bus blksthree-storiesbk stone and iron 30×111 each Commercial bet Washington and Main90000(Blank=city center)5 col 3
Unknown barntwo-storyfm Commercial nr Weller500(Blank=city center)5 col 3
W. W. Buchanan & Sons addition carriage and harness factory and blacksmith shoptwo-storyfm Weller1500(Blank=city center)5 col 3
Longshoremen and Riggers’ Union reading and meeting hall one-storyfm and corrugated iron foot of Main500(Blank=city center)5 col 3
H. L. Yesler warehouseone-storyfm and corrugated iron West nr Columbia700(Blank=city center)5 col 3
John Stackman warehouseone-storyfm and corrugated iron Railroad800(Blank=city center)5 col 3
L. C. Harmon warehouseone-storyfm and corrugated iron Railroad700(Blank=city center)5 col 3
H. L. Yesler warehouseone-storyfm and corrugated iron Yesler’s wharf300(Blank=city center)5 col 3
Z. C. Miles warehouseone-story fm and corrugnted iron Railroad800(Blank=city center)5 col 3
G F. Ward warehousetwo-storyfm and corrugated iron Commercial650(Blank=city center)5 col 3
F W. Woodaman warehouseone-storyfm and corrugated iron Railroad nr Main2400(Blank=city center)5 col 3
Commercial Mill Company warehousetwo-storyfm and corrugated iron West nr Marion2000(Blank=city center)5 col 3
Frauenthal Bros. bus blkfour-storiesbk stone and iron 40×111 Commercial and Yesler32000(Blank=city center)5 col 3
Ralph Hopkins bus bldgtwo-storyfm and corrugated iron 40×110 West foot University6000(Blank=city center)5 col 3
Puget Sound Shore Railroad Company machine shopone-storyfm Railroad12000(Blank=city center)5 col 3
Maud-Bittencourt bus blkthree stories with basementbk and iron 120×60 Yesler and South Third1700030000In Course of Construction5 col 3
W. H. Maud bus blkfive storiesbk stone and iron30x111x30 Washington and Commercial3000060000In Course of Construction5 col 3
W. E. Bailey bus blksix-stories stone and iron 115×108 Second and Cherry200000300000In Course of Construction5 col 3
Schwabucher Bros. & Co. bus blkfour stories and basementbk stone and iron 120×120 south Second near Main3000055000In Course of Construction5 col 3
E. H. Fisher bus blkfour stories and basementbk and iron 46×108 South Second near Main1500035000In Course of Construction5 col 3
Seattle National Bank bus blksix stories and basementbk stone and iron 120×120 Yesler and South Second140000200000In Course of Construction5 col 3
H. L. Yesler bus blksix stories and basementstone and bk 80×100 Commercial and Yesler30000100000In Course of Construction5 col 3
Marshall-Walker bus blkfour storiesstone and bk 11lxl20 Commercial and Main1500080000In Course of Construction5 col 3
Dexter Horton bus blkseven stories and basementstone bk and iron 128×120 Second and Cherry150000200000In Course of Construction5 col 3
J. M. Colman bus blkfive and six storiesbk stone and iron 240×110 Front and Columbia150000250000In Course of Construction5 col 3
Y. M. C. A. bus blk with anditorium and gymansium in the rearfour storiesbk stone and iron 60×111 Front near Pike2000050000In Course of Construction5 col 3
I. N. Bigelow bus blkthree storiesbk stone and iron 60×120 Pike and Third800035000In Course of Construction5 col 3
J. Smith bus blksix storiesstone bk and iron 50×108 Second and James2000035000In Course of Construction5 col 3
Thomas Burke bus blksix and seven storiesbk stone and iron 120×108 Second and Marion180000250000In Course of Construction5 col 3
G. Winehill bus blkfour-storystone bk and iron 60×111 Second and Seneca1000032000In Course of Construction5 col 3
H. Bean barnone-storyfm Commercial nr Dearborn100South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
P. Stark barnone-storyfm Commercial nr Dearborn100South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
C. Stevens barnone-storyfm Commercial nr Dearborn50South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
W. Stetson barntwo-storyfm Commercial nr Dearborn200South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
McKinnon & Kerr officeone-story fm and piling and planking for same Commercial nr Dearborn2000South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Unknown five dwlgsone-storyfm Commercial nr Norman5000South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Mr. Jones dwlgone-storyfm Commercial nr West1000South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Berber Egan dwlgone-storyfm Commercial nr West1000South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Mr. Bittencourt barntwo-storyfm nr Commercial and Charles700South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Mr. Collins storetwo-storyfm nr Commercial and Charles900South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Unknown barntwo-storyfm nr Commercial and Charles700South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Unknown four barnsone-and-one-half-storyfm nr Commercial and Charles1200South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
A. P. Spalding dwlgone-and-one-half-storyfm nr Commercial and Charles400South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Captain Butler dwlgone-and-one-half-storyfm Water nr Charles300South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
H. McSorley bottling works, bldgtwo-storyfm Water nr Charles3000South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
H. McSorleypiling planking etc. Water nr Charles2000South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
C. Rabel dwlgone-storyfm Plummer250South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Jones & King ofliceone-storyfm nr Plummer150South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Jones & King barntwo-storyfm nr Plummer800South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Jones & King piling planking etc nr Plummer400South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Murphy & Co. barntwo-storyfm nr Plummer800South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Murphy & Co. piling planking etc nr Plummer200South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Hart Lumber Co. mattress factorytwo-storyfm 50×100 nr Plummer2500South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Hart Lumber Co. Officeone-storyfm Charles500South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Moran Bros. extensions to bldgs and wharves Charles nr Commercial2000South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
San Francisco Bridge Co. warehouse and blacksmith shopone-storyfm nr foot Charles1000South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Fabre & Hartwig boat-housetwo-storyfm foot Charles1200South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Allen & Nelson office and smokehousetwo-storyfm nr foot Charles300South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Soap factoryone-storyfm nr foot Charles1000South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
Herman Meyers glue factoryone-storyfm Commercial nr Dearborn2000South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
M. S. Bittencourt warehouseone-storyfm Commercial nr Dearborn2000South of Weller, West of South Second5 col 3
H. M. Brown double tenementtwo-storyfm Twelfth and B2000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
F. Hankey dwlgthree-storyfm Tenth and Dearborn2000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
David Bigelowdouble tenementthree-storyfm Ninth and Pine7500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Thomas Boyd dwlgtwo-storyfm with bk foundation Ninth and Seneca8000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
W. W. Swank dwlgtwo-storyfm Sutter4000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Otto Ranke dwlgtwo-story bk and stone Madison and Tenth2000045000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Fire department headquarterstwo-story bk and stone Columbia and Seventh25000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Board of education officeone-storybk Seventh and Columbia3500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Fred Woodaman barntwo-storyfm Seventh and University500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Catholic school bldgtwo-storyfm Sixth and Battery4000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Home Electric Co. power-housetwo-storybk 100×12030000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
J. F. McNaught row of five tenementstwo-storyfm Columbia and Sixth22500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Catholic school building two stories and basementbk Spring and Sixth4000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
E. M. Carr row of three tenementstwo-story fm Fifth and Seneca8500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
W. H. Pumphrey double tenementtwo-story fm with bk foundation Sixth and Union5000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Towle & Wilcox double tenementtwo-story fmSixth and Union5500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
N. H. Latimer dwlgtwo-story fm Fourth and James5000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
North Seattle Baptist churchone-storyfm Third and Cedar5000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
First christian church imp Seneca and Third1000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Fire engine housetwo-storyfm Third and Pine7000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Geo E. Budlong row of three tenementstwo-storyfm Columbia and Eighth5200Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
J. R. Allen-McMillan & Co. double dwlgthree-storyfm Eighth and Marion5000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
J. D. Lowman double tenementtwo-storyfm Spring and Seventh6000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Fire engine housetwo-storyfm Battery and Fourth12000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Plummer hoteltwo-storyfm 120×120 Third and Union20000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Chamber of Commerce bldgimp Third and Columbia1200Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
J. William Adams dwlgtwo-story and barnfm with stone basement and barn Tenth and Marion1000015000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
J. F. Cordray Theater Co. theater and auditoriumtwo-storyfm Madison and Third35000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
J. H. Bridge store bldgtwo-storyfm Yesler and Sixth10000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Orth & Gilbert hotel bldgthree storyfm Main and Fifth9000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
James Campbellrow of three tenementstwo-story fm with stone foundation Spring and Eleventh8000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Miles Galliher dwlgtwo-storyfm Fourth nr Pike2000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Julius Wagert add to saloonone-storyfm Fourth and Yesler1500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Kindergarten addone-storyfm Bell and Third100Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
J. M. Wheeler & Co. add to wood-working factorytwo-storyfm Vine and Third650Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Frank Beck dwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm Third and Clay400Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
G. Borrell butcher shopone-storyfm Clay and Third75Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
H. Spagle imps on dwlgtwo-storyfm Lenora and Fifth1800Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
J. P. Morris double tenementtwo-storyfm Lenora and Fourth5000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
J. P. Morris dwlgtwo-storyfm Lenora and Fourth2000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
J. H. Hilton dwlgtwo-storyfm with bk basement Fourth and Lenora6500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
Mr. Llewellyn row of three tenementstwo-storyfm Fourth and Pine4500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 3
J. G. Meager dwlgtwo-storyfm Fourth and Wall2500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
J. G. Meager dwlgone-storyfm Fourth and Wall1300Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Anderson & Anderson storetwo-storyfm Fourth and Pike1000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
E. Graff double tenementone-and-a-half-storyfm Fifth nr Lenora800Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
E. H. Reynolds double tenementtwo-storyfm Fifth nr Battery8500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Mr. Godfrey double tenementtwo-storyfm Fifth nr Battery4500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
John Stadlman row of five tenementstwo-storyfm Fourth and Clay8400Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
E. B. Maple dwlgtwo-storyfm Wall and Fourth200Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Mrs. M. S. Cheasty double tenement two stories with basementfm Fifth nr Pike5200Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
American Laundry Co. laundry bldgtwo-storyfm Fifth nr Pike700Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
W. R. Andrews dwlgtwo-storyfm Fifth nr Pike1600Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
J. Franklin double tenementtwo-storyfm Fifth nr Lenora4700Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Allen Dow dwlgthree-storyfm Lenora and Fifth3500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Allen Dow double tenementtwo-storyfm Lenora and Fifth3500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Allen Dow dwlgone-and-one-half storyfm Lenora and Fifth1500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Nicholas George imps on lodging-housethree-storyfm Cherry and Sixth1600Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Mrs. R. C. Crawford dwlgtwo-storyfm Union and Sixth3000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Mrs. R. C. Crawford add to dwlgone-storyfm Union and Sixth500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
R. C. Crawford dwlgtwo-storyfm Union and Sixth700Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
W. C. Hawthorne row of three tenementstwo-storyfm Fifth and Union4200Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Wintermute & Frankland stoneone-storyfm Pike and Sixth130Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
John Graf hotelthree-story fm (destroyed by landslide) Terrace and Sixth3000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
George E. Claney barnone-and-one-half storyfm James and Fifth250Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Fred Whilhelm dwlgtwo-storyfm Sixth and James2000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Henry Lohse dwlgtwo-storyfm with bk basement James and Seventh3000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Hunley & Wellman row of three tenements two stories with basementfm Cherry and Sixth5000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Fred Oes add to dwlgthree-storyfm Eighth nr King300Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Fred Oes dwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm Eighth nr King300Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
N. A. Catts restaurantone-storyfm Seventh and Weller250Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Unknown storeone-storyfm Seventh and Weller475Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Harry Saunders & Co. saloonone-storyfm King and Sixth1000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Sing Hop storetwo-storyfm Fifth and Washington1000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Geo. F. Smith converting basement of dwlg into storeroom Yesler and Sixth900Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
F. Conway shoemaker shopone-storyfm Dearborn and Eighth150Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Mrs. Margaret Sidney imps on dwlgthree-storyfm Eighth and King1200Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Campbell Bros. double tenementtwo-storyfm Eighth and King4300Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
H. C. Smithson two double tenementstwo-storyfm Eighth and Main2000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
H. C. Smithson store bldgtwo-storyfm Fifth and Depot2200Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
P. B. Bowers hotelthree-storyfm Sixth and Olive3500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Unknown dwlgone-storyfm Ninth and King100Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
O. B. Austin dwlgone-storyfm Ninth and King150Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
J. D. Scott dwlgone-storyfm Ninth nr King150Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
F. S. Austin dwlgone-storyfm Ninth nr Weller200Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
John Olson dwlg two-story fm with bk foundation Dearborn and Ninth1500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Mrs. A. M. Smith dwlgthree-storyfm Sixth nr Battery2800Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
J. W. Edgcomb dwlgtwo-story fm with stone foundation Sixth nr Battery15000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
G. A. Taylor dwlgthree-storyfm Sixth and Blanchard1800Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
D. G. Benzeuhofer two dwlgsone-storyfm Sixth and Blanchard1200Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Miss Mary Moen dwlgthree-storyfm Sixth nr Virginia1700Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
O. D. Gaff dwlgone-storyfm Olive and Twelfth1500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
First German M. E. churchone-storyfm Depot and Thirteenth2600Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
First German M. E. parsonageone-storyfm Depot and Thirteenth1300Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
F. H. Davis dwlgone-storyfm Twelfth and Olive800Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Isaac Blomquist dwlgtwo-storyfmThirteenth and Depot1500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
G. L. Manning dwlgtwo-storyfm Sixth nr Depot3000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Charles O’Dounell dwlgtwo-storyfm Sixth nr Depot1500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
J. Gladden dwlgone-storyfm Summit and Depot150Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
John Sagmaster double tenementtwo-storyfm Depot nr Summit3000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
F. A. Whittier two dwlgsone-storyfm Thirteenth nr Depot400Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
C. A. Curtis dwlgone-storyfm Thirteenth nr Depot200Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
C. A. Curtis Carpenter shopone-storyfm Thirteenth nr Depot100Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Unknown two dwlgsone-storyfm Thirteenth nr Depot300Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Unknown dwlgone-storyfmTwelfth and Pine500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Charles Frisell dwlgone-storyfm Fourteenth near Pike850Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Charles Frisell Barntwo-storyfm Fourteenth near Pike150Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
G. H. Wright dwlgtwo-storyfm Fourteenth near Pike3000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
August Scheele dwlgone-storyfm Fourteenth and Pike800Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
M. A. Schwab dwlgtwo-storyfm Summit nr Depot3000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
C. Meldner dye worksone-storyfm Eleventh and Stewart400Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Stein & Bronley dwlgone-storyfm Eleventh and Stewart500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
J. L. Langworthy dwlgone-storyfm Eleventh and Stewart150Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
S. T. Knipe store bldgtwo-storyfm Howell and Eleventh8000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
S. T. Knipe Dwlgtwo-storyfm Howell and Eleventh1000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
F. G. Cady dwlgtwo-storyfm Howell and Eleventh300Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
John Hollan dwlgtwo-storyfm Olive and Eleventh900Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
John Bloom four dwlgsone-and-a-half-storyfm Seventh nr Bell4000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Fred Cook dwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm Bell and Seventh1000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
J. W. Hendrix addition to dwlgtwo-storyfm Stewart and Eighth650Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
A. J. McIntosh dwlgtwo-storyfm Eleventh and Stewart1500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Mrs. E. B. Lombard double tenementtwo-storyfm Stewart and Eleventh8000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
J. R. Andrews dwlgtwo-storyfm Stewart and Eighth1500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
J. R. Andrews store bldgtwo-storyfm Seventh nr Stewart2000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
J. R. Andrews two-story bldgsone-storyfm Seventh nr Stewart700Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Mrs. John Christopher two-story dwlgsone-storyfm Seventh and Leonard700Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
A. Simons row of three tenementstwo-storyfm Seventh and Leonard4000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Wilfred Monroe dwlgone-storyfm Seventh and Blanchard400Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
E. P. Hill double tenement two-story and basementfm Columbia and Seventh4300Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
B. F. Briggs row of five tenementstwo-storyfm Spring and Seventh6000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
M. L. Isaac dwlgone-storyfm Seventh nr Union2000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
N. B. Peterson double tenementthree-storyfm Seventh nr Pine3000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
N. B. Peterson two dwlgsone-storyfm Seventh nr Pine750Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
John Lemon double tenementtwo-storyfm Seventh nr Pine4500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
A. H. Scovill dwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm Ninth nr Viginia500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
W. H. Gleason double tenementtwo-storyfm Seventh and Washington4500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
W. H. Gleason double tenementthree-storyfm with bk foundation Washington nr Seventh5500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
John Wencler dwlgtwo-storyfm with bk foundation Seventh and Cherry3500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Nicholas George roller skating rinkone-storyfm Seventh nr Cherry1150Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
J. M. Ryan dwlgone-storyfm Ninth and Howell250Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
B. B. Freed imps on dwlgtwo-and-a-half-storyfm Ninth and Olive400Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
M. H. Brasen imps on dwlgthree-storyfm Pine and Ninth1500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Mr. Pelman imps on dwlgthree-storyfm Ninth and Pike800Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Lytle & Hawley two dwlgstwo-storyfm Tenth nr Union7000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
A. N. McArthur imps on dwlgtwo-storyfm Pine and Tenth300Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
J. D. Andrews double tenementtwo-storyfm Ninth and Virginia3000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
C. G. Johnson dwlgtwo-storyfm Ninth and Stewart1500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
N. G. Clarke store bldgtwo-storyfm Ninth and Stewart2000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
C. Geertsen store bldgtwo-storyfm Ninth and Stewart1000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
C. C. Plough store bldgthree-storyfm Ninth and Howell4500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Henry Bowen store bldgthree-storyfm Ninth and Howell3000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Anheuser-Busch Co. bldg for bottling, office, etc.two-storyfm Eighth and Olive6500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
William Jensen imps on four dwlgstwo-storyfm Eighth nr Depot2000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
C. G. Jaeger double tenementtwo-storyfm Eighth nr Depot2200Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Mr. Nelson double tenementtwo-storyfm Eighth nr Depot2600Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
P. Scullin two dwlgstwo-storyfm Jackson and Eleventh6000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
M. P. McDonald dwlgone-storyfm Eighth and James300Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
A. S. Lotty double tenementthree-storyfm Eighth and James7000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Trinity Guild hallone-storyfm Cherry and Eighth1800Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
James Caspers row of four dwlgstwo-storyfm Columbia and Eighth4500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
H. F. Nommensen dwigthree-storyfm with bk foundation Eighth and Marion3000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
J. A. James row of three tenementstwo-storyfm Marion nr Tenth5600Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
John Sporck dwlgtwo-storyfm Eleventh nr Marion1800Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Mrs. Kate A. May dwlgtwo-storyfm Tenth and Marion2400Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Mrs. J. D. Sackman dwlgtwo-storyfm Ninth and Cherry6000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Mrs. J. D. Sackman barntwo-storyfm Ninth and Cherry400Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Charles Ebbinghous dwlgtwo-storyfm Ninth and Jefferson2000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
E. O. Graves dwlgtwo-storyfm with bk foundation Jefferson and Twelfth6500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
J. G. Scurry dwlgtwo-story stone and fm James and Tenth1500030000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Ben Hazeltine, George H. Heilbron double dwlgtwo-storyfm Terrace nr Eleventh9000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
W. V. Eldred dwlgtwo-story fm with stone foundation Ninth and Cherry3500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
W. V. Eldredbarntwo-storyfm Ninth and Cherry500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Mrs. Helen Grot four double tenementstwo-storyfm Eleventh and Washington22000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 4
Jack Ross dwlgtwo-storyfm Eleventh and Dearborn1400Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Jack Ross dwlgtwo-storyfm Eleventh and Dearborn450Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Jacob Furth dwlgtwo-storyfm with bk foundation Ninth and Terrace12000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Fire Engine housetwo-storyfm Main and Tenth7500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Mrs. Jette Davis row of five tenements Eleventh and Main11000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
King county courthouse three storiesstone bk and iron Eighth and Alder170000220000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Isaac Parker dwlgtwo-story fm with stone basement Eighth and Seneca200012000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
P. B. M. Miller dwlgtwo-storyfm Columbia nr Twelfth7000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
W. A. Robertson double tenementtwo-storyfm James and Tenth6000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Unknown three dwlgstwo-storyfm Ninth and Cherry2500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
P. McGinniss double tenementtwo-storyfm Weller and Tenth3000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Nick Hanna add to dwlgtwo-storyfm King nr Eleventh260Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
J. Barrett dwlgtwo-storyfm King and Eleventh500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
J. Barrett dwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm King and Eleventh300Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Fred Scholpp dwlgone-storyfm Tenth and B300Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
James Bogart dwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm Tenth and Norman800Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Washington Iron Works Co. pattern shop, storeroom and officetwo-storyfm Grant and B1000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
H. D. K. Hadenfeldt cooper shopone-storyfm Eighth and B600Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Emil Heiny imp on dwlgtwo-storyfm Eleventh and Dearborn150Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
H. A. Webster three dwlgsone-and-a-half-storyfm Tenth and Weber2400Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Mr. Brooks dwlgone-storyfm Twelfth nr Charles100Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
J. Irvin dwlgone-storyfm Eleventh and B400Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Robert Greenslade dwlgtwo-storyfm B and Eleventh700Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Cotterell & Co. store bldg one and a half storyfm Tenth and B1250Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Cotterell & Co. four dwlgstwo-storyfm Tenth and B1250Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Peter Rodeh dwlgone-story frame B and Tenth150Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
A. R. Pinyan store bldgone-storyfm Tenth and B200Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Louis Hennick butcher shopone-storyfm Tenth and B110Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Christian Gabriel dwlgtwo-storyfm Eleventh and Dearborn300Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Thomas Bosman dwlgone-storyfm350Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Hugh Tierney dwlgone-storyfm Twelfth and Norman500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Daniel Mahoney add to dwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm Twelfth500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Henry Smith dwlgone-storyfm Twelfth and Plummer400Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
John Mellington dwlgone-storyfm Twelfth and Charles150Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Michael Mayouck dwlgone-storyfm Twelfth nr Charles100Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
James Quinn store bldgtwo-storyfm Twelfth and Dearborn2000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Robert Fitzhoney dwlgtwo-storyfm Eleventh and Dearborn2500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Charles Carlson add to dwlgone-storyfm Eleventh and Dearborn150Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
James Morrison two dwlgstwo-storyfm Eleventh and Dearborn2000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
R. C. Morrison dwlgtwo-storyfm Eleventh and Dearborn1000Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
R. C. Morrison dwlg two storyfm Eleventh and Dearborn600Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
H. L. Yesler dwlgone-storyfm Yesler and Eleventh500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
James Gleason double tenementtwo-storyfm Jackson and Twelfth5300Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Mrs. M. G. Reitze dwlgone-and-one-half storyfm Lane and Twelfth900Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
A. A. Peterson dwlgtwo-storyfm Lane and Twelfth1200Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
James Newman dwlgtwo-storyfm Twelfth and Lane1500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
H. L. Yesler dwlgone-storyfm Yesler nr Eleventh500Between Third and Twelfth5 col 5
Day Nurserytwo-storyfm Madison nr Houghston3800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
G. A. Reich dwlgtwo-storyfm Kinney and Knight2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
J. McDonnell dwlgtwo-storyfm Kinney nr Knight1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Mrs. Anna Hope dwlgtwo-storyfm Broadway and Knight1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Samuel Ramsey dwlgtwo-story fm with stone foundation Marion and Twelfth9000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Ellen D. Bacon row of three tenementstwo-storyfm Twelfth and Weller10000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
W. S. Ritman three dwlgstwo-storyfm Houghston and Wilfred3500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
School bldgtwo-storyfm with bk basement Chestnut and Division20000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
M. F. Backus dwlgtwo-story fm with stone foundation Jefferson and Twelfth6500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Fruitvale Rose Company greenhousefm Division nr Madison1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
D. J. Tolbot imps on dwlg and basement fitted up for store room Madison nr Randolph2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
James Street & Trunk Line Railway Company power-housetwo-storybk Broadway and Jessie22000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Mr. McCabe two dwlgsone-and-a-half-storyfm Madison nr Houghston2800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Robert Albin row of six tenementstwo-storyfm Alton and Main6000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Market street school bldgbldgtwo-storyfm with bk basement Market and Lane21000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
School bldgbldgtwo-storyfm with bk basement Bush4500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
A. M. Cadian double tenementtwo-storyfm East and Lake3500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Seattle City Railway Co. paviliontwo-storyfm Lake Washington nr Yesler25000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Lewis Bruns dwlgtwo-storyfm Lake View and Yesler1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
S. B. Hicks double tenementtwo-storyfm Green nr Jackson6500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
P. J. Allen dwlgone-storyfm East nr Eaton550East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
J. Huff dwlgone-storyfm East nr Eaton550East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
H. S. Turner dwlgone-storyfm East nr Eaton550East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Chemical fire engine-housetwo-storyfm with bk foundation Terrace and Broadway6300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
W. R. Ballard dwlgtwo-storyfm with bk foundation Columbia and Twelfth9000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
W. R. Ballard barntwo-story fm and other imps Columbia and Twelfth1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Unknown dwlgone-storyfm Knight & Rose’s250East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Mrs. W. P. Armitage dwlgtwo-storyfm Kinney and Filbert2500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Andrew Johnson dwlgone-storyfm Kinney and Filbert1600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
W. E. Williams dwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm Kinney and Madison1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
C. Scott imps on dwlgone-storyfm Kinney and Madison300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
H. A. Fredrick dwlgtwo-storyfm Joy and Division3000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
H. A. Fredrick Barnone-and-a-half-storyfm Joy and Division300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
John Jehle three dwlgstwo-storyfm Rose and Division2700East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
M. R. Galloway dwlgone-storyfm Jones nr Division2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Henry Eilis dwlgthree-storyfm Rose and Filbert3500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Jacob Stavik dwlgone-storyfm Rose and Knight100East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
H. E. Kronnick dwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm Cloverdale1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Fred Sanders dwlgone-storyfm nr Cloverdale750East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Mrs. A. M. Stich dwlgtwo-storyfm with bk foundation Joy and Blakely3500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
P. P. Carroll dwlgtwo-storyfm Joy and Blakely5000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Mrs. Caroline Stevens dwlgtwo-storyfm Joy and Blakely3000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
L Monheimer dwlgtwo-storyfm Chestnut and Mastick4000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
J. Binswanger dwlgtwo-storyfm Chestnut and Mastick4000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
J. P. Thompson dwlgtwo-storyfm Hyde and Mastick6000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Miss Ida Springstead dwlgtwo-storyfm Hyde and Mastick2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Fred Lawrence dwlgone-storyfm Clara nr Mastick600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Conent & West double tenementtwo-storyfm Chestnut nr Knight3500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
J. B. C. Lockwood dwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm Chestnut and Division2500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
I. W. Bingham dwlgtwo-storyfm Chestnut and Division1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
William L. Ellls dwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm Division and Chestnut3000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
N. H. Thedinga dwlgtwo-storyfm Chestnut and Division2400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
N. H. Thedinga Barnone-and-a-hall-storyfm Chestnut and Division200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
P. P. Shaw dwlgone-storyfm McClair nr Willow1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
A. S. Hull dwlgone-storyfm Hyde and Knight250East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
L. Stockin dwlgone-and-one-half storyfm Hyde and Knight300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Henry Biersuer burnone-and-one-half storyfm Joy and Edes200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Samuel Kronnick double tenementtwo-storyfm Chestnut nr Knight3500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Edward Bruhst dwlgone-storyfm Randolph and Edes200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
D. E. van Dyke dwlgone-storyfm Willow and Jones400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
F. Keller dwlgone-storyfm Willow and Jones50East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
L. A. Barbee dwlgone-storyfm Chestnut and Edes185East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
A. S. Hanson dwlgone-storyfm Chesnut and Edes100East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Michael Ryan dwlgtwo-storyfm Chestnut and Edes700East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
L. M. Mathing dwlgone-storyfm Chestnut and Edes350East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
James Curtistwo-storyfm Jessie nr Broadway500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
J. L. Jenkins dwlgtwo-storyfm Houghton nr Weller1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
James Hamlin dwlgone-storyfm Williamson nr Wilford800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Wesley Todd dwlgone-storyfm Williamson nr Wilford800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
J. D. Meenach dwlgone-storyfm Williamson nr Wilford1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Charles Barton imps on dwlgthree-storyfm Washington nr Twelfth1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
William Delfel row of three tenementsone-storyfm Washington and Twelfth2500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Mrs. Sarah Schusinger dwlgtwo-storyfm Washington nr Twelfth2500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
E. Goodman row of three tenements two storyfm Yesler and Thirteenth5000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Stetson Bros. add to storeone-story fm and other imps Yesler and Thirteenth600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
John Wilson double tenementtwo-storyfm with bk foundation Main and Twelfth7500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
W. H. H. Green and J. H. Parting double dwlgtwo-storyfm Main and Twelfth5500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
Geo. Haisch four dwlgstwo-storyfm with bk foundation Main nr Fourteent9600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 5
James Sloandwigtwo-storyfmChestnut2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
J.M. Rosenbergdwigtwo-storyfm with bk foundationWashington and Twelfth5000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Mrs. Geniveve Farrardwigtwo-storyfm with bk foundationWashington and Twelfth3000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Mrs. Caroline E. Hall row of three tenementstwo-storyfmJackson and Fourteenth5000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Taylor & McCarteradds to double dwlgone-storyfmWeller and Twelfth500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
George W. Braytwo dwlgstwo-storyfmWeller and Fourteenth3200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Estate of W.C. Hill row of six tenementstwo-storyfm with bk basementTwelfth and Main20000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Estate of W.C. HillDouble tenementtwo-storyfm with bk basementMain nr Fourteenth7500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
G.G. Severeancedwlgtwo-storyfmJackson and Twelfth1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
George F. Dearborndwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmFourteenth nr Grand1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
J.A. Johnsondwlgtwo-storyfm with bk basementFifteenth nr Grand5000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
E. Atwooddwlgtwo-storyfm with bk basementFifteenth nr Pine3500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
E. Atwoodbarntwo-storyfmFifteenth nr Pine350East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
George Boyntondwlgtwo-storyfmSixteenth and Bay View3000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Thomas Flynn dwlgtwo-storyfmLane and Twelfth1600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Richard Fitzpatrickdwlgtwo-storyfmFourteenth and King1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
John Thaylerstore bldgtwo-storyfmJackson and Fourteenth1600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
E.H. Wilsonadd to dwlgtwo-storyfmWeller and Fifteenth500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Puget Sound Brick, Tile and Terra Cotta Worksbarntwo-storyfmLane and Fifteenth1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Puget Sound Brick, Tile and Terra Cotta WorksOffice, sheds etc. Lane and Fifteenth500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
John Wooddouble tenementtwo-storyfmFourteenth and Weller3500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Robert Croftdwlgtwo-storyfmBarclay and Williamson2500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Robert Croftdwlgtwo-storyfmHoughston and Barclay550East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
E. Gardnerdwlgtwo-storyfmWilliamson and Prince William250East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
C.A. Grahamdwlgtwo-storyfmWilliamson and Lake700East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
B. Finnigandwlgtwo-storyfmLake and Williamson1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
C. Flintdwlgtwo-storyfmWilliamson and Lake700East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Edward Stewartdwlgtwo-storyfmRandall and Rose200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Matthew Houlihandwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmEaton and Houghton1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
J.D. Morgandwlgone-storyfmHoughton and Eaton1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Unknowndwlgtwo-storyfmHoughton and Eaton900East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
John Kennydwlgone-storyfmHoughton and Battery1300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
G.W. Govedwlgone-storyfmWilliamson and Battery1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Davis & Butteryimps on dwlgtwo-storyfmJoy and Lake850East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Davis & Butterybarntwo-storyfmJoy and Lake300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
R. Wiltontwo dwlgstwo-storyfmRose nr Yule2400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
C.W. Lawtondwlgone-storyfmLake and Sixteenth1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
H.M. Harperdwlgone-storyfmPrince William250East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
E. Cullitydwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmPrince William and Rose700East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Unknowndwlgone-storyfmRose and Prince William150East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
W.N. Redfielddouble tenementtwo-storyfmJoy and Lake3300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
S. Briscodwlgtwo-storyfmChestnut and Lake700East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
W.B. LarimerBarnone-and-a-half-storyfmLake nr Chestnut300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
John CortBarnone-and-a-half-storyfmYesler and Chestnut500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
J.E. Breondwlgone-storyfmLake and Joy1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Frank Chavotdwlgtwo-storyfmLake and Joy1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Mrs. Strattondwlgtwo-storyfmJoy and Lake1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Mr. Readengerdwlgtwo-storyfmChestnut1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
W.E. & E.W. Jonesdwlgtwo-storyfmChestnut and Prince William1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Mrs. Hewettdwlgtwo-storyfmChestnut and Prince William2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
New England and Northwestern Investment Co.two double tenementstwo-storyfmChestnut near Lake6600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
New England and Northwestern Investment Co.Double tenementtwo-storyfmJoy and Lake3300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
New England and Northwestern Investment Co.Store and double tenementtwo-storyfmJoy and Lake4500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
New England and Northwestern Investment Co.dwlgtwo-storyfmJoy and Lake2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
G.B. Peaveydwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmEast and Lake700East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
John M. Tennythree double tenementstwo-storyfm with bk foundationSquire and Lake20000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Mrs. A. Baatzimpt on dwlgone-storyfmSquire and Lake450East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Charles Swensendwlgtwo-storyfmLake and Squire2650East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
S. Lawrencedwlgtwo-storyfmLake nr Squire2300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
J. Sutherlanddwlgtwo-storyfmPrince William and McClair1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
J. Sutherlanddwlgone-storyfmPrince William and McClair600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
George W. Nashdwlgtwo-storyfmPrince William and East1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Edward N. Atwooddwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmPrince William and Clara1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Dr. Ramseytwo dwlgstwo-storyfmClara and Prince William3600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Mr. Chasefour dwlgsone-and-a-half-storyfmPrince William and Clara2800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Mr. Chasedwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmEast and Lake700East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Henry Symonsdwlgone-storyfmMcClair150East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
P.G. Coppdwlgone-storyfmMcClair100East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
F.R. McLarendwlgtwo-storyfmMcClair and Eden900East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
W.T. Saulsdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmMcClair and Eden900East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Mr. Wilsondwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmMcClair and Eden900East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
W. Wellisdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmMcClair and Eden900East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
B.J. Boutwelldwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmEast650East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
William Noyesdwlgone-storyfmEast750East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Wickersham & Wickershamtwo dwlgsone-and-a-half-storyfmEast and Eaton1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
M. Welchstore bldgtwo-storyfmMcClair and Eaton900East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
J. Dyerdwlgone-storyfmMcClair100East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Mr. Colemandwlgone-storyfm150East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
John Segle dwlgsone-and-a-half-storyfm1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
John Segledwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm 400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
John Seglebarnone-and-a-half-storyfm100East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
M.B. Hardiedwlgone-storyfmMcClair150East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
M.B. Hardiebarnone-storyfmMcClair50East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Richard Malmgrendwlgtwo-storyfmEast and Remington700East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
C.C. McGrathdwlgone-storyfmEast and Remington150East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Thomas McMullendwlgtwo-storyfmCrawford and Lewis750East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Peter Reardondwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmCrawford and Lewis800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Fred Sandersdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmCrawford and Lewis800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
R.E. Orcharddwlgone-storyfmWindom200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
H.E. Gaughandwlgone-storyfmWindom200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
James McCrackendwlgone-storyfmMcClair200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
G.P. Hurddwlgtwo-storyfmLewis nr Yesler1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
George F. Mersdwlgtwo-storyfmPrince William and Lewis2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
George F. Mersdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmPrince William and Lewis700East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
George F. Mersdwlgone-storyfmPrince William and Lewis100East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
William McClellanstore bldgtwo-storyfmEden and Windon800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Mr. Beckdwlgtwo-storyfmEden and Windon900East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
William Allendwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmTaylor and Jackson1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
E.H. Polleydwlgtwo-storyfmTaylor and Main2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Mr. Medeaudwlgone-storyfmTaylor and Main1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
D.J. Reichertdwlgtwo-storyfmTaylor and Main1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Mrs. Woodsdwlgtwo-storyfmTaylor and Main1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
John McRaedwlgtwo-storyfmLewis nr Yesler1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
R.P. Mathewstwo dwlgstwo-storyfmWilford nr Yesler1400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
R.P. Mathewsfour dwlgstwo-storyfmWindon and Eden4800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
John E. Goodadd to dwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmFlorence nr Yesler800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
I.M Bransondwlgtwo-storyfmTaylor nr Yesler1600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
H.F. Phillipsdwlgtwo-storyfmTaylor nr Yesler3000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
G. GrotDouble tenementtwo-storyfmYesler and Sixteenth3000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
A.J. Youngtwo dwlgstwo-storyfmYesler and Sixteenth3200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
E.A. Ziebarthstone bldgtwo-storyfmYesler and Hyde2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Michael Searldwlgone-storyfmYesler and Clara300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
J.G. Nolopdwlgtwo-storyfmYesler and Clara3500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
C.E. Severancedwlgone-storyfmFlorence nr Yesler150East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Julius Andraedwlgone-storyfmYesler nr Fourteenth500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
F.G. Petersonstore bldgtwo-storyfmYesler and Fifteenth1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
J.W. Glasgowstore bldgtwo-storyfmYesler and Fifteenth1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
J.W. Glasgowadd to dwlgone-storyfmYesler and Fifteenth150East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
J.W. Glasgowbarnone-storyfmYesler and Fifteenth75East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
O.M Jonesdwlgtwo-storyfmYesler and Fifteenth2500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
J.O. Fisherdwlgtwo-storyfmWashington and Fifteenth1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Unknownimp on dwlgone-storyfmMain and Fourteenth100East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
H.J. Requadwlgtwo-storyfmWashington and Fourteenth1600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
I. Dairympledouble tenementtwo-storyfmWashington and Fourteenth1600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
P. Deutschcigar factorytwo-storyfmYesler nr Fourteenth400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
E. Cowandwlgtwo-storyfmMain and Fourteenth1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Arthur Clarkrow of three tenementstwo-storyfmMain and Fourteenth4500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
James McSorleydwlgtwo-storyfm with bk foundationWashington and Fourteenth1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Mr. Loucksdwlgthree-storyfmWashington and Fourteenth1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Stewart Leekiedwlgtwo-storyfmWashington and Fourteenth2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Henry Larsondwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmEast nr Jessie300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Henry LarsonbarnEast nr Jessie50East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
Gardner & Shawdwlgone-storyfmEast nr Jessie450East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 6
John McMullen dwlg two-story fm Lewis and Jessie1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Clarence Cook imp on dwlg two-story fm Jessie nr Lewis150East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
C. A. Hungate dwlg two-story fm McClair1300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Hilger & Williams two dwlgs two-story fm McClair near Willow3400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
John Pearson dwlg one-story fm McClair125East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
F. P. West dwlg one-story fm McClair and Bartley600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Unknown dwlg one-and-a-half-story McClair near Jessie700East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Archy Johnson dwlg one-story fm East nr Jessie250East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
P. P. Shaw dwlg two-story fm McClair and Willow2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
R. E. Cameron dwlg two-story fm McClair and Willow2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
R. E. Cameron dwlg two-story fm Windon and Edes1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
R. P. Mathews dwlg two-story fm Windon nr Edes1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
R. P. Mathews two dwlgs two-story fm McClair nr Willow2400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
A. J. F. Trudeau dwlg two-story fm McClair and Willow1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Charler [sic, Charles?] O. Larnord dwlg two-story fm McClair and Edes1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
F. A. Gardner dwlg two-story fm McClair and Edes2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
F. A. Gardner dwlg two story fm McClair and Willow1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
F. A. Gardner dwlg two-story fm McClair and Bartley1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
J. F. Brewer dwlg two story fm McClair and Edes2500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
J. F. Brewer barn one-story fm McClair and Edes200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
A. Johnson dwlg two-story fm McClair nr Willow900East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
L. M. Matthews four dwlgs two-story fm East and Knight5200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
L. M. Matthews two dwlgs two-story fm Knight st2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
L. M. Matthews dwlg two-story fm East near Jessie1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
R. H. Morgan dwlg two-story fm East and Knight1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
P. J. Pratt dwlg two-story fm Hyde and Willow1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
P. J. Pratt barn one-story fm Hyde and Willow300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
J. W. Dooley dwlg one-story fm East100East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Gardner, Shaw & Brewer two dwlgs two-story fm McClair and Edes2400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
A. B. Cuttler dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Lewis nr Knight500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
R. Pickering dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Lewis nr Knight500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
G. Starks dwlg oue-and-a-haif-story fm Lewis nr Knight500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
R. P. Mathews four dwlgs one-and-a-half story fm Lewis nr Knight2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
M. A. Zaepfel dwlg two-story fm Knight and Lewis1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
A. J. Witherell dwlg one-story fm Knight200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
W. H. Watson dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Knight400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Joseph England dwlg one-story fm Crawford and Lewis380East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
V. Lambert dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Crawford and Lewis600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Amos Friend dwlg two-story fm Crawford and Lewis1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Mr. Buquis dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Lewis400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
G. A. Upper dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Lewis nr Crawford400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
August Kuehn dwlg one-story fm Lewis nr Barclay300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
L. A. Keene dwlg one-story fm Lewis nr Willow300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
G. V. P. Lansing dwlg two-story fm Main and Sutter2800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Mr. Smith dwlg one-story fm Sutter and Main900East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Mr. Downey dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Main nr Sutter900East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Mr. Downey dwlg one-story fm Main nr Sutter400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
A. W. Pratt dwlg two-story fm Market and Main2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
P. W. Fuller double tenement two-story fm Market and Main4000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
P. S. Conrad dwlg two-story fm Sutter and Jackson1400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
A. M. Cale dwlg two-story fm Sutter and Main2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
T. B. Cory dwig two-story fm Sutter and Main2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
B. F. Smith dwlg one story fm Sutter and Main1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
W. R. Budden double tenement one-story fm Sutter and Main1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
D. S. Kelly double tenement two-story fm Sutler and Main2800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
A. E. Braymer dwlg two-story fm Main and Sutter2800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Anderson Bros. store bldg two-story fm Jackson and Bush8500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
B. W. Padley laundry one-story fm Jackson and Bush400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
John Kingston dwlg one-and-one-half story fm Jackson and Bush600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
G. W. Donbach dwlg two-story fm Bush and Main2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Martin Long dwlg two-story fm Bush and Main1300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Elmer Gouptel store two-story fm Jackson and Bush1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Sage Miller store one-story fm Sutter and King800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Sage Miller dwlg two-story fm Sutter and King2200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Daniels & Weed double tenement two story fm Market and Jackson3000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Mrs. M. A. Cox dwlg two-story fm Jackson and Bush1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Mr. Douglas dwlg two-story fm Bush and Jackson1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
A. Brown dwlg one-story fm Market and Lane1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
W. Lair Hill dwlg one-story fm Sutter and Lane2700East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
J. R. Hamilton two dwlgs two-story fm Sutter and Lane3500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
I. M. Dunn dwlg two-story fm Sutter nr Lane1300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
G. S. Sargent dwlg two-story fm Sutter and Lane2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Mrs. E. H. Canfleld dwlg two-story fm Sutter and King1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
T. J. McClanahan dwlg two-story fm Taylor and King2200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
T. J. McClanahan barn one-story Tm Taylor and King50East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Thomas O. Lindsay dwlg two-story fm Market and King4000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
John Elder double tenement two-story fm Market and King1300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Mrs. Lou Miles dwlg one-story fm Market and Lane1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
N. H. Martin dwlg two-story fm Market and Lane1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
F. P. Tustin dwlg two-story fm Market and Lane2500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
B. Jordan dwlg one-story fm Florence500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
A. Sinclair dwlg two-story fm Taylor and King2200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
J. F. McGrath dwlg one-story fm Taylor and King1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Mrs. F. M. Stetson dwlg two-story fm Wilfred and King2800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Mrs. F. M. Stetson two dwlgs one story fm Wilfred and King700East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Hing Lee laundry two-story fm Wilford and Jackson800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
James Buzard row three tenements one-story fm Wilford and Jackson1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
T. C. Pendleton two dwlgs two-story fm Taylor and King3000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
C. B. Beeson dwlg one-and-one-half-story fm Twenty-second and Nye2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Fay & O’Hara three dwlgs two-story fm Rainier add3000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
James Price dwlg one-story fm Rainier add150East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
J. F. Burcham dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Ingersoll900East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
W. D. McKnight dwlg two-story fm Cullen and Florence200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Hugh Ross dwlg two-story fm Cullen and Wilford250East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
C. Smith imps on dwlg one-story fm Pearl and Weller700East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Edward Lawler one-and-a-half-story fm Pearl and Weller300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Unknown dwlg one-story fm Pearl and Lane400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
O. F. Ruden dwlg one-story fm Pearl and Lane200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
G. H. Bartlett store bldg two-story fm Jackson and Pearl900East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Harry Muhl store bldg one-story fm Jackson nr Pearl600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
John Linguist dwlg one-story fm Taylor nr Elizabeth300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
C. A. Cram add to dwlg one-story fm Market and Lane200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
J. A. Gould dwlg two-story fm Sutter and Lane1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Mr. Bennett dwlg two-story fm Bush and Lane1300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
R. J. Johnson dwlg two-story fm Bush and Cullen1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
J. R. Rogan dwlg one-story fm Pearl and Weller250East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
R. W. Gibson dwlg one-story fm Pearl and Weller800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Mr. Clark dwlg two-story fm Wilford and Lane600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
R. F. Singleton add to dwlg two-story fm Wilford and Lane1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
J. W. LaSelle dwlg two-story fm Wilford and Lace1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Mr. Walch dwlg two-story fm Taylor nr Lane1400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Wilson Davidson dwlg two-story fm Elizabeth and Market1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
P. A. Albln dwlg one-story fm Taylor and Elizabeth800East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
E. O’Shea add to dwlg one-story fm Taylor and Orange350East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
E. H. Gleason dwlg one-story fm Elizabeth300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Lars Beeky dwlg one-and-one-half story Elizabeth and Wilford400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Charles Goseh dwlg one-story fm Charles and Wilford300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Unknown two dwlgs one-story fm Wilford250East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Thomas Ford dwlg one-story fm Orange and Taylor100East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
William McKnight dwlg two-story fm Orange and Taylor600East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
W. A. Bates dwlg two-story fm Orange and Wilford300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
F. F. Haubris dwlg one-story Wilford and Orange60East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Martin Denniston dwlg one-story Taylor450East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Frank Monroe dwlg one-story fm Taylor nr Orange700East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
James S. Mitchell dwlg one-story fm Market and Elizabeth1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
T. Kellogg dwlg two-story fm with bk foundation Market and Orange2500East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
T. Kellogg office one-story fm Market and Orange50East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Mrs. R. Dizard dwlg one-story fm Market and Orange1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
G. E. Lacy dwlg one-story fm Market and Orange400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
A. Pigard dwlg one-story fm Market and Orange125East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
W. M. Stanley dwlg two-story fm Market and Taylor300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
L. L. Christiansen barn one-story fm Alton nr Lane80East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
W. J. chapman dwlg two-story fm Alton and Florence400East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
Martin Murdock dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Pearl300East of Twelfth and South of Depot5 col 7
J. Wiestling row of three tenements two-story fm Market and Elizabeth2400East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Andrew Jackson dwlgtwo-story fm with bk basement Yesler and Yakima3000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
J. F. Ronald dwlg two-story fm Yakima and Main3000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Charles N. Evans dwlg one-story fm Temple and Maine1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
M. Kringel dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Pearl600East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Joseph Bennett dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Bush and Orange1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
E. E. Williams dwlg one-story fm Alton800East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
John R. Oakleydwlg one-story fm Alton300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
James Kelly dwlg one-story fm Greta nr Yesler300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
n P. Bennett dwlg two-story fm Green and Yesler3000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Unknown dwlg one-story fm Green nr Yesler1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Unknown dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Green nr Yesler2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
F. I. Blodgett dwlg two-story fm Yesler and Green2700East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
D. O’Hara double tenement two-story fm Rainier and Eaton3700East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
E. A. Cook dwlg two-story fm Rainier and Eaton2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Mr. Modine dwlg one-story fm Eaton and Rainier1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
James B. Howe dwlg one-story fm Wyckoff and Eaton1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
James B. Howe dwlg two-story fm Wyckoff and Eaton1300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Mr. Anderson dwlg two-story fm Yakima and Superior2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Mrs. S. Morris dwlg one-story fm Drexel900East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
C. A. White dwlg two-story fm with brick Sophia and Rainier6500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
L. A. Heinzerling dwlg two-story fm Lake View and Sophia 2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
F. Brooks dwlg two-story fm Wyckoff2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Erixon & Luker double tenement one-story fm Lake View and Superior1300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
LaSalle & Field dwlg two-story fm Yesler and Wyckoff2200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
LaSalle & Field dwlg two-and-a-half-story fm Yesler and Wyckoff2500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
John Wiley add to dwlg one story fm Wyckoff125East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Fred Rontendorf dwlg one-story fm Wyckoff425East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
John Thomsen dwlg one-story fm Wyckoff750East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Schoolhouse one-story fm Wyckoff750East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Mr. McMillan dwlg two-story fm Wyckoff2500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
E. H. Randall dwlg two-story fm Drexel1300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Frank Combs dwlg one-story fm Wyckoff500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Charles Caldwell dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Wyckoff nr Milwaukee700East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Dailey & Son dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Clarence nr Milwaukee900East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Ernst Bradbury dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Clarence nr Milwaukee1400East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
R. Stutsman dwlg one-and-a half-story fm Milwaukee and Aldine 150East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
M. A. Gray dwlg one-story fm Euclid125East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
William Northup dwlg one-story fm Euclid250East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Alexander Tinker dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Lakedale avenue400East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
F. C. Jewell dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Lakedale1100East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Mrs. Etta Ulin dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Lakedale600East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Thomas Harden add to dwlg two-story fm Clarence3000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
White Bros dwlg two-story fm Jackson and Yakima800East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Mrs. Cole store bldg two-story fm Jackson and Alton2800East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
E. Johnson dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Euclid200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
W. H. Clark dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Euclid250East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Hans Anderson dwlg one-story fm Euclid150East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
W. B. Gulliford dwlg one-story fm Euclid110East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
John Ritchie dwlg two-story fm Lakedale ave700East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
McNamara & Grady double tenement two-story fm Alton nr Jackson1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
A. J. Mayer dwlg two-story fm Yakima nr King1100East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
D. S. Kelly double tenement two-story fm Yakima and Jackson4500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
A. Pratt store bldg two-story fm Jackson aud Yakima1400East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
A. Pratt dwlg two-story fm Jackson aud Yakima500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
W. H. Jackson dwlg one-story fm Green and Florence275East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Lawrence Engle two dwlgs one-and-a-half-story fm Green and Florence1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
C. F. Stevens dwlg two-story fm Weller and Rainier900East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
C. F. Stevens dwlg one-story fm Weller and Rainier100East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
John Jones dwlg one-story fm Yakima nr Weller450East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Mrs. T. Goucher dwlg one-story fm Alton nr Lane250East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Levy Wintermute imps on dwlg two-story fm Rainier nr Chestnut400East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
C. A. weed dwlg one-story fm Yakima nr Chestnut500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Florence Donaghue dwlg one-story fm Green150East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Patrick Lavan dwlg one-story fm Green and Prince350East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Thomas Gaffney dwlg two-story fm Green nr Prince250East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Charles Hawky dwelling two-story fm Green nr Prince300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
A. D. Steele dwlg one-story fm Irving and Green50East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
H. M. Corrington dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Irving and Green100East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Unknown dwlg one-story fm Irving and Green100East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Thomas E. Davis dwlg one-story fm Chestnut and Yakima250East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
E. R. Laug dwlg one-story fm Rainier and Chestnut350East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Mr. Smith dwlg two-story fm Irving and Bush500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Ole Olson dwlg one-story fm Irving and Bush450East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
F. J. Middleton dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm same location400East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
C. H. Carrington dwlg one-story fm Irving and Green100East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Mrs. Emma Johnson dwlg one-story fm Irving and Green100East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Mathew Urany dwlg one-story fm Day200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
H. Schweers add to dwlg one-and-a-half story fm Day500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Mr Morey dwfa one-story fm Day200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Fred Brand dwlg one-story fm Day100East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
R. J. Johnson dwlg two-story fm Irving1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
W. R. McKnight dwlg one-story fm Irving and Bush500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Robert Hagan dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Irving nr Market300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
D. Forbes dwlg one-story fm Irving nr Market350East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Peter Jackson store bldg two-story fm Irving nr Market1150East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
W. P. Curwile dwlg one-story fm nr Irving and Market300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Edward Johnson dwlg one-story fm Irving and Market200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Albert Frase dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Fontenelle and Taylor600East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
George Cessna dwlg one-story fm Wilford nr Flemming230East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Richard Lindsey dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm same location400East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Emmett & Isaacson dwlg one-story fm Irving ave300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
William Herth add to dwlg two-story fm Irving ave nr Market800East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Mike Antonie dwlg one story fm Flemming and Bush350East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Mr. A. N. Ceis dwlg one-and-a-half story fm Hemming and Bush200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Coleman Flaherty dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Flemming350East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Henry Guard add to dwlg one-story fm Flemmlng200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
C. J. Anderson dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Fontenelle and Taylor800East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
F. Keller dwlg one-story fm Thirty-first and Pine200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
St. Boniface German Catholic Church one-story fm with basement for parsonage Frederick and Thirtieth1300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
F. Devolie dwlg one-story fm nr Bush300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Unknown three dwlg one-story fm nr Bush250East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Martin Bechel dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Flemming and Bush500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Fred Hilton dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Yakima and Davidson400East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Oscar Hilton dwlg one-story fm Yakima nr Davidson100East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Charles O. P. Otis dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Green400East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Samuel Wray dwlg two-story fm Green1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Walter Sweetman dwlg one-story fm Yakima400East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
H. Keller dwlg one-story fm Thirty-first and Pine150East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
James Sturteon dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Rainier 400East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
S. J. Fitts dwlg one-story fm Rainier150East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Mrs. P. C. Hawkins dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Lake View and Walnut1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
E. E. Kellogg dwlg two-story fm Yakima and Walnut700East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Georce James dwlg one-story fm Yakima and Davidson80East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
C. Coble dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Washington ave450East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
J. F. Winston dwlg one-story fm Baker500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
W. B. Sharp dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Baker700East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
W. L. Loy dwlg one-story fm Lake View300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
G. W. Hogle dwlg two-story fm Lake View1600East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
J. W Fitts dwlg one-story fm Rainier250East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Owen Duffy dwlg two-story fm Penn350East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
J. A Morris imps on dwlg one-story fm Chestnut and Rainier300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Unknown dwlg one-story fm Lake View150East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
E. W. Philpott dwlg one-story fm Washington ave200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
John Scott dwlg one-story fm Sherman ave300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
C. A. Johnson dwlg one-story fm Sherman ave200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
W. S. Adams dwlg two-story fm Lake View and Weller2000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
W. S. Adams puig one-story fm Lake View and Weller200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Unknown dwlg one-and-one-half story fm Weller and Lake View500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Planing milllumber sheds, planking, etc two-story fmRainier and Prince3000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
P Larson shed fm Rainier and Prince200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
J. F. Schertzer dwlg one-story fm Lake Washington foot Washington150East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Unknown dwlg one-story fm Lake Washington foot Washington50East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Jonathan A. Peebles dwlg one-story fm Park avenue400East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Jonathan H. Pritchard two dwlgs one-story fm Weller nr Lake View1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
McIntyre Bros. boat-house two-story fm Lake Washington foot Yesler1800East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
R. W. Riddell dwlg one-story fm Lake Washington nr Yesler200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Sears & Morris dwlg one-story fm Lake Washington nr Yesler125East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Unknown dwlg one-story fm Lake Washington nr Yesler100East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
G. B. Johnson boat-house two story fm Lake Washington nr Yesler900East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Mrs. Winnie Thomas store bldg two-story fm Lake Washington nr Yesler2500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 1
Geore Elsey dwlg two-story fm Clarence1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
Mrs. Junius Rochester three double tenements two-story fm nr Yesler ave9000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
J. W. McDonald store bldg fm Jackson and Taylor9000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
J. W. McDonald three dwlgs two-story fm Taylor nr Jackson9000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
W. C. Washington dwlg one-story fm Phelps nr Decatur150East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
John Cornelson dwlg one-story fm Decatur and Bucklas300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
Mr. Johnson dwlg one-story fm Massllion nr Phelps700East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
Mr. Harper dwlg one-story fm Massillon nr Phelps700East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
John Redick dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Choot and McLean700East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
Unknown dwlg two-story fm nr Choot and McLane500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
John Kill dwlg one-story fm Massillon300East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
August Bachman dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Massillon1000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
Madison street Cable Railway Company water tower bk and fm nr power-house Madison1200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
City of Seattle adds to pumping-house etc. fm Lake Washington25000East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
J. Hawley dwlg two-story fm Hyde and Edes1500East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
C. Owlds dwlg one-story fm Florence200East of Twelfth and South of Depot6 col 2
Herman Keltnar double tenement two-story fm Republican and Marion3000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Herman Keltnar dwlg one-story fm Republican and Marion200North of Depot Street6 col 2
John Dow dwlg two-story fm Republican and Marlon2000North of Depot Street6 col 2
J. A. Lebean dwlg one-story fm Leary150North of Depot Street6 col 2
Angus W. Young dwlg one-story fm Leary600North of Depot Street6 col 2
Sundee Bros. dwlg two-story fm Leary750North of Depot Street6 col 2
Frank B. Ball dwlg one-and-one-half-story fm Law450North of Depot Street6 col 2
Thomas Lough dwlg one-story fm Law450North of Depot Street6 col 2
J. C. Peterson dwlg two-story fm Smith8000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Joseph Rudderham dwlg two-story fm Beach1100North of Depot Street6 col 2
Trinity M. E. church parsonage two-story fm Victor nr Olympic2000North of Depot Street6 col 2
P. O’Shaughnessy dwlg two-story fm Banner nr High3000North of Depot Street6 col 2
William Phillips dwlg two-story fm Olympic nr Ann2000North of Depot Street6 col 2
J. S. Marble dwlg two-etory fm Elliott nr Sehott3500North of Depot Street6 col 2
Rev. C. J. 1 .arson dwlg two-story fm Ann and Elliott2800North of Depot Street6 col 2
H. L. Denny dwlg two-story fm Victor nr Mercer2500North of Depot Street6 col 2
S. E. Davis dwlg two-story fm Republican nr Victor2000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Mr. Bremset dwlg two-story fm Victor and Republican1100North of Depot Street6 col 2
F. Schultz dwlg one-story fm Victor nr Harrison100North of Depot Street6 col 2
Miss Lena Torbergson dwlg one-story fm Victor nr Harrison60North of Depot Street6 col 2
Unknown shop one-story fm water front foot Thomas1000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Dr. S. W. Carpenter dwlg two-story fm Banner and Mercer2000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Mrs. M. Starkey dwlg two-story fm Light and Republican1000North of Depot Street6 col 2
H. Gormeley dwlg two-story fm Light and Republican2500North of Depot Street6 col 2
Mrs. Sarah Steves dwlg two-story fm Light and Republican3800North of Depot Street6 col 2
Mrs. Sarah Steves row of three tenements two-story fm Light and Republican5000North of Depot Street6 col 2
W. H. Harmon two-story fm Republican nr Light2500North of Depot Street6 col 2
Mrs. A. Goldstine double tenement two-story fm Harrison and Kentucky3500North of Depot Street6 col 2
Wm. H. Hughes row of three tenements two-story fm Temperance nr Harrison4500North of Depot Street6 col 2
D. O’Leary two dwlgs two-story fm Temperance and John4000North of Depot Street6 col 2
James A. Hall dwlg two-story fm Depot and Temperance1200North of Depot Street6 col 2
O. Schillestad two dwlgs two-story fm Banner and Harrison3000North of Depot Street6 col 2
E. S. Burnell add to dwlg one-story fm Temperance and Mercer150North of Depot Street6 col 2
S. G. McLean hotel four-story fm Depot and Poplar9000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Mrs. Mary Calkins dwlg one-story fm Warren nr Depot785North of Depot Street6 col 2
Second Adventchurch one-story fm Warren and Depot350North of Depot Street6 col 2
L. B. Young dwlg two-story fm Warren and Harrison2200North of Depot Street6 col 2
Wilton & McAuslan dwlg two-story fm Harrison and Warren1650North of Depot Street6 col 2
William Denny dwlg two-story fm Harrison aud Warren1000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Methodist Protestant church one-story fm Warren and Republican7000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Methodist Protestant parsonage one-and-a-half-story fm Warren and Republican1500North of Depot Street6 col 2
Stewart Keenan dwlg one-and-one-half-story fm Tracy800North of Depot Street6 col 2
Mrs. Mary Cohus dwlg one-story fm Crocket500North of Depot Street6 col 2
Mrs. Mary Cohus barn one-story fm Crocket200North of Depot Street6 col 2
J. E. Fletcher dwlg one story fm Elliott nr West600North of Depot Street6 col 2
Benjamin Pauley dwlg one-story fm White200North of Depot Street6 col 2
L. G. McFarlane dwlg two-story fm Light nr Bradley2500North of Depot Street6 col 2
G. W. Scott dwlg two-story fm Bradley and Victory2500North of Depot Street6 col 2
L. B. Andrews dwlg three-story fm Swim and Marion10000North of Depot Street6 col 2
W. W. Swank dwlg two-story fm Marion and Second3000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Mrs. Fannie Crocker dwlg one-story fm Marion nr Second1500North of Depot Street6 col 2
Robert Porter dwlg one-story fm Elliott800North of Depot Street6 col 2
O. L. Dearborn dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Oak nr High500North of Depot Street6 col 2
R. J. Graham dwlg two-story fm Prospect and Warren8000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Miles Galliher dwlg two-story fm Kentucky and High6000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Mrs. A. Goldstine dwlg one-story fm Kentucky and Valley2500North of Depot Street6 col 2
H. C. Burke dwlg two-story fm Thomas nr Kentucky5000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Trinity Methodist Episcopalchurch one-story fm Kentucky nr Thomas1000North of Depot Street6 col 2
J. Whitehead two dwlgs two-story fm Mercer and Ash3000North of Depot Street6 col 2
J. F. McLaughlin dwlg one-story fm Ash and Thomas150North of Depot Street6 col 2
James Ajos dwlg two-story fm High nr Oak1000North of Depot Street6 col 2
O. P. Borseth dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Oak and Valley300North of Depot Street6 col 2
J. L. Spotts dwlg one-story fm Valley and Oak400North of Depot Street6 col 2
Daniel Bagley dwlg two-story fm Oak nr High1100North of Depot Street6 col 2
R. Haskell dwlg two-story fm Thomas and Poplar1200North of Depot Street6 col 2
A. D. Austin dwlg two-story fm Thomas and Poplar2500North of Depot Street6 col 2
A. D. Austin dwlg two-story fm Thomas and Poplar2000North of Depot Street6 col 2
David Graham dwlg two-story fm Oak and Thomas1300North of Depot Street6 col 2
David Graham dwlg two-story fm Oak and Thomas2000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Dr. J. D Morris two dwlgs two-story fm on Oak and Thomas5000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Dr. J. D Morris two dwlgs two-story fm on Oak and Thomas4000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Dr. J. D Morris two dwlgs two-story fm Ash and Thomas3500North of Depot Street6 col 2
Joseph Daoust dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Ash and Harrison1700North of Depot Street6 col 2
Dr. A. Devoe dwlg two-story fm with bk foundation Oak and Thomas1500North of Depot Street6 col 2
W. W. Swank row of six tenements two story fm Poplar and John9000North of Depot Street6 col 2
George M. Runkle dwlg two-and-a-half story fm with bk foundation Poplar nr Harrison900North of Depot Street6 col 2
C. C. Reynolds dwlg two-story fm Poplar and Harrison1800North of Depot Street6 col 2
C. C. Reynolds store bldg two-story fm Poplar and Harrison2000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Thomas Engleker row of three tenements two-story fm Box and Thomas2500North of Depot Street6 col 2
Peter Nehrbaas dwlg two-story fm Box nr Thomas2000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Unknown row of three tenements two story fm Box and John2000North of Depot Street6 col 2
A. Crook dwlg two-story fm Box and John1500North of Depot Street6 col 2
W. L. Green dwlg two-story fm Box and Depot2200North of Depot Street6 col 2
John Nestor double tenement two-story fm Ash nr Harrison8000North of Depot Street6 col 2
J. T. Cady dwlg one-and-one-half-story fm Farragut and Willow1500North of Depot Street6 col 2
Thomas Hopkins add to dwlg one-story fm Farragut and Willow120North of Depot Street6 col 2
B. N. McIntosh dwlg two-story fm Box and Thomas2000North of Depot Street6 col 2
R. C. Oates store bldg two-story fm Box and Mereer1200North of Depot Street6 col 2
Mr. Ames dwlg two-story fm Willow and Mercer1500North of Depot Street6 col 2
William Wagner dwlg two-story fm with bk foundation Willow nr Mercer1000North of Depot Street6 col 2
William Wagner dwlg two-story fm Willow nr Mercer1500North of Depot Street6 col 2
C. J. Ernst dwlg two-story fm Willow nr High1200North of Depot Street6 col 2
John Spencer two dwlgs two-story fm High and Willow2600North of Depot Street6 col 2
David Lansburg add to dwlg one-story fm Willow50North of Depot Street6 col 2
M. F. Youngs dwlg two-story fm Willow nr Depot400North of Depot Street6 col 2
B. F. Bell two dwlgs one-story fm John nr Willow700North of Depot Street6 col 2
Alexander Williamson dwlg two-story fm Willow nr Thomas1800North of Depot Street6 col 2
Harry Daniels two-story fm Harrison and Willow2000North of Depot Street6 col 2
William Anderson dwlg two-story fm with bk foundation Willow and Harrison1800North of Depot Street6 col 2
S. Ebert dwlg one-story fm Willow and Republican800North of Depot Street6 col 2
John Ekstrand dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Republican nr Birch1000North of Depot Street6 col 2
A. E. Hauser dwlg two-story fm Thomas and Lombard1800North of Depot Street6 col 2
B. A. Anderson imps on store bldg two-story fm Depot and Willow550North of Depot Street6 col 2
August Schone row of four tenements two-story fm Birch and John7000North of Depot Street6 col 2
Wm. Good dwlg two-story fm with bk foundation Birch and John1400North of Depot Street6 col 2
Wm. Good Barn one-and one-half story fm Birch and John150North of Depot Street6 col 2
J. A. Gresham dwlg two-story fm Lake nr Thomas1000North of Depot Street6 col 2
J. A. Gresham dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Lake nr Thomas500North of Depot Street6 col 2
Dr Hall two dwlgs two-story fm Lake nr Thomas2400North of Depot Street6 col 2
Fred Mecklenburg dwlg two-story fm Lake and Birch600North of Depot Street6 col 2
Mrs. L. G. Haviland row of three tenements two-storyfm Lombard and John5000North of Depot Street6 col 2
J. Lyon add to dwlg two-story fm Lombard and John1000North of Depot Street6 col 2
L. Rassmussen dwlg two-story fm Farm and John1200North of Depot Street6 col 2
D. Grhaham dwlg one-story fm400North of Depot Street6 col 2
W. A. Flindall imps on store bldg three-story fm Depot and Farm1500North of Depot Street6 col 2
T. H. Ryckman dwlg two-story fm John nd Vine2000North of Depot Street6 col 2
J. P. Nelson dwlg two-story fm Birch and Harrison1300North of Depot Street6 col 3
J. P. Nelson dwlg two-story fm Birch and Harrison800North of Depot Street6 col 3
F. W. Layton dwlg one-and-one-half-story fm Dexter nr Harrison1200North of Depot Street6 col 3
Mr. Moore double tenement two-story fm Dexter nr Thomas3000North of Depot Street6 col 3
Julius Stull dwlg one-story fm Dexter and Harrison100North of Depot Street6 col 3
Patrick Gallagher dwlg two-story fm Dexter nr Thomas800North of Depot Street6 col 3
Oscar Erickson dwlg two-and-a-half-story fm Thomas and Lombard1000North of Depot Street6 col 3
Leslie Maxwell dwlg two-story fm High and Lombard1700North of Depot Street6 col 3
Leslie Maxwell dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Farm and High1000North of Depot Street6 col 3
F. M. McCombs dwlg two-story fm Valley and Farm1800North of Depot Street6 col 3
F. M. McCombs double tenement two-story fm Valley and Farm2900North of Depot Street6 col 3
Taylor Bros. barn one-story fm nr Harrison and Orion250North of Depot Street6 col 3
W. Taylor add to dwlg two-story fm Orion and Thomas300North of Depot Street6 col 3
H. F. Heuss dwlg two-story fm Orion nr Thomas3500North of Depot Street6 col 3
H. F. Heuss barn two-story fm Orion nr Thomas100North of Depot Street6 col 3
Bert Ibland dwlg two-story fm Orange and Garfield1000North of Depot Street6 col 3
William C. Bowen dwlg two-story fm Lombard and Prospect1000North of Depot Street6 col 3
Miss Larson and Mrs. Hillstad dwlg two-story fm Lombard nr High1150North of Depot Street6 col 3
W. S. Freeman dwlg two-story fm Lombard and High2800North of Depot Street6 col 3
W. S. Freeman dwlg two-story fm High and Lombard2000North of Depot Street6 col 3
W. S. Freeman barn one-story fm High and Lombard200North of Depot Street6 col 3
Unknown double tenement one-story fm Republican and Orion500North of Depot Street6 col 3
A. L. Brand dwlg one-story fm Orange and James150North of Depot Street6 col 3
E. J. Gould dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Orange500North of Depot Street6 col 3
J. F. Pike dwlg two-story fm Lincoln and Blaine2000North of Depot Street6 col 3
C. C. Adams two dwlgs two-story fm St. Jacob and Blaine1600North of Depot Street6 col 3
James King dwlg one-story fm St. Jacob and Blaine300North of Depot Street6 col 3
Larson Bros. dwlg one-story fm Orange and Garfield250North of Depot Street6 col 3
E. Olson dwlg two-story fm Farm and Farragut600North of Depot Street6 col 3
H. W. Jones double tenement two-story fm Lombard and Paine2000North of Depot Street6 col 3
C. P. Adams dwlg two-story fm Paine nr Lombard800North of Depot Street6 col 3
F. A. Moore dwlg one-story fm Lombard and Paine600North of Depot Street6 col 3
J. D. Smith dwlg two-story fm Knob and Garfield2500North of Depot Street6 col 3
John F. Jones dwlg two-story fm nr Knob and Garfield1000North of Depot Street6 col 3
George Palmer add to dwlg one-story fm nr Orange and James50North of Depot Street6 col 3
J. S. Maggs barn one-and-a-half-story fm Dexter100North of Depot Street6 col 3
M. A. Snyder barn one-and-a-half-story fm Dexter80North of Depot Street6 col 3
H. Meckleson add to dwlg two-story fm Dexter140North of Depot Street6 col 3
P. R. Suga add to dwlg one-story fm Farm60North of Depot Street6 col 3
O. E. Ringdahl dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Dexter and Pratt900North of Depot Street6 col 3
O. E. Ringdahl barn one-story fm Dexter and Pratt60North of Depot Street6 col 3
Erik Wicklund dwlg one-a half-story fm Farm nr Pratt1000North of Depot Street6 col 3
T. B. Rainey dwlg two-story fm Harvard nr Harrison3800North of Depot Street6 col 3
K. C. Ward dwlg two-story fm Harvard nr Harrison4000North of Depot Street6 col 3
George K. Beede pavilion one-story fm Madison, Lake Washington12000North of Depot Street6 col 3
George K. Beede pleasure houses and other imp Madison, Lake Washington9000North of Depot Street6 col 3
Seattle Base Ball Club grand stand fm fm Madison nr Lake Washington1000North of Depot Street6 col 3
Tourville Bros. two dwlgs one-story fm Carrie and Lewis1500North of Depot Street6 col 3
J. H. Hawley dwlg two-story fm Boulevard1200North of Depot Street6 col 3
Union Water Co. shed fm Boulevard140North of Depot Street6 col 3
A. Johnson dwlg two-story fm Dexter and Blaine500North of Depot Street6 col 3
James Riffe dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Dexter and Blaine300North of Depot Street6 col 3
Jacob Friedlander add to dwlg two-story fm Dexter nr Blaine1000North of Depot Street6 col 3
John Hester dwlg one-story fm Dexter and Blaine450North of Depot Street6 col 3
Charles Schuck dwlg one-story fm Rollin nr Harrison600North of Depot Street6 col 3
Charles Lilley two dwlgs one-story fm Rollin nr Harrison1500North of Depot Street6 col 3
J. R. Taylor dwlg one-story fm Rollin nr Harrison600North of Depot Street6 col 3
Western Mill Co. planing mill two-story fm Mercer and Bismarck2500North of Depot Street6 col 3
Western Mill Co. warehouse two-story fm Mercer and Bismarck800North of Depot Street6 col 3
Western Mill Co. barn two-story fm Mercer and Bismarck1000North of Depot Street6 col 3
Western Mill Co. imp other bldgs Mercer and Bismarck1200North of Depot Street6 col 3
Walter Graham double tenement two-story fm Rollin and Filbert1500North of Depot Street6 col 3
J. C. Thompson double tenement two-story fm Rollin nr John1500North of Depot Street6 col 3
John Friedhoff dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Bismarck and John700North of Depot Street6 col 3
Unknown dwlg one-story fm Bismarck nr John400North of Depot Street6 col 3
James Ellis dwlg three-story fm Bismarck nr John4000North of Depot Street6 col 3
D. McLean dwlg one-story fm Rollin and John200North of Depot Street6 col 3
Andrew Hanson dwlg one-story fm Moltke nr Harrison400North of Depot Street6 col 3
S. F. Ticknor dwlg one-story fm Moltke and Thomas500North of Depot Street6 col 3
J. M. Quigley dwlg one-story fm Moltke and Depot1000North of Depot Street6 col 3
William Baunton store one story fm cor Rollin and John500North of Depot Street6 col 3
William Baunton double tenement two-story fm cor Rollin and John2500North of Depot Street6 col 3
William Baunton born one-story fm cor Rollin and John50North of Depot Street6 col 3
Mr. Hilauf tenement three-story fm Rollin and John1800North of Depot Street6 col 3
J. P. Lawrence dwlg two-story fm Prohibition and Sixth2750North of Depot Street6 col 3
R. Rassmussen dwlg fm Sixth and Prohibition250North of Depot Street6 col 3
E. E. Rothwell dwlg one-story fm Sixth and Prohibition150North of Depot Street6 col 3
Edward Dwyer add to dwlg one-story fm Prohibition and Sixth200North of Depot Street6 col 3
S. H. Reynolds dwlg one-story fm Moltke and Republican125North of Depot Street6 col 3
Dr. O. G. Root double tenement two-story fm Moltke and Harrison1400North of Depot Street6 col 3
George W. Alexander imp on dwlg two-story fm Prohibition and Thomas400North of Depot Street6 col 3
W. J. Colkett add to dwlg two-story fm Prohibition and Thomas700North of Depot Street6 col 3
J. C. Franson dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Fifth and Rook600North of Depot Street6 col 3
Nels Anderson dwlg one-story fm Fifth and Rook80North of Depot Street6 col 3
S. N. Soranson dwlg one-and-one-half-story fm Prohibition and Fifth600North of Depot Street6 col 3
H. E. Fredrickson dwlg one-story fm Prohibition and Fifth1000North of Depot Street6 col 3
J. B. Mosette two dwlgs one-story fm Fifth and Rook1300North of Depot Street6 col 3
Mrs. M. A. Morse dwlg two-story fm Lincoln aud Second4000North of Depot Street6 col 3
James Baxter dwlg two-story fm Lincoln and Second2000North of Depot Street6 col 3
James Baxter dwlg two-story fm Lincoln and Second1600North of Depot Street6 col 3
Patrick Walsh dwlg two-story fm Prohibition2300North of Depot Street6 col 3
T. M. Cranney add to dwlg one-story fm Prohibition75North of Depot Street6 col 3
W. J. Dougherty dwlg two-story fm Prohibition and Thomas2000North of Depot Street6 col 3
W. J. Dougherty dwlg two-story fm Prohibition and Thomas2000North of Depot Street6 col 3
W. J. Dougherty dwlg one-story fm Prohibition and Thomas400North of Depot Street6 col 3
J. Goulett two dwlgs one-story fm Rook and sixth1000North of Depot Street6 col 3
J. Brower dwlg one-story fm Lincoln nr Sixth800North of Depot Street6 col 3
E. R. Smith dwlg one-story fm Lincoln70North of Depot Street6 col 3
T. T. Newman dwlg one-story fm Lincoln aud Harrison125North of Depot Street6 col 3
A. C. Netson dwlg one-story fm Lincoln and Harrison100North of Depot Street6 col 3
Mr. Green dwlg one-story fm Lincoln nr Harrison75North of Depot Street6 col 3
M. D. Baltfour dwlg one-story fm Lincoln nr Harrison300North of Depot Street6 col 3
W. H. Bow two dwlgs one-story fm Fountain aud Elaine2000North of Depot Street6 col 3
M. Clericus hotel two-story fm Almy and Elaine3000North of Depot Street6 col 3
D. Conroy dwlg one-story fm Almy and Albert650North of Depot Street6 col 3
R. Damus dwlg two-story fm Almy and Albert750North of Depot Street6 col 3
A. Schultz dwlg one-story fm Lincoln nr Grange100North of Depot Street6 col 3
Mills and Randall dwlg two-story fm Grange nr Lincoln800North of Depot Street6 col 3
A. McIntosh row of three dwlgs one-and-one-half-story fm Sixth and Rook2400North of Depot Street6 col 3
P. H. Felitz one-story fm Aloha and Elaine425North of Depot Street6 col 3
Andrew Grimset dwlg two-story fm Elaine and Aloha1500North of Depot Street6 col 3
Martin Vivian two dwlgs one-story fm Elaine and Aloha1500North of Depot Street6 col 3
Captain W. H Clough two-story fm Fountain nr Elaine2200North of Depot Street6 col 3
George W. Fifield dwlg two-story fm Fountain and Elaine2200North of Depot Street6 col 3
John Herring dwlg two-story fm Fountain and Elaine2200North of Depot Street6 col 3
S. W. Clark double tenement two-story fm Howard nr Depot6000North of Depot Street6 col 3
Fred Bessonhoff add to dwlg two-story fm Howard nr Depot1000North of Depot Street6 col 3
Watson Spencer two dwlgs one-story fm Harrison nr Howard2000North of Depot Street6 col 3
W. S. Lane two dwlgs two-story fm Albert nr Fifth4000North of Depot Street6 col 3
W. S. Lane dwlg one-and-a-half-story fm Albert nr Fifth1300North of Depot Street6 col 3
Jensen & Koch two dwlgs two-story fm Albert and Sixth2200North of Depot Street6 col 3
E. Moody dwlg two-and-a-half-story fm Lake nr Filbert1500North of Depot Street6 col 3
L. Schiemann dwlg one-story fm Lake nr Mercer1500North of Depot Street6 col 3
George Meister row of five dwlgs one-story fm Fifth and Howard1500North of Depot Street6 col 3
J. Selby row of six dwlgs two-story fm Fifth and Harrison8400North of Depot Street6 col 3
Charles Stakes dwlg one-story fm Grange and Lincoln250North of Depot Street6 col 3
Frank Labounty dwlg two-story fm Grange and Lincoln2500North of Depot Street6 col 3
J. O. Smith dwlg two-story fm Elaine and Grange1000North of Depot Street6 col 3
A. Johnson double tenement two-story fm Albert and Aloha2500North of Depot Street6 col 3
Mrs. Emma Conradsentwo dwlgs one-story fm Lake nr Mercer1800North of Depot Street6 col 3
Mrs. P. A. Knox store-bldg two-story fm Depot and Howard3500North of Depot Street6 col 3
E. F. Drake double tenement one-and-a-half-story fm Albert nr Third1800North of Depot Street6 col 3
F. C. Walker dwlg two-story fm Albert and Third1400North of Depot Street6 col 3
A. C. Bowman dwlg two-story fm Albert and Harrison3000North of Depot Street6 col 3
I.W. Entzdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmAlbert and Harrison1800North of Depot Street6 col 4
Jose & Sondwlgthree-storyfmAlbert and Harrison1600North of Depot Street6 col 4
Olaf Hogandwlgone-storyfmLake nr Filbert700North of Depot Street6 col 4
C.W. Longuinadd to dwlgone-storyfmHall nr Harrison50North of Depot Street6 col 4
Pilgrim Congregational churchadd to parsonagetwo-storyfmHall nr Harrison800North of Depot Street6 col 4
Livingston & Burnsdwlgtwo-storyfmHall nr Harrison800North of Depot Street6 col 4
C.A. Spriggsdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmAlbert and Depot450North of Depot Street6 col 4
M.J. Lutsdouble tenementtwo-storyfmAlbert and Second3000North of Depot Street6 col 4
T.P. Dyertwo dwlgsone-and-a-half-storyfmAlbert and Second3500North of Depot Street6 col 4
H.F. Comptondwlgone-storyfmMary and Harrison750North of Depot Street6 col 4
H.V.B. Beandwlgone-storyfmMary and Third2700North of Depot Street6 col 4
William Sachsdwlgtwo-storyfmEverett and Third1600North of Depot Street6 col 4
Chris Paachdwlgtwo-storyfmEverett and Third1000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Fred Cordsdwlgone-storyfmEverett nr Third750North of Depot Street6 col 4
H. Benkedwlgone-storyfmEverett nr Harrison800North of Depot Street6 col 4
Thomas B. Morrisseytwo dwlgsone-storyfmEverett and Harrison1000North of Depot Street6 col 4
G.G. Bradnerdwlgtwo-storyfmEverett and Oak2800North of Depot Street6 col 4
Joshua Audettdwlgtwo-storyfm with stone foundationMary and Hillside5000North of Depot Street6 col 4
V. Hugo Smithdwlgtwo-storyfm with stone foundationMary and Hillside2600North of Depot Street6 col 4
V. Hugo Smithdwlgtwo-storyfmMary and Oak2500North of Depot Street6 col 4
V. Hugo Smithbarnone-storyfmsame location150North of Depot Street6 col 4
W. Frenchdwlgtwo-storyfmMary and Harrison1600North of Depot Street6 col 4
J.H. Kunziedwlgtwo-storyfmChestnut and Harrison4400North of Depot Street6 col 4
Charles W. Wrightdwlgtwo-storyfmChestnut and Harrison4500North of Depot Street6 col 4
Seattle Trust Companywater tower70ft highfmBroadway nr Fifth800North of Depot Street6 col 4
M. Bullettedwlgtwo-storyfmBroadway and Sixth1000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Frank Whitmoreimps on dwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmBroadway and Sixth150North of Depot Street6 col 4
Frank Smithdwlgtwo-storyfmEuclid2000North of Depot Street6 col 4
G.A. Hermanndwlgone-storyfmLiberty nr Harrison100North of Depot Street6 col 4
Charles McNeilldwlgone-storyfmBroadway nr Harrison125North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mrs. H.A. Pinckneydwlgtwo-storyfmBroadway and Depot1000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mrs. Mary Gri wolddwlgone-and-one-half-storyfmBancroft and Broadway1000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Frank Hollenburgdwlgone-storyfmBroadway and Depot700North of Depot Street6 col 4
Robert Stanforddwlgone-storyfmChestnut nr Harrison1000North of Depot Street6 col 4
F.I. Ricketsondwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmJones and Republican2500North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mrs. E.M. Walthewdwlgtwo-storyfmMitchell and Mercer1650North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mr. Laymandwlgone-storyfmnr Frank and Harrison1000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Patrick Flynndwlgtwo-storyfmLiberty and Harrison400North of Depot Street6 col 4
Unknowndwlgtwo-storyfmLiberty and Harrison1500North of Depot Street6 col 4
C.C. Applingdwlgone-storyfmBroadway nr Harrison125North of Depot Street6 col 4
W.T. Walkerdwlgone-storyfmBroadway nr Harrison100North of Depot Street6 col 4
John Lamontdouble tenementtwo-storyfmHyde and Depot2500North of Depot Street6 col 4
W.K. Fullerdwlgone-storyfmChestnut and Depot1500North of Depot Street6 col 4
E.A. Starrdwlgone-storyfmMitchell and Jones800North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mr. Devindwlgone-storyfmFrank nr Harrison1200North of Depot Street6 col 4
F. Burrowsdwlgone-storyfmFrank and Harrison500North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mrs. Charlotte Kreagerdwlgtwo-storyfmFrank and Harrison1800North of Depot Street6 col 4
C.O. Brinleydwlgtwo-storyfmFrank and Harrison2000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Rees P. Danielsdwlgtwo-storyfmTemperance and Bradley5000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Women’s Homehomethree-and-a-half-storybk and fmPoplar nr Mercer10000North of Depot Street6 col 4
C.C. Bagleydwlgtwo-storyfmHigh and Ash1300North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mrs. L.A. Thompsondwlgtwo-storyfmElliott nr Swim3000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Gustave Falkdwlgone-storyfmRose and Talbot400North of Depot Street6 col 4
J.R. Andrewsdwlgone-storyfmChestnut and Talbot550North of Depot Street6 col 4
R.M. Crawforddwlgone-storyfmChestnut and Talbot3000North of Depot Street6 col 4
B. O’Haradwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmHyde nr Talbot2800North of Depot Street6 col 4
George Hartigdwlgtwo-storyfmHyde nr Talbot3000North of Depot Street6 col 4
John E. Bigelowdwlgone-storyfmHyde and Depot2000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Thomas Brynesdwlgtwo-storyfmMadison and Rose5000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Woodhouse Bros.storetwo-storyfmMadison and Randolph2800North of Depot Street6 col 4
Woodhouse Bros.barnone-and-a-half-storyfmsame location200North of Depot Street6 col 4
John Parkinsondwlgtwo-storyfmMadison and Rose5000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mrs. Stetsondwlgtwo-storyfmJoy and Madison3000North of Depot Street6 col 4
W.O. Camedwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmJoy nr Blakely2300North of Depot Street6 col 4
M. McMackindwlgtwo-storyfmJoy nr Blakely7500North of Depot Street6 col 4
H.L. Rochelledwlgtwo-storyfmRandolph and Gould1300North of Depot Street6 col 4
P. Clausendwlgone-storyfmGould and Randolph100North of Depot Street6 col 4
Gust Olsondwlgone-storyfmRandolph and Gould250North of Depot Street6 col 4
J.O. Johnsondwlgone-storyfmRandolph and Gould300North of Depot Street6 col 4
Henry Detmardwlgone-storyfmRandolph and Gould225North of Depot Street6 col 4
H.J. Blaiserow of three tenementstwo-storyfmGould nr Rose3000North of Depot Street6 col 4
B. Marshalldwlgtwo-storyfm with bk basementRose and Gould250North of Depot Street6 col 4
E.H. Shnmwayadd to dwlgone-storyfmMadison and Randolph400North of Depot Street6 col 4
Unknownrow of three tenementstwo-storyfmRandolph and Blakely3000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Henry Petersonstore bldgtwo-storyfmMadison and Blakely4000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mrs. Margaret Hyattdwlgone-storyfmJones nr Blakely450North of Depot Street6 col 4
John Westdwlgone-storyfmRandolph nr Blakely700North of Depot Street6 col 4
John Westdwlgone-storyfmsame location450North of Depot Street6 col 4
James R. Chisholmdwlgone-storyfmDivison and Broadway400North of Depot Street6 col 4
Uknownimps on four dwlgsone-storyfmBroadway nr Division750North of Depot Street6 col 4
Uknownbarnone-storyfmDivision nr Broadway100North of Depot Street6 col 4
Hiram Runnelsdwlgtwo-storyfmMadison nr Kenny1500North of Depot Street6 col 4
Hiram Runnelsdwlgtwo-storyfm with bk foundationRandolph and Blakely2300North of Depot Street6 col 4
Hiram Runnelsbarn and other out buildingsones-storyfmsame location400North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mr. Hamlindwlgone-storyfmKenny nr Madison700North of Depot Street6 col 4
M. Stewartthree store bldgstwo-storyfmMadison and Natches4500North of Depot Street6 col 4
Robert Sillmandwlgone-storyfmNatches nr Depot800North of Depot Street6 col 4
James Weaverlingadd to dwlgone-and-one-half-storyfmNatches nr Depot700North of Depot Street6 col 4
W.F. Selickdwlgone-storyfmNatches nr Depot600North of Depot Street6 col 4
A.G. Petersondwlgtwo-storyfmNatches nr Depot1000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Wheeler & Culbertsondwlgtwo-storyfmHyde and John1500North of Depot Street6 col 4
John drummerhousedwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmJohn and Natches800North of Depot Street6 col 4
O.P. Egandwlgtwo-storyfmnr Depot and Natches250North of Depot Street6 col 4
Unknowndwlgone-storyfmDepot nr Natches500North of Depot Street6 col 4
Unknowndwlgone-storyfmsame location700North of Depot Street6 col 4
George Winehartdwlgtwo-storyfmWilford and Depot300North of Depot Street6 col 4
B.M. Bucklanddwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmWilford and Depot900North of Depot Street6 col 4
F. Andrewdwlgtwo-storyfmWindom1000North of Depot Street6 col 4
F. Andrewbarntwo-storyfmsame location200North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mrs. A. Rickardsdwlgone-storyfmMcLane400North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mrs. Snowdendwlgone-storyfmMcLane350North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mrs. Snowdenbarntwo-storyfmsame location100North of Depot Street6 col 4
T. Lyledwlgone-storyfmnr Massilon and Jones1600North of Depot Street6 col 4
W.A. Halldwlgtwo-storyfmHyde and John1600North of Depot Street6 col 4
N.S. Andersontwo dwlgstwo-storyfmWindom and Cascade3000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Hugh Felitzdwlgone-storyfmLewis and Madison500North of Depot Street6 col 4
A.J. Baker dwlgone-storyfmMadison and Cloverdale1200North of Depot Street6 col 4
A.J. Baker two dwlgstwo-storyfmsame location3000North of Depot Street6 col 4
Charles Reesedwlgone-storyfmCloverdale and Madison200North of Depot Street6 col 4
J.A. Dozierdwlgone-storyfmWindom300North of Depot Street6 col 4
Thomas Rockdwlgtwo-storyfmWindom1500North of Depot Street6 col 4
C.E. Pattersondwlgtwo-storyfmMadison and McLain1000North of Depot Street6 col 4
W. Redleydwlgtwo-storyfmMadison nr McLane900North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mr. Butlerdwlgtwo-storyfmMadison nr McLane1000North of Depot Street6 col 4
John r. Lullivandwlgtwo-storyfmCarrie nr Madison1000North of Depot Street6 col 4
J.G. Blakedwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmCarrie and Lewis1350North of Depot Street6 col 4
J. Burkedwlgone-storyfmChester and Madison400North of Depot Street6 col 4
George Tolocksondwlgone-storyfmChester and Madison100North of Depot Street6 col 4
E.D. bensonadd to dwlgone-storyfmChester and Madison50North of Depot Street6 col 4
George W. Welkerdwlgone-storyfmnr McLain and Madison250North of Depot Street6 col 4
John Bergdwlgone-storyfmMcLain nr Madison400North of Depot Street6 col 4
Victor Ericksondwlgone-storyfmMcLane nr Madison150North of Depot Street6 col 4
Luther Severancedwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmMcLane nr Madison600North of Depot Street6 col 4
A. Hemekintwo dwlgsone-storyfmArthur and Madison550North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mr. Ericksondwlgone-storyfmnr Cascade and Madison100North of Depot Street6 col 4
Mr. Degaldwlgone-storyfmnr Chester and Madison1000North of Depot Street6 col 4
T.C. Collinsdwlgtwo-storyfmnr Chester and Madison1000North of Depot Street6 col 4
George Eidemillerstoretwo-storyfmChester and Madison1600North of Depot Street6 col 4
Uknowndwlgone-storyfmMassillon nr Madison100North of Depot Street6 col 4
Madison Street M.E. churchadd to dwlgone-storyfmCloverdale and Madison500North of Depot Street6 col 4
Chas. Woodsdwlgtwo-storyfmMcLane and Madison1300North of Depot Street6 col 4
J. Gourleydwlgtwo-storyfmMinnie1500North of Depot Street6 col 5
J.H. Carrimps on dwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmMadison nr Cloverdale1100North of Depot Street6 col 5
J.H. Carrdwlgtwo-storyfmMadison nr Cloverdale1500North of Depot Street6 col 5
J.H. CarrStore bldgtwo-storyfmMadison nr Cloverdale2300North of Depot Street6 col 5
A.M. Towledwlgon-storyfmMassilon100North of Depot Street6 col 5
Edward Dalbridgedwlgone-storyfmMassillon100North of Depot Street6 col 5
Samuel McCulloughdwlgone-storyfmMassillon600North of Depot Street6 col 5
Harry Watsondwlgone-storyfmCloverdale nr Madison1200North of Depot Street6 col 5
T.W. Steeledwlgone-storyfmCloverdale nr Madison950North of Depot Street6 col 5
Mott Berrydwlgtwo-storyfmCloverdale nr Madison1000North of Depot Street6 col 5
Mott BerryImp onCloverdale nr Madison300North of Depot Street6 col 5
M. Stewarddwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmCloverdale nr Madison700North of Depot Street6 col 5
Leroy KornStore bldgtwo-storyfmnr foot Madison750North of Depot Street6 col 5
J.B. RockenfieldStore bldgtwo-storyfmnr foot Madison300North of Depot Street6 col 5
Unknowndwlgone-storyfmCarrie300North of Depot Street6 col 5
Mr. Sanbaumdwlgone-storyfmDecatur100North of Depot Street6 col 5
Henry Hughesdwlgone-storyfmWilson350North of Depot Street6 col 5
L.C. Dabbetdwlgone-storyfmnr Decatur and wilson300North of Depot Street6 col 5
J.R. Wikledwlgone-storyfmnr Decatur and Wilson200North of Depot Street6 col 5
E. Sjolsethdwlgone-storyfmnr Decatur and Wilson150North of Depot Street6 col 5
W.H. Whitedwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmMinnie nr Alhambra500North of Depot Street6 col 5
W.H. Whitedwlgtwo-storyfmMinnie nr Alhambra3000North of Depot Street6 col 5
J.F. McCoydwlgtwo-storyfmMinnie1500North of Depot Street6 col 5
Thomas Taylordwlgtwo-storyfmMinnie1700North of Depot Street6 col 5
Mrs. May L. Reynoldsdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmEast Washington1100North of Depot Street6 col 5
Captain L.A. Dyerdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmEast Washington1100North of Depot Street6 col 5
Washington Floral Companyone greenhousenr foot Madison800North of Depot Street6 col 5
Washington Floral Companyand another greenhousenr foot Madison300North of Depot Street6 col 5
R.S. Clarkdwlgtwo-storyfmDepot and Joy5000North of Depot Street6 col 5
R.S. Clarkout-buildingsDepot and Joy300North of Depot Street6 col 5
Mrs. E. Ballarddwlgtwo-storyfmJoy and Depot2200North of Depot Street6 col 5
R.H. Genungdwlgtwo-storyfmJoy nr Depot4500North of Depot Street6 col 5
W.A. Jenningsdwlgtwo-storyfmRose and Talbot2500North of Depot Street6 col 5
W.H. Bartlettdwlgone-storyfmMadison and Lincoln400North of Depot Street6 col 5
Mrs. Mary Hamlydwlgone-story and-a-halffmLake600North of Depot Street6 col 5
Milton Roydwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmJoy200North of Depot Street6 col 5
Rev. D.J. Piercedwlgtow-storyfmJoy nr Carrie1600North of Depot Street6 col 5
Mrs. P. Dumontdwlgtwo-storyfm with bk foundationRose nr Depot4000North of Depot Street6 col 5
William Daileydwlgoe-and-a-half-storyfmRose nr Depot1300North of Depot Street6 col 5
William Daileydwlgtwo-storyfmRose nr Depot2000North of Depot Street6 col 5
Henry van Asseltdwlgtwo-storyfm with stone foundationRose nr Madison4000North of Depot Street6 col 5
Nettie van Asseltdwlgtwo-storyfmRose nr Madison1300North of Depot Street6 col 5
P.C. Richardsondwlgtwo-storyfmHillside1000North of Depot Street6 col 5
Columbiaschool bldgtwo-storyfm with bk foundationnr Frank and Carrie20500North of Depot Street6 col 5
William Reeddwlgtwo-storyfmCoryell nr Harrison900North of Depot Street6 col 5
F.G. Cadydwlgtwo-storyfmHyde nr Harrison400North of Depot Street6 col 5
S.R. Harknessdwlgtwo-storyfmHyde nr Harrison950North of Depot Street6 col 5
Edward Conwayadd to dwlgone-storyfmHarrison and Green150North of Depot Street6 col 5
J.M. Halldwlgtwo-storyfmCedar and Williams500North of Depot Street6 col 5
Cook & Waldodwlgtwo-storyfmFranklin1800North of Depot Street6 col 5
H.C. Raymonddwlgtwo-storyfmFranklin1800North of Depot Street6 col 5
C.C. McCorkledwlgtwo-storyfmLake View1000North of Depot Street6 col 5
E.F. Drakedwlgtwo-storyfmLake View1000North of Depot Street6 col 5
Mrs. Jennie Millerdwlgone-storyfmLake View400North of Depot Street6 col 5
Seattle Steam Laundrylaundry bldgtwo-storyfmLake View2000North of Depot Street6 col 5
Seattle Steam Laundrybarnone-and-a-half-storyfmLake View200North of Depot Street6 col 5
A. Hubbarddwlgone-storyfmIndigo nr Grace400North of Depot Street6 col 5
A. Hubbardbarnone-storyfmIndigo nr Grace50North of Depot Street6 col 5
John A. Stafforddwlgone-storyfmnr Violet500North of Depot Street6 col 5
P.M. Bakerdwlgtwo-storyfmSt. Lawrence1000North of Depot Street6 col 5
Z.F. Hickmandwlgone-storyfmSt. Lawrence650North of Depot Street6 col 5
C.M. Baslerdwlgtwo-storyfmLake View350North of Depot Street6 col 5
John Richdwlgone-storyfmLake view150North of Depot Street6 col 5
S.S. Waldodwlgtwo-storyfmFranklin1600North of Depot Street6 col 5
A.B. cookdwlgtwo-storyfmFranklin1600North of Depot Street6 col 5
S.W. Loveringdwlgtwo-storyfmYellow nr Grace1000North of Depot Street6 col 5
William Loveringdwlgone-storyfmYellow nr Grace1000North of Depot Street6 col 5
Rev. E. Hedeendwlgtwo-storyfmYellow nr Grace350North of Depot Street6 col 5
Gus Bergstedtdwlgtwo-storyfmOrange and Grace350North of Depot Street6 col 5
J.B. Bangsdwlgone-storyfmRed and Grace600North of Depot Street6 col 5
Mr. Fergusondwlgtwo-storyfmYellow nr Grace1000North of Depot Street6 col 5
C.E. Reynoldsdwlgone-storyfmYellow nr Grace200North of Depot Street6 col 5
John Stantondwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmGreen nr Grace1500North of Depot Street6 col 5
John B. Millerdwlgtwo-storyfm with bk basementViolet nr Louisa2500North of Depot Street6 col 5
H.C. Parkerrdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmIndigo nr Louisa1000North of Depot Street6 col 5
Robert Abramsdwlgtwo-storyfm with stone foundationnr Louisa and Red6500North of Depot Street6 col 5
Robert Abramsbarntwo-storyfmnr Louisa and Red600North of Depot Street6 col 5
Charles Palmleafdwlgtwo-storyfmGreen nr Angle600North of Depot Street6 col 5
A.R. Loveringdwlgtwo-storyfmYellow nr Grace900North of Depot Street6 col 5
Charles Edwindwlgone-storyfmYellow nr Grace150North of Depot Street6 col 5
Mrs. Chapindwlgtwo-storyfmFifth and Wall3400North of Depot Street6 col 5
Schoolschool bldgtwo-storyfm with bk basementBox and high25000North of Depot Street6 col 5
A. Devoedwlgtwo-storyfmOak2300North of Depot Street6 col 5
A. Devoetwo dwlgsone-and-a-half-storyfmOak2000North of Depot Street6 col 5
Edward Robertsondwlgtwo-storyfmOak and Thomas800North of Depot Street6 col 5
Mrs. Nettie Baileydwlgtwo-storyfmProspect and Oak2000North of Depot Street6 col 5
Denny hotelhotelfive-storybk stone and iron240×240Second and Stewart300000240000West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Snoqualmie Mill and lumber shedone-storyfmfoot Clay500West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
R.J. Hinerdwlgtwo-storyfmfoot Clay500West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
G. Bixbydwlgtwo-storyfmWest and Cedar2000West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
G. Bixbydwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmWest and Cedar300West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Day Bros.warehouseone-storyfmfoot Vine200West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Day Bros.Piling planking and other bldg impfoot Vine4800West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Pacific Manufacturing Co.dry kilnone-storyfmfoot Wall200West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Pacific Manufacturing Co.Add to milltwo-storyfmfoot Wall100West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
J.C. Gillespiewarehouse and lumber shedtwo-storyfmWest nr Wall500West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
H. Mullerdwlgtwo-storyfmWater and Wall3500West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
H. Mullerdwlgtwo-storyfmsame location1500West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Mrs. M.E. HallBrooklyn hotelthree-storyfmBattery and Water5000West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Andrew Simondwlgtwo-storyfmBlanchard nr Water1500West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Uknowndwlgone-storyfmBlanchard nr Water150West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Shepard Henry & Co.warehouseone-storyfmfoot Church500West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Schwabacher Bros. & Co.warehouseone-storyfmfoot Union1000West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
F.S. DeWolfedwlgtwo-storyfm with bk foundationThird and Depot6000West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Front Street Cable Co.add to powerhousetwo-storyfmSecond and Depot5000West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Charles Hartrow of three tenementstwo-storyfmFront and Cedar3300West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
C.C. Reynoldsrow of three tenementstwo-storyfmSecond nr Clay4100West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
William Lapperdwlgone-storyfmSecond and Clay150West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
W.C. Heilbronstore bldgfour-storybkFront and Battery65000West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Odd Fellowsstore bldg with hall abovefour-storybkFront and Battery25000West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
William Blackmantwo double tenementstwo-storyfmSecond and Blanchard9000West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
E.P. Buckdwlgone-storyfmSecond and Blanchard1400West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
O.L. Palmeraddition to dwlgone-storyfmSecond and Lenora500West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Washington Wire Worksshopone-storyfmSecond and Virginia500West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
David Gilmorerow of five tenementstwo-storyfm with bk basementSecond and Stewart16000West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Mrs. Merrickstore bldgthree-storybk and fmWater nr Battery1500West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Driggs-Hillbus blkthree and four storiesiron and cement48×110West and Wall30000West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Leader Publishing Co.bus blkone-storystone and bk40×111Front and Battery11500West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Dr. SmithLondon hotelthree-storyfmWest foot Pike15000West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
Eagle Oil & Refining Co.warehouseone-storybk50×60Bell and West2500West of Third Between Pike and Depot6 col 5
C.C. Calkinssix dwlgsone-storyfmwater front of Lake Washington6000East Seattle6 col 5
C.C. Calkinselectric light and power-houseone-storyfmwater front of Lake Washington3500East Seattle6 col 5
Charles Workmandwlgtwo-storyfm1000East Seattle6 col 5
William Burtdwlgtwo-storyfm600East Seattle6 col 5
Putnam Gitteaudwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm500East Seattle6 col 5
Piddock Bros.dwlgthree-storyfm3000East Seattle6 col 5
L.F. Menagefour dwlgsone-storyfm4000East Seattle6 col 5
J.D. McDermottdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm800East Seattle6 col 5
Dr. Weyredwlgone-storyfm400East Seattle6 col 5
J.W. Flooddwlgone-storyfm200East Seattle6 col 5
W.D. Cleggdwlgone-storyfm400East Seattle6 col 5
Oscar Andersondwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm250Kirkland6 col 5
J.A. Williamsondwlgone-storyfm125Kirkland6 col 5
E.H. Kilbournedwlgtwo-storyfm1800Kirkland6 col 5
E.H. Kilbournedwlgtwo-storyfm1300Kirkland6 col 5
W.B. Woolseydwlgtwo-storyfm1500Kirkland6 col 5
Unknowndwlgtwo-storyfm750Kirkland6 col 5
Mr. Grantdwlgone-storyfm400Kirkland6 col 5
John Hattmandwlgtwo-storyfm1000Kirkland6 col 6
Kirkland Land and Improvement Co.wharf office and warehouseone-storyfmwaterfront foot Market2000Kirkland6 col 6
Kirkland Land and Improvement Co.dwlgtwo-storybkRichmond nr Fleet3000Kirkland6 col 6
Kirkland Land and Improvement Co.dwlgone-and-a-half-storybkRegent nr Fleet2000Kirkland6 col 6
Kirkland Land and Improvement Co.dwlgone-and-a-half-storybkMarion nr Juanita2000Kirkland6 col 6
Kirkland Land and Improvement Co.dwlgtwo-storyfmRichmond nr Fleet1500Kirkland6 col 6
Kirkland Land and Improvement Co.dwlgtwo-storyfmMain nr Fleet1500Kirkland6 col 6
Kirkland Land and Improvement Co.dwlgtwo-storyfmJuanita and Marion750Kirkland6 col 6
Kirkland Land and Improvement Co.dwlgtwo-storyfmMarion and Juanita750Kirkland6 col 6
Mr. Duncanadd to barn etc.two-storyfm300Kirkland6 col 6
Edgar Robinsondwlgtwo-storyfm700Kirkland6 col 6
Edgar Robinsonbarnone-and-a-half-storyfm75Kirkland6 col 6
J.J. Tompkinsdwlgtwo-storyfm1800Kirkland6 col 6
J.J. Tompkinsbarntwo-storyfm200Kirkland6 col 6
R.G. McKaydwlgone-storyfm350Kirkland6 col 6
John C. Ogledwlgtwo-storyfm500Kirkland6 col 6
Henry Morgandwlgone-storyfmOrchard nr Portland450Kirkland6 col 6
Mr. Martindwlgone-storyfmPiccadilli nr Orchard100Kirkland6 col 6
Uknowndwlgone-storyfm125South Kirkland6 col 6
C.W. Curtisdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm400South Kirkland6 col 6
Jas De Loriedwlgone-storyfm250South Kirkland6 col 6
Jas De Loriebarnone-storyfm100South Kirkland6 col 6
George Kingdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm200South Kirkland6 col 6
George Kingbarnone-storyfm50South Kirkland6 col 6
J.T. Montaguedwlgtwo-storyfm500South Kirkland6 col 6
R.J. Wileyhoteltwo-storyfmPiccadilli nr Bold750South Kirkland6 col 6
John Fisherblacksmith shopone-storyfmPiccadilli nr Bold750South Kirkland6 col 6
John Fisherlivery barnJersey and Piccadilli1000South Kirkland6 col 6
John Kinghoteltwo-storyfmJersey nr Piccadilli700South Kirkland6 col 6
Wo Gowlaundryone-storyfmPicadilli150South Kirkland6 col 6
Charles Vancedwlgone-storyfmMorton nr Portland200South Kirkland6 col 6
Thomas Cartwrightdwlgone-storyfmOrchard nr Portland150South Kirkland6 col 6
Mr. Pagestore bldgtwo-storyfmBold and Piccadilli1600South Kirkland6 col 6
Theodore Suterstore bldgtwo-storyfmBold and Piccadilli1500South Kirkland6 col 6
J.W. DeMotthoteltwo-storyfmBold and Piccadilli1700South Kirkland6 col 6
L.C. Beardstore bldgBold nr Piccadilli2750South Kirkland6 col 6
L.C. Bearddwlgone-storyfmHenry nr Bold250South Kirkland6 col 6
Dr. W.D. Buchanandwlgtwo-storyfmPiccadilli nr Bold1000South Kirkland6 col 6
J.W. Parberrydwlgone-and-a-half-storyPiccadilli nr Bold750South Kirkland6 col 6
French & Churchstore bldgtwo-storybkMarket and Piccadilli12000South Kirkland6 col 6
Filson & Timmermanstore bldgtwo-storybkMarket & Piccadilli2500South Kirkland6 col 6
Kirkland Investment bldgtwo-storybkMarket and Piccadilli8000South Kirkland6 col 6
W.P. Kitelydwlgtwo-storyfmRegent2000South Kirkland6 col 6
Great Western Iron and Steel Workssawmillone-storyfm2500South Kirkland6 col 6
Great Western Iron and Steel Workstwo dwlgsone-and-a-half-storyfm2000South Kirkland6 col 6
Great Western Iron and Steel Worksother bldgs and imp5000South Kirkland6 col 6
George W. Coatsdwlgone-storyfmFleet750South Kirkland6 col 6
Charles E. cantinedwlgone-storyfmRegent800South Kirkland6 col 6
Stephen Niblockdwlgtwo-storyfmPark nr Waverly1500South Kirkland6 col 6
James Guptilldwlgtwo-storyfmWaverly nr Park3000South Kirkland6 col 6
George Evansdwlgtwo-storyfmWaverly nr Park3500South Kirkland6 col 6
J.M. Searsstore bldgtwo-storybkMarket and Piccadilli18000South Kirkland6 col 6
Dr. Newlandstore bldgtwo-storybkMarket and Piccadilli3000South Kirkland6 col 6
Kirkland Lumber Co.adds to sawmillone-storyfmwaterfront foot Juanita2500South Kirkland6 col 6
Kirkland Lumber Co.Boarding houseone-and-a-half-storyfmwaterfront foot Juanita1100South Kirkland6 col 6
Kirkland Lumber Co.Store bldgtwo-storyfmwaterfront foot Juanita1200South Kirkland6 col 6
J.R. Hendricksdwlgtwo-storybkMain nr Juanita3300South Kirkland6 col 6
J.R. Hendricksdwlgtwo-storyfmBold nr Park750South Kirkland6 col 6
J.R. Hendricksstoreone-storyfmPiccadilli nr Orchard250South Kirkland6 col 6
J.R. Hendricksdwlgone-storyfmPiccadilli nr Orchard250South Kirkland6 col 6
Mr. Hainesdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmMonroe900South Kirkland6 col 6
Baptistchurchone-storyfmHenry nr Piccadilli1800South Kirkland6 col 6
D.P. Whitneydwlgone-storyfm860Houghton6 col 6
D.P. Whitneydwlgtwo-storyfm1140Houghton6 col 6
D.P. WhitneyBarnOne-and-a-half-storyfm300Houghton6 col 6
Mr. TuttledwlgOne-and-a-half-storyfm535Houghton6 col 6
W.F. Peckdwlgtwo-storyfm1000Houghton6 col 6
H.C. PfeildwlgOne-and-a-half-storyfm675Houghton6 col 6
Julius Eidnerdwlgone-storyfm250Yesler6 col 6
George Fosterdwlgone-storyfm350Yesler6 col 6
H.N. Butlerdwlgone-storyfm100Yesler6 col 6
Theodore Olsondwlgone-storyfm250Yesler6 col 6
C. Ericksondwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm150Yesler6 col 6
Orrin Freemandwlgone-storyfm200Yesler6 col 6
T.P. Belldwlgone-storyfm425Yesler6 col 6
R.H. Belldwlgone-storyfm80Yesler6 col 6
F.J. Browndwlgtwo-storyfm325Yesler6 col 6
Seattle Ice factorytwo-storyfm(burned down)2500Yesler6 col 6
Seattle Ice Co.dwlgone-storyfm500Yesler6 col 6
W. Wright Beckdwlgone-storyfm500Ravenna Park6 col 6
Seattle Flouring Mill coflour millfour-storyfm5200Ravenna Park6 col 6
Seattle Flouring Mill coEngine-houseone-storybk800Ravenna Park6 col 6
W.W. Beckstoretwo-storyfm800Ravenna Park6 col 6
W.W. Beckofficeone-storyfm300Ravenna Park6 col 6
W.W. Beckdwlgtwo-storyfm5000Ravenna Park6 col 6
W.H. McDonaldstoretwo-storyfm750Ravenna Park6 col 6
J.R. Kirkpatrickdwlgtwo-storyfm with bk foundation3000Ravenna Park6 col 6
J.R. Kirkpatrickbarnone-and-a-half-storyfm300Ravenna Park6 col 6
Charles Stanfielddwlgone-storyfm100Ravenna Park6 col 6
Mrs. Baldhousedwlgtwo-storyfm200Ravenna Park6 col 6
John Beckdwlgtwo-storyfm3000Ravenna Park6 col 6
Presbyterianchurchone-storyfm7000Ravenna Park6 col 6
J.M. Watersdwlgtwo-storyfm500Ravenna Park6 col 6
J. Raymonddwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmBismarck nr Boise2000Latona6 col 6
N.A. Bennettdwlgone-storyfmBismarck and Boise800Latona6 col 6
B.E. bennettdwlgtwo-storyfmEast nr Boise1000Latona6 col 6
Edward Schuburgdwlgone-storyfmGladstone nr Lincoln150Latona6 col 6
Unknowndwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmKindsley nr Lincoln200Latona6 col 6
A.J. Felmsleydwlgone-storyfmEdwards nr Clemson100Latona6 col 6
J.W. Smithdwlgone-storyfmEdwards nr Clemson250Latona6 col 6
Ole Svendwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmEdwards nr Clemson200Latona6 col 6
W.Maydwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmEdwards nr Clemson150Latona6 col 6
H. Aldridgedwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmEdwards and Clemson125Latona6 col 6
Latona Land Co.barntwo-storyfmSpokane foot Bismarck800Latona6 col 6
Latona mill Co.sash and door factorytwo-storyfmSpokane foot Gladstone3200Latona6 col 6
Latona mill Co.engine houseone-storybkSpokane foot Gladstone970Latona6 col 6
S.P. Spayssehoteltwo-storyfmSpokane foot Logan2500Latona6 col 6
Thomas Clausendwlgone-storyfmCloud nr Boise350Latona6 col 6
C.A. Steanersondwlgone-storyfmCloud nr Lincoln150Latona6 col 6
O.P. Bakerdwlgone-storyfmCloud nr Lincoln350Latona6 col 6
F.J. Blancharddwlgone-storyfmBoise nr Gladstone150Latona6 col 6
D.C. Weaverdwlgone-storyfmLogan and Lincoln300Latona6 col 6
E.A. Cheneydwlgtwo-storyfmLogan and Lincoln1200Latona6 col 6
E.A. Cheneydwlgtwo-storyfmKingsley and Lincoln800Latona6 col 6
J.A. Mooredwlgone-storyfmLatona nr Boise150Latona6 col 6
J.N. & J.W. Eckelsstoretwo-storyfmGladstone nr Worth600Latona6 col 6
D.S. Berrydwlgtwo-storyfmBismarck nr Worth800Latona6 col 6
J.H. Roblincigar factory and dwlgtwo-storyfmSpokane foot Bismarck1000Latona6 col 6
Cowan & McAulaystoretwo-storyfmSpokane foot Gladstone800Latona6 col 6
G.W. RimastoretwostoryfmLatona nr Spokane1000Latona6 col 6
J.A. Scottdwlgone-storyfmGladstone nr Lincoln800Latona6 col 6
Robert Douglasdwlgtwo-storyfmGladstone nr Boise150Latona6 col 6
Christianchurchone-storyfmGladstone nr Lincoln1500Latona6 col 6
William Copestickdwlgone-storyfmGladstone nr Boise350Latona6 col 6
H. Cowandwlgone-storyfmGladstone nr Boise1800Latona6 col 6
W. Cowandwlgone-storyfmGladstone nr Boise325Latona6 col 6
George Orsborndwlgone-storyfmLeddy nr Clemson250Latona6 col 6
G. Rauschdwlgone-storyfmEdwards nr Lincoln300Latona6 col 6
P. Petersondwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmLeddy nr Lincoln200Latona6 col 6
H.K. Jensondwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmLeddy and Lincoln500Latona6 col 6
Latona Ice factorytwo-storyfmSpokane foot Bismarck1500Latona6 col 6
Peter Wozawaydwlgone-storyfmnr Section and Cremona150Fremont6 col 6
C.S. Carpenterdwlgtwo-storyfmKilbourn ave nr Lombard2000Fremont6 col 6
J.C. Robertsdwlgone-storyfmKilbourn ave nr Lombard1000Fremont6 col 6
H. Wooddwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmCornell nr Lombard200Fremont6 col 6
Charles Meaddwlgone-storyfmCornell nr Lombard1000Fremont6 col 6
A.J. Riffedwlgone-storyfmLombard350Fremont6 col 6
I.C. Petersondwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmLombard500Fremont6 col 6
John Fredricksondwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmHillside700Fremont6 col 6
George Newtondwlgone-storyfmHillside200Fremont6 col 6
B.F. Daydwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmLombard900Fremont6 col 6
B.F. Daydwlgone-storyfmHillside200Fremont6 col 6
L.M. Staggdwlgone-storyfmLombard700Fremont6 col 6
Unknowndwlgone-storyfmWilliam nr Boise100Fremont6 col 6
Unknowndwlgone-storyfmWilliam nr Boise150Fremont6 col 6
Unknowndwlgone-storyfmWilliam nr Boise900Fremont6 col 6
Fremonthalltwo-storyfmBlewett nr Pearl1200Fremont6 col 6
Peter Warnerdwlgone-storyfmEwing and Alvin600Fremont6 col 6
Jacob Fusondwlgtwo-storyfmVermont and Blewett1200Fremont6 col 6
A. Hansonimps on dwlgKilbourne nr Vermont200Fremont6 col 6
S. Wagnerdwlgone-storyfmHillsideFremont6 col 7
V. Frommadd to dwlgtwo-storyfmVermont nr KilbourneFremont6 col 7
M.W. Lovejoydwlgtwo-storyfmVermont nr KillbourneFremont6 col 7
A.F. Tuckerdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmVermont nr KillbourneFremont6 col 7
G.W. Carrolldwlgone-storyfmNorwood nr FremontFremont6 col 7
J. Nelsondwlgone-storyfmNorwood nr FremontFremont6 col 7
O.N. Soderquistdwlgone-storyfmAlvin and MapleFremont6 col 7
M. Morrisondwlgtwo-storyfmAlvin and Maple2000Fremont6 col 7
J.E. Nicholsdwlgtwo-storyfmBowman and Fremont3500Fremont6 col 7
F.A. Beandwlgtwo-storyfmBowman and Fremont1000Fremont6 col 7
W.G. Crockerdwlgone-storyfmBlewett nr Aurora600Fremont6 col 7
Richard Hindshurtdwlgtwo-storyfmBlewett nr Aurora700Fremont6 col 7
Mrs. Hilda Steumerdwlgone-storyfmKilbourn nr Aurora300Fremont6 col 7
B.M. Bowmandwlgtwo-storyfmBowman nr Blewett9000Fremont6 col 7
C.D. Propsdwlgone-storyfmNorwood nr Blewett700Fremont6 col 7
A.J. Goddardadd to dwlgone-storyfmAurora nr Kilborn50Fremont6 col 7
T.P. Storydwlgone-storyfmAurora nr Kilborn300Fremont6 col 7
C.J. Nordstromdwlgone-storyfmAurora nr Kilborn300Fremont6 col 7
Peter Larsondwlgone-storyfmWoodland nr Kilborn650Fremont6 col 7
N.N. Fladlanddwlgone-storyfmBlewett nr Aurora300Fremont6 col 7
J. McDonalddwlgone-storyfmGrand nr Chatham500Fremont6 col 7
J.C. Smithdwlgtwo-storyfmGrand and Franklin1500Fremont6 col 7
Mr. Livesleytwo dwlgsone-storyfmGrand and Franklin1000Fremont6 col 7
A. Paulstonstoretwo-storyfmGrand and Franklin500Fremont6 col 7
Oscar Olsondwlgone-storyfmGrand nr Franklin750Fremont6 col 7
J.H. Hamlinstoretwo-storyfmAurora nr Cornell1500Fremont6 col 7
J.E. Covertdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmnr Harrison and Woodland600Fremont6 col 7
J.D. Clogstondwlgone-storyfmHarrison and Woodland500Fremont6 col 7
J.L. Andersondwlgone-storyfmnr Harrison and Park350Fremont6 col 7
Andrew Carlsondwlgone-storyfmnr Harrison and Park200Fremont6 col 7
A. Hendricksondwlgtwo-storyfmPark nr Harrison800Fremont6 col 7
O.C. Auburndwlgtwo-storyfmnr Chatham and Grand1000Fremont6 col 7
E.T. Whitedwlgone-storyfmLake nr Chatham1000Fremont6 col 7
E.T. Whitedwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmProspect and Third150Fremont6 col 7
E.C. Potterdwlgone-storyfmLake nr Chatham300Fremont6 col 7
A.M. Wheelerimps on dwlgLake nr Chatham150Fremont6 col 7
A.A. Fisherimps on dwlgProspect and Third150Fremont6 col 7
Charles Norbergdwlgone-storyfmnr Lake and Prospect75Fremont6 col 7
J.W. Rosenadd to dwlgone-storyfmnr Lake and Compton150Fremont6 col 7
Charles Scuttdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmLake and Compton300Fremont6 col 7
S.J. Camerondwlgone-storyfmWoodland nr Maple225Fremont6 col 7
Thomas Sundersdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmWoodland and Franklin300Fremont6 col 7
D.I. Averydwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmWoodland nr Franklin250Fremont6 col 7
George Gristdwlgone-storyfmWoodland nr Franklin100Fremont6 col 7
M.M. Knuppenburgdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmDiantha and Woodland350Fremont6 col 7
Unknowndwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmLake nr Chatham500Fremont6 col 7
W. Morandwlgtwo-storyfmLake nr Woodland800Fremont6 col 7
A. Chapmandwlgtwo-storyfmEtrubis nr Evanston900Fremont6 col 7
L.A. Griffithstoreone-storyfmLake nr Ewing300Fremont6 col 7
L.H. Griffthstore bldgone-storyfmLake nr Ewing400Fremont6 col 7
Fremont Mill Co.hallone-storyfmBertona nr Lake2500Fremont6 col 7
Frank Zicstoreone-storyfmEwing nr Lake80Fremont6 col 7
W.E. Rootdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmKilbourn nr Woodland300Fremont6 col 7
W. Harveydwlgone-storyfmnr Evanston and Florencia60Fremont6 col 7
Mrs. Hamiltondwlgone-storyfmnr Evanston and Florencia50Fremont6 col 7
John F. Petersondwlgone-storyfmnr Evanston and Florencia45Fremont6 col 7
J. Olsondwlgone-storyfmnr Evanston and Florencia45Fremont6 col 7
W.J. Bowendwlgone-storyfmLake ave nr Woodland125Fremont6 col 7
J.C. Owensdwlgthree-storyfmLake ave nr Woodland1000Fremont6 col 7
Samuel Youngdwlgone-storyfmEvanston nr Etrubia300Fremont6 col 7
C.J. Kearneydwlgone-storyfmEvanston nr Etrubia75Fremont6 col 7
Ion Johnsondwlgone-storyfmDarius nr Evanston200Fremont6 col 7
William Winninghamdwlgone-storyfmDarius nr Evanston200Fremont6 col 7
Stephen Hastingsdwlgtwo-storyfmEtrubia nr Evanston600Fremont6 col 7
W.B. Browndwlgone-storyfmForencia nr Evanston200Fremont6 col 7
J.W. Longdwlgtwo-and-a-half-storyfmDarius nr Evanston2500Fremont6 col 7
Adolph Cloesdwlgtwo-storyfmEtrubia nr Nye350Fremont6 col 7
J.H. Carterdwlgtwo-storyfmFlorencia nr Lombard700Fremont6 col 7
J. Sanberdwlgtwo-storyfmFlorencia nr Nye350Fremont6 col 7
A. Saelfraetdwlgtwo-storyfmEtrubia nr Nye1650Fremont6 col 7
A. Saelfraetbarnone-storyfmsame location150Fremont6 col 7
Mrs. Meyersdwlgtwo-storyfmEvanston nr Cornell800Fremont6 col 7
Samuel Scottdwlgtwo-storyfmEvanston nr Kilbourn700Fremont6 col 7
D.C. McCorkledwlgone-storyfmnr Evanston and Cornell50Fremont6 col 7
Unknowngreen-housefmnr Blewett and Lombard300Fremont6 col 7
Charles Eastondwlgone-storyfmBlewett nr Evanston150Fremont6 col 7
J.L. Goulddwlgone-storyfmCornell nr Lombard700Fremont6 col 7
Lake Union PresbyterianChurchone-storyfmKilbourn nr Lombard3400Fremont6 col 7
William Remagedwlgone-storyfmnr Cornell and Lombard75Fremont6 col 7
D. Shermandwlgone-storyfmnr Cornell and Lombard50Fremont6 col 7
John Bergandwlgone-storyfmnr Cornell and Lombard125Fremont6 col 7
James Bullivantdwlgtwo-storyfmVermont nr Maple1500Fremont6 col 7
J. Kilbournedwlgtwo-storyfmVermont nr Maple2500Fremont6 col 7
J. Kilbournebarntwo-storyfmsame location1500Fremont6 col 7
Fred Carterdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmBowman and Fremont1400Fremont6 col 7
George Peckdwlgone-storyfmnr Richards and Manhattan 150Edgewater6 col 7
Frederick Burdettedwlgone-storyfmnr Richards and Manhattan 300Edgewater6 col 7
F.W. Hoskinsdwlgone-storyfmVermont nr Chatham400Edgewater6 col 7
S.P. Tuckerdwlgone-storyfmHanson150Edgewater6 col 7
H.F. Smithdwlgone-storyfmHanson125Edgewater6 col 7
Thomas A. Lowdwlgone-storyfmHanson600Edgewater6 col 7
Alfred Woosterdwlgtwo-storyfmHansonEdgewater6 col 7
Adam Severancedwlgone-storyfmHarrison250Edgewater6 col 7
J. Lawsondwlgone-storyfmnr Milton200Edgewater6 col 7
B. Englishdwlgone-storyfmElmer nr George300Edgewater6 col 7
Frank Furrydwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmElmer nr George700Edgewater6 col 7
G.W. Stamboughdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmPoint nr George800Edgewater6 col 7
J.M. Downsdwlgone-and-a-half-storyLake and Section1500Edgewater6 col 7
Micahel Daydwlgtwo-storyfmElmer nr SectionEdgewater6 col 7
John Wackforddwlgone-storyfmnr Elmer and LakeEdgewater6 col 7
Hiram Burnettdwlgtwo-storyfm with bk foundationRichards nr GeorgeEdgewater6 col 7
F.P. Smithdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmDay nr BoiseEdgewater6 col 7
E.L. Moultondwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmWilliam nr BoiseEdgewater6 col 7
Rev. A.L. Parkerdwlgtwo-storyfmBoulevard3000Green Lake6 col 7
George W. Websterdwlgtwo-storyfmLincoln ave1800Green Lake6 col 7
R.J. Doddsdwlgone-storyfmCanfield Place900Green Lake6 col 7
B.F. Balldwlgone-storyfmLadd ave1200Green Lake6 col 7
Fred J. Palmerdwlgone-storyfmKeystone ave1400Green Lake6 col 7
George Carterdwlgone-storyfmFirst ave900Green Lake6 col 7
G.K. Coryelldwlgtwo-storyfmthe Terrace4000Green Lake6 col 7
Judge T.A. McDonalddwlgtwo-storyframeBoulevard5000Green Lake6 col 7
L. Wilmotdwlgtwo-storyfmThe Terrace4200Green Lake6 col 7
A.J. Wellsdwlgtwo-storyfmBoulevard4200Green Lake6 col 7
Fred Kerldwlgtwo-storyfmFirst and Wallingford aves4000Green Lake6 col 7
Dr. E.C. Kilbournedwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmBoulevard2500Green Lake6 col 7
Mrs. Nancy Degrootdwlgone-storyfmEva nr Front800Green Lake6 col 7
Jacob Wallstoretwo-storyfmnr Front and Eva900Green Lake6 col 7
J.S. Howlanddwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmEva and First250Green Lake6 col 7
H.N. Schwardwooddwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmNellie and Lake View400Green Lake6 col 7
Y. Krachtdwlgtwo-storyfm2500Green Lake6 col 7
schoolhouseone-storyfmFront and Wood200Green Lake6 col 7
August Winherdtdwlgone-storyfmFront and Eva200Green Lake6 col 7
Green Lake Mill Co.sawmillone-storyfmlake front foot Eva8000Green Lake6 col 7
Green Lake Mill Co.Boarding-houseone-storyfmNellie300Green Lake6 col 7
Green Lake Electric Railway barnone-storyfmnr foot Eva400Green Lake6 col 7
John Zolnerdwlgoen-storyfm100Green Lake6 col 7
F.J. Scoldfielddwlgone-storyfm150Green Lake6 col 7
J.H. Rice dwlgone-storyfm150Green Lake6 col 7
J.P. Draperdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfm800Ross6 col 7
J.P. Draperbarnone-storyfm150Ross6 col 7
John Murdockdwlgone-storyfm250Ross6 col 7
Wilford Bartlettdwlgone-storyfm 500Ross6 col 7
Wilford Bartlettbarnone-and-a-half-storyfm80Ross6 col 7
T. Bartlettdwlgtwo-storyfm800Ross6 col 7
T. Bartlettbarnone-and-a-half-storyfm100Ross6 col 7
K.A. Brooksdwlgone-storyfm700Ross7 col 1
R.H. Andersondwlgone-storyfmnr Adams and Palatine150Ross7 col 1
Frank Padrickdwlgone-storyfmnr Adams and Palatine200Ross7 col 1
C. Kembledwlgone-storyfmAlbert and Hawthorne400Ross7 col 1
W.R. Smithadd to dwlgone-storyfmCrawford nr Albert100Ross7 col 1
C.L. Footedw gtwo-storyfmCrawford nr Lyndale1000Ross7 col 1
Martha A. Stringhamdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmnr Hawthorn and Wabash1000Ross7 col 1
L. O. Chestnutdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmnr Hawthorn and Wabash1000Ross7 col 1
L. O. Chestnutbarnone-and-a-half-storyfmsame location100Ross7 col 1
Mrs. M.J. Rossdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmnr Hawthorn and Wabash2000Ross7 col 1
Mrs. M.J. Rossbarnone-and-a-half-storyfmsame location200Ross7 col 1
W.L. Russelldwlgone-and-a-half storyfmChestnut and Second ave E800Ballard7 col 1
D.A. McKenziedwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmPost and Second ave E800Ballard7 col 1
C.K. Russelldwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmPolk and Second ave E800Ballard7 col 1
C.A. McKenziedwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmPolk nr Second ave E800Ballard7 col 1
A.F. Blairdwlgone-storyfmNorth nr Second ave E250Ballard7 col 1
C.C. Mingusdwlgone-storyfmBrig and Garrett100Ballard7 col 1
Robert Smelliestoreone-storyfmPark and Brig300Ballard7 col 1
A.J. Cripedwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmPark nr Garrett2000Ballard7 col 1
Frank Smithdwlgone-and-a-half storyfmHarrison nr Brig100Ballard7 col 1
O.R. Johnsondwlgone-storyfmHarrison nr Brig150Ballard7 col 1
T. Johnsondwlgone-storyfmHarrison nr Brig150Ballard7 col 1
Martin Novitskydwlgone-storyfmSouth nr Harrison80Ballard7 col 1
Ada Wilsondwlgone-storyfmDenton and South300Ballard7 col 1
P. Bonkofskidwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmDenton and Brig100Ballard7 col 1
Joe Radowskidwlgone-storyfmBrig and Denton100Ballard7 col 1
Mike Radonskidwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmBrig nr Denton150Ballard7 col 1
T. Sullivandwlgone-storyfmBrig nr Denton100Ballard7 col 1
J. Myerdwlgone-storyfmBrig nr Garrett150Ballard7 col 1
N. Kendreddwlgone-storyfmShip nr Fifth ave W500Ballard7 col 1
J.P. Chamberlaindwlgone-storyfmShip nr Sixth ave W200Ballard7 col 1
Walter Cadydwlgone-storyfmPolk and Seventh ave W150Ballard7 col 1
Charles Brabondwlgone-storyfmPolk and Seventh ave W100Ballard7 col 1
W.W. Youngdwlgtwo-storyfmWilburg nr Fourth ave W700Ballard7 col 1
J. Bennerdwlgone-storyfmTimes nr Fifth ave W125Ballard7 col 1
B.T. Hawleydwlgtwo-storyfmState and Fourth ave W2000Ballard7 col 1
Moses Fosterdwlgtwo-storyfmState nr Fifth ave W550Ballard7 col 1
Alva Marshdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmWilburg nr Fourth ave W750Ballard7 col 1
J. Wileydwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmTimes nr Fifth ave W100Ballard7 col 1
Frank S. Towledwlgone-storyfmCrawford nr Fourth ave W200Ballard7 col 1
Walter Mannaydwlgtwo-storyfmCrawford nr Fourth ave W750Ballard7 col 1
A. Oziardwlgone-storyfmCrawford nr Fourth ave W450Ballard7 col 1
J.W. Suttondwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmPost nr Fourth ave W400Ballard7 col 1
J.W. Suttondwlgone-storyfmPost nr Fourth ave W500Ballard7 col 1
J.W. Suttondwlgone-storyfmFourth ave nr Post150Ballard7 col 1
R.A. Morrisdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmChestnut and Fourth ave W250Ballard7 col 1
Oliver H. Briggsdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmBaker nr Fourth ave W400Ballard7 col 1
W. Luggdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmBaker nr Fourth ave W350Ballard7 col 1
J.S. Bryantdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmChestnut and Third ave W250Ballard7 col 1
P.R. Heffernandwlgone-storyfmChestnut nr Third ave W115Ballard7 col 1
P. Carlsondwlgone-storyfmPost nr Third ave200Ballard7 col 1
Jacob Hornerdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmnr Polk and Third ave W100Ballard7 col 1
John Dormandwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmnear Polk and Third ave W300Ballard7 col 1
Angus McMillandwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmnear Polk and Third ave W75Ballard7 col 1
Henry Kreitzdwlgone-storyfmPost nr Second ave W125Ballard7 col 1
George Teffertellerdwlgone-storyfmPost and Third ave W100Ballard7 col 1
D. Vernondwlgone-storyfmPost nr Second ave W100Ballard7 col 1
Mrs. C.A. Peabodydwlgone-storyfmPost nr Second ave W200Ballard7 col 1
J.W. Davisdwlgone-storyfmPolk nr First ave W400Ballard7 col 1
B. Dilldwlgone-storyfmPolk nr Second ave W400Ballard7 col 1
W. Steeledwlgone-storyfmPolk nr Second ave W200Ballard7 col 1
Charles McLaughlindwlgtwo-storyfmPolk and First ave W900Ballard7 col 1
James Lyledwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmBaker nr First ave W200Ballard7 col 1
P.G. Hansondwlgone-storyfmBaker nr Second ave W125Ballard7 col 1
Mathew Czerwenkadwlgone-storyfmBaker nr Second ave W200Ballard7 col 1
John Frienddwlgone-storyfmSecond ave W and Baker300Ballard7 col 1
Joe Winandydwlgone-storyfmChestnut nr Second ave W175Ballard7 col 1
J. Carlsondwlgone-storyfmChestnut nr Second ave W100Ballard7 col 1
Henry Hilkedwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmBaker nr Second ave W250Ballard7 col 1
E. Thompsondwlgone-storyfmBaker nr Second ave W100Ballard7 col 1
John Gravendwlgone-storyfmBaker nr Second ave W100Ballard7 col 1
H.P. Geringdwlgone-storyfmBaker nr Second ave W75Ballard7 col 1
J.O’sondwlgone-and-a-half-storyCrawford nr Third ave W300Ballard7 col 1
Samuel McCluredwlgtwo-storyfmCrawford nr Third ave W500Ballard7 col 1
Henry Clinedwlgone-storyfmCrawford nr Third ave W100Ballard7 col 1
Jeremiah Warddwlgone-storyfmCrawford and Fourth ave W100Ballard7 col 1
Horace Gambledwlgone-storyfmCrawford and Fourth ave W100Ballard7 col 1
Johnson & Peavydwlgtwo-storyfmTimes nr Third ave W700Ballard7 col 1
Aron Hagelindwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmCrawford nr Third ave W500Ballard7 col 1
J.W. Waltondwlgone-storyfmCrawford nr Third ave W300Ballard7 col 1
John Speaknotdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmCrawford nr Third ave W200Ballard7 col 1
Robert Sceelesdwlgtwo-storyCrawford nr Second ave W250Ballard7 col 1
H.E. Nickersondwlgone-storyfmTimes nr Second ave W400Ballard7 col 1
George W. Groverdouble tenementone-storyfmTimes nr Second ave W700Ballard7 col 1
J.E. Jacobsondwlgone-storyfmWilburg nr Third ave W500Ballard7 col 1
W.H. Vernondwlgtwo-storyfmState nr Third ave W2000Ballard7 col 1
P. Millerdwlgone-storyfmState nr Third ave W550Ballard7 col 1
Methodist Episcopal Churchchurchone-storyfmState nr Third ave W3000Ballard7 col 1
Methodist Episcopal ChurchDwellingone-storyfmState nr Third ave W100Ballard7 col 1
A. Andersondwlgone-storyfmThird ave W and State450Ballard7 col 1
E. Hagmoreaddition to dwlgone-storyfmState and Third ave W100Ballard7 col 1
E. Nelsondwlgone-storyfmWilburg and Third ave W100Ballard7 col 1
Louis Nelsondwlgtwo-storyfmState and Second ave W250Ballard7 col 1
A.F. Rudnadwlgone-storyfmState and Second ave W150Ballard7 col 1
A.F. RudnaShoe shopone-storyfmState nr Second ave W50Ballard7 col 1
W.C. Doylestoretwo-storyfmSecond ave W and Wilburg1500Ballard7 col 1
K.P. Kemoedwlgone-storyfmState nr Second ave W600Ballard7 col 1
G.F. Millsdwlgone-storyfmState nr Second ave W550Ballard7 col 1
Jac. McDonalddwlgone-storyfmState nr First ave W130Ballard7 col 1
W.C. Flemingdwlgtwo-storyfmState nr First ave W400Ballard7 col 1
C.H. Hebnerstoretwo-storyfmBroadway and Second ave W1500Ballard7 col 1
S. Benjaminlivery barnone-and-a-half-storyfmThird ave W and Broadway600Ballard7 col 1
T.W. Lakeshop for ship bldgtwo-storyfmwater front foot of Broadway1000Ballard7 col 1
Stimson Mill saw and shingle milltwo storyfmwater front nr foot of Broadway10000Ballard7 col 1
Stimson Mill Co.Planing milltwo-storyfmwater front foot of Broadway500Ballard7 col 1
Stimson Mill Co.Additions to mill boarding houseone-storyfmnr mill500Ballard7 col 1
Stimson Mill Co.Barntwo-storyfmnr mill200Ballard7 col 1
Fred Bauershop for ship bldgone-storyfmBallard ave nr Second ave W100Ballard7 col 1
James Greendwlgone-storyfmBallard and Third ave W250Ballard7 col 1
Wm. Urquhartstoretwo-storybkBallard and Second ave W3500Ballard7 col 1
J.D. Murphystoretwo-storybkBallard and Second ave W3500Ballard7 col 1
J.D. Murphybarntwo-storyfmBallard nr Second ave W175Ballard7 col 1
? Walter Johnstonstoretwo-storyfmBallard nr Second ave W2000Ballard7 col 1
Ballard Manufacturing Companyenginehouseone-storyfmwater front nr foot First ave W250Ballard7 col 1
West Coast Manufacturing and Investment Companyshingle milltwo-storyfmwater front nr foot First ave W4000Ballard7 col 1
West Coast Manufacturing and Investment CompanyDry kilnone-storyfmnr mill1000Ballard7 col 1
C. Buergstoretwo-storyfmBallard nr Second ave W1400Ballard7 col 1
Mrs. E. F. Charltonadd to dwlgone-storyfmShilshole nr Second ave W200Ballard7 col 1
Frank Borsonedwlgone-storyfmShilshole nr Second ave W350Ballard7 col 1
John Iversondwlgtwo-storyfmnr Ballard and Second ave W300Ballard7 col 1
Hans NElsonstoretwo-storyfmBallard nr Second ave W1500Ballard7 col 1
Gillman Park Lumber Companytwo icehousesone-storyfmShilshole nr Second ave W300Ballard7 col 1
Gillman Park Lumber Companydwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmShilshole nr Second ave W500Ballard7 col 1
Gillman Park Lumber CompanyOffice finishedone-storyfmsame location110Ballard7 col 1
Gillman Park Lumber Companydwlgone-storyfmsame location500Ballard7 col 1
Charles Shanedwlgtwo-storyfmBroadway and Third ave W700Ballard7 col 1
J.J. Hollanddwlgtwo-storyfmShilshole nr Second Ave W1200Ballard7 col 2
William M. Curtissadd to storeone-storyfmLeary and Second Ave W75Ballard7 col 2
J.P.H. Morrisdwlgone-storyfmBallard nr Second ave W150Ballard7 col 2
Hans Lepsedwlgtwo-storyfmLeary nr First ave W550Ballard7 col 2
Frank R. Grenrosedwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmLeary nr First ave W500Ballard7 col 2
Charles O. Deweyblacksmith shopone-and-a-half-storyfmBallard and Second ave W500Ballard7 col 2
S.Z. Watneystoretwo-storyfmBallard nr First ave W800Ballard7 col 2
J.F. Diggsadd to storeone-storyfmLeary nr First ave W250Ballard7 col 2
Al Besson storetwo-storyfmBallard nr First ave W1000Ballard7 col 2
D.P. Collaghanhoteltwo-storyfmBallard nr First ave W4500Ballard7 col 2
F.A. Waughtaloffice and dwlgone-storyfmBallard nr First ave W600Ballard7 col 2
Charles Olsendwlgtwo-storyfmHolbrook nr First ave W300Ballard7 col 2
George P. Holden jr.dwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmAlbertson and 1st ave W700Ballard7 col 2
Rev. Warrendwlgtwo-storyfmAlberston nr First avenue W700Ballard7 col 2
Mrs. Maggie Clarkadd to dwlgone-storyfmAlbertson and First avenue West150Ballard7 col 2
William Ingramdwlgone-storyfmHolbrook nr First avenue W500Ballard7 col 2
Ole Zackrisondwlgone-storyfmFirst avenue West and Holbrook300Ballard7 col 2
Baptist churchone-storyfmFirst avenue West nr Holbrook2500Ballard7 col 2
Christopher Jensondwlgone-storyfmnr Holbrook and First avenue West200Ballard7 col 2
P.F. morrowprinting office and dwlgone-storyfmEast nr Leary avenue500Ballard7 col 2
C.F. Treatdwlgone-storyfmLeary and First avenue West400Ballard7 col 2
J. Jacobsdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmnr Leary and First avenue West300Ballard7 col 2
George Fosterbakerytwo-storyfm with bk ovenFirst ave W nr Leary600Ballard7 col 2
City jailone-storyfmLeary nr First ave W300Ballard7 col 2
John stephensdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmTallman near Second ave W1000Ballard7 col 2
John Sullivanbutcher shoptwo-storyfmSecond ave W nr Broadway400Ballard7 col 2
John Sullivanstoretwo-storyfmBroadway nr Second ave W2000Ballard7 col 2
H. Sabeanadd to dwlgone-storyfmnr Second ave W and Broadway100Ballard7 col 2
John Petersstoretwo-storyfmBroadway and Burg ave2500Ballard7 col 2
Porter-Gage Co.shingle milltwo-storyfmwaterfront nr foot Third ave W6000Ballard7 col 2
Porter-Gage Co.Dry kilnone-storyfmsame location650Ballard7 col 2
A.W. Hightdwlgtwo-storyfmPreston nr Third ave E2000Ballard7 col 2
Thomas J. Henrydwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmPreston nr Third ave E250Ballard7 col 2
Free Methodist Churchchurchone-storyfmAlbertson nr Third ave E900Ballard7 col 2
Daniel Faulknerdwlgtwo-storyfmAlbertson nr Third ave E1000Ballard7 col 2
Daniel Faulknerbarnone-and-a-half-storyfmAlbertson nr Third ave E100Ballard7 col 2
Mrs. A. Thatcherdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmPreston nr Third ave E250Ballard7 col 2
Mrs. A. Brookedwlgone-storyfmPreston nr Third ave E200Ballard7 col 2
Mrs. L. Hesserdwlgone-storyfmPreston nr Third ave E200Ballard7 col 2
J.H. Smithdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmFourthave E and Preston200Ballard7 col 2
John Jamesboarding-housetwo-storyfmThird ave E nr Bath3000Boulevard7 col 2
John R. and Thomast T. Fowlesdwlgthree-storyfmThird ave E nr Bath3000Boulevard7 col 2
West Street & North End Electric Railway Companypower-houseone-storybkThird ave E and Bath25000Boulevard7 col 2
N. Noteredwlgone-storyfmThird ave E nr Bath350Boulevard7 col 2
R.H.J. Pennefatherdwlgtwo-storyfmFourth ave E nr Bath3500Boulevard7 col 2
O.B. Simmonsdwlgtwo-storyfmFourth ave E nr Pay3000Boulevard7 col 2
H.C. Fulleradd to dwlgtwo-storyfmThird ave E nr Pay600Boulevard7 col 2
Peter Boyledwlgone-storyfmFourth ave E nr Pay100Boulevard7 col 2
F.H. Bensondwlgone-storyfmFourth ave E nr Pay150Boulevard7 col 2
C.W. Tompkinsadd to dwlgone-storyfmFourth ave E nr Boulevard200Boulevard7 col 2
W.H. Moyerdwlgtwo-storyfmSecond ave E nr Boulevard1000Boulevard7 col 2
Mrs. Sarah Warddwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmBoulevard nr Second ave E500Boulevard7 col 2
Wm. F. Milleradd to dwlgone-storyfmFourth ave W and Smith200Boulevard7 col 2
W.D. Gordonand to dwlgone-storyfmFourth ave W nr Smith150Boulevard7 col 2
Gustave Andersonbarntwo-storyfmnr Maurice and Harley250Boulevard7 col 2
F.G. Mellusdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmPleasant Valley add1500Boulevard7 col 2
W.H. Martindwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmPleasant Valley add300Boulevard7 col 2
Neil Campbelldwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmWest nr Prospect150Boulevard7 col 2
West Seattle Land and Improvement Co.cable power-houseone-storyfmGrand ave nr Columbia4500West Seattle7 col 2
SchoolhouseSchoolhouseone-storyfm bkbet Cedar and Spruce1350West Seattle7 col 2
C.H. Stretchdwlgtwo-storyfmColumbia nr Cedar2250West Seattle7 col 2
George B. Youngdwlgtwo-storyfmColumbia nr Cedar5000West Seattle7 col 2
W.C. Eatondwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmVashon ave nr Spruce2000West Seattle7 col 2
George B. Walkerdwlgone-storyfmCedar and California400West Seattle7 col 2
J.N. Boswelldwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmVashon nr Cedar200West Seattle7 col 2
Hugh Robertsdwlgone-storyfmColumbia nr Laurel250West Seattle7 col 2
W.A. Hardydwlgtwo-storyfmOlympic ave and Grant2800West Seattle7 col 2
W.H. Dukestoretwo-storyfmOlympic ave and Grant1600West Seattle7 col 2
Morrison & Eshlemandwlgtwo-storyfmOlympic and Laurel4000West Seattle7 col 2
W.S. Faddisdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmRainier and Grand300West Seattle7 col 2
Jep. Millerdwlgone-storyfmHome and Oxstand300West Seattle7 col 2
James Thomasdwlgone-storyfmRainier and Alder drive900West Seattle7 col 2
T.F. Robertsondwlgone-storyfmOak nr Rainer2300West Seattle7 col 2
Lawrence L. Mooredwlgone-storyfmOak nr Rainer1000West Seattle7 col 2
Miss Anna D. Howedwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmGlenwood and Oak1800West Seattle7 col 2
Carl Weaverbakerytwo-storyfmCascade800West Seattle7 col 2
Murdock Stewartsaloonone-storyfmCascade nr Oak600West Seattle7 col 2
Murdock Stewartpaviliontwo-storyfmCascade and Oak1300West Seattle7 col 2
Seattle Transfer Co.barnone-and-a-half-storyfmCascade nr Oak1700West Seattle7 col 2
C.N. Cooperpostofficeone-storyfmCascade and Oak400West Seattle7 col 2
C.N. Cooperstoreone-storyfmCascade and Oak400West Seattle7 col 2
Seattle Terminal Railway & Elevator Co.elevator and warehousetwo-storyfmwater front75000West Seattle7 col 2
Seattle Terminal Railway & Elevator Co.enginehouseone-storybrick and stonwater front100000West Seattle7 col 2
James Cummingsdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmColfax and Denny250South Seattle7 col 2
John McDonalddwlgone-storyfmColfax and Denny150South Seattle7 col 2
Truman Lewisdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmColfax nr Denny250South Seattle7 col 2
Edward Heggnerbakeryone-storyfmColfax nr Denny250South Seattle7 col 2
Schoolhouseschoolhouseone-storyfmDenny and Colfax200South Seattle7 col 2
Mrs. E.M. Boyntondwlgone-storyfmLiberty nr Denny125South Seattle7 col 2
J. Dashastdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmLiberty nr Denny800South Seattle7 col 2
W.L. Haskelltwo-storyfmDenny nr Grant1000South Seattle7 col 2
J.W. Willettdwlgone-storyfmLincoln nr water front350South Seattle7 col 2
Newells’ Mill Co.add to boarding-housetwo-storyfmnr Yesler avenue and Colfax1200South Seattle7 col 2
L.S. Carddwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmMarket and Colfax780South Seattle7 col 2
L.S. Carddwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmMarket and Colfax780South Seattle7 col 2
J.W. Willettdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmLincoln nr water front125South Seattle7 col 2
J.C. Carddwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmMarket nr Colfax600South Seattle7 col 2
J.C. Cardbarnone-storyfmMarket nr Colfax150South Seattle7 col 2
F.J. Neigerdwlgone-storyfmColfax nr Market650South Seattle7 col 2
F.J. NeigerBarnone-storyfmColfax nr Market100South Seattle7 col 2
Richard Hendersondwlgone-storyfmCasey nr Grant150South Seattle7 col 2
C. Hahndwlgone-storyfmnr Colfax and Market250South Seattle7 col 2
Mrs. A.C. Stetsondwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmColfax nr Yesler1800South Seattle7 col 2
Frederick W. Reiddwlgone-storyfmColfax nr Yesler500South Seattle7 col 2
Bay View Brewing Companyadd to brewerythree-storybkGrant30000South Seattle7 col 2
Bay View Brewing Companydwlgone-storyfmGrant250South Seattle7 col 2
Seattle Packing Companyadd to packing house and Plum900South Seattle7 col 2
Adolph Vollmanndwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmTwelfth bet Plum and Pine350South Seattle7 col 2
J.T. McPhersondwlgone-storyfmGrant nr Plum450South Seattle7 col 2
Henry Alnenstoreone-storyfmGrant nr Plum100South Seattle7 col 2
E.L. McPhersonbarnone-storyfmGrant nr Plum150South Seattle7 col 2
L.C. Holmdwlgone-storyfmGrant nr Brunswick300South Seattle7 col 2
Geo. Albrechtdwlgone-storyfmGrant nr Brunswick250South Seattle7 col 2
Geo. Strengstoreone-storyfmGrant nr Brunswick100South Seattle7 col 2
Wm. C. Partridgedwlgone-storyfmGrant nr Woodstock200South Seattle7 col 2
John A. Klattdwlgone-storyfmGrant nr Woodstock200South Seattle7 col 2
J. Schulzedwlgone-storyfmGrant nr Woodstock200South Seattle7 col 2
Alexander Rossdwlgone-storyfmGrant nr Woodstock200South Seattle7 col 2
Joseph Miwalddwlgone-storyfmGrant nr Woodstock100South Seattle7 col 2
B. Smithdwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmTwelfth nr Brunswick350South Seattle7 col 2
D.H. Crabledwlgone-and-a-half-storyfmTwelfth nr Brunswick1500South Seattle7 col 2
J.P. Burdickwarehousetwo-storycorrugated ironGrant and Plum2750South Seattle7 col 2
J.P. BurdickBarnone-and-a-half-storyfmsame location800South Seattle7 col 2
Judge Richard Osbornwarehousetwo-storycorrugated ironGrant and Plum3727South Seattle7 col 2
Mr. Hillmanwarehouseone-storyfmGrant nr Yesler2500South Seattle7 col 2
Oregon Improvement Companydwlgtwo-storyfmnr Grant and Denny300South Seattle7 col 3
Oregon Improvement CompanyBarntwo-storyfmnr Grant and Denny200South Seattle7 col 3
Mrs. Hibbinthree dwlgsone-storyfmwaterfront750South Seattle7 col 3
Puget Sound Fire Clay Co.factorythree-storyfm10000Duwamish7 col 3
Puget Sound Fire Clay Co.Eight kilnsbk24000Duwamish7 col 3
Catholic Industrial Schoolincompletefour-storyfmSouth Park2000040000Duwamish7 col 3
John Hansondwlgone-storyfm225Duwamish7 col 3
O.F. Olsondwlgone-storyfm250Duwamish7 col 3
Unknowndwlgone-storyfm200Duwamish7 col 3
C. Proutydwlgone-and-one-half-storyfm250Duwamish7 col 3
J.M. Wilsondwlgone-storyfm250Duwamish7 col 3
J.M. WilsonBarntwo-storyfm150Duwamish7 col 3
J.W. Maplestoretwo-storyfm1000Duwamish7 col 3
M.L. Cavanaughdwlgtwo-storyfm with bk foundation2000Duwamish7 col 3
S. Morinedwlgone-storyfm with bk foundation2500Duwamish7 col 3
Mr. Frenchmanstoretwo-storyfm1700Duwamish7 col 3
George Welgurdwlgone-storyfm150Duwamish7 col 3
Jerry Sullivandwlgone-storyfm75Duwamish7 col 3
F. Osworthdwlgone-and-a-half storyfm900Duwamish7 col 3
Julius Hortondwlgtwo-storyfm with brick foundation8000Duwamish7 col 3
Mr. Howlanddwlgtwo-storyfmSouth Park1200Duwamish7 col 3
Mr. Petersondwlgtwo-storyfmSouth Park350Duwamish7 col 3
Mr. PetersonPostofficeone-storyfmDuwamish river nr South Park100Duwamish7 col 3
Albert Braun Brewing AssociationBrewery Buildingseven-storyfmDuwamish river nr South Park10000Duwamish7 col 3
Albert Braun Brewing AssociationBoarding-housetwo-storyfmDuwamish river nr South Park3000Duwamish7 col 3
Albert Braun Brewing AssociationWarehouseone-storyfmDuwamish river nr South Park900Duwamish7 col 3
Albert Braun Brewing AssociationBarntwo-storyfmDuwamish river nr South Park1800Duwamish7 col 3
Albert Braun Brewing AssociationDouble dwlgtwo-storyfmDuwamish river nr South Park2800Duwamish7 col 3

Step 3: Find permanent, free use home COMPLETE

  • Needs to be open source
  • If it has mapping and other tools built in, even better

This data is available for free download from my page on figshare.


Make the list relevant to today:

  • Transform newspaper section header as column (eg, “In Course of Construction”). COMPLETE
  • Present-day translation of nearest intersection UNDERWAY (updated June and July 2019)
    • This work is has been underway for more than 4 years.
    • Back in 2015 I first created a resource for the 1895 renaming of most of Seattle based on a city ordinance. I hear about people using this frequently, in particular I know that the Seattle Public Library’s history and genealogy desk point people to it. But that ordinance didn’t cover all of present-day Seattle. So I then cobbled together Ballard street name changes. And then I created a resource based on ordinances after the annexation of West Seattle, Beacon Hill, Rainier Valley, and Georgetown.
    • But that still is not even all of the streets listed in 1890. So I resumed this work in 2019. I have published another table for all of Brooklyn, Latona, Wallingford, and Fremont created from plats, the 1893 Sanborn map available at LOC, and the 1899 water pipe maps that I point to in the 1895 ordinance page. I do not know what document controlled the renaming of those areas annexed in 1891.
    • I published a table for Kirkland that I created from original plats and Sanborn fire insurance maps available through Seattle Public Library online.
    • I’ve identified additional ordinances to review, especially 13271 and 14405 which may cover the area called South Seattle after annexation.
    • Using the above resources I’ve completed the conversion of street names for about two thirds of structures. I’ve completed from the top through Kirkland and working on Latona. Previously I completed most of Ballard lower in the list, so hopefully this wraps up soon.
    • When this is complete, I’ll publish the amended sheet on figshare

Step 5: Data quality

  • Find a physical source or alternate method of correcting improvement value in page 6 column 6
  • Add addresses for known extant buildings
    • (June 2019:) This was intended to focus on downtown.
    • (June 2019:) I’ve added some historic addresses already. In some instances the home builders sold or rented, but they did live there in other cases. So looking up builder name in 1891 city directory does find addresses for some buildings.
  • Add Wikipedia links for known extant buildings
    • (June 2019:) This of course would focus on major buildings, especially downtown.
  • Bulk geocode based on transformed addresses
    • (June 2019:) This can be done after all street names are converted. In some cases the transformed intersection doesn’t exist today, especially when freeways destroyed the intersection. Also sometimes the location is listed as a single street, which was more precise prior to transformation. A street name that only existed in one plat gets converted to a city-long street.

Step 6: Do something interesting with this to showcase it

  • Article for neighborhood blog or other outlet?
  • Share with Seattle 1890 project
  • Share with other Seattle historians

(June 2019:) Also, there is another list that the Seattle PI published on January 1, 1890 listing all buildings created since the fire in 1889. It is 3 pages as well. I’ll probably start on that after finishing the conversion of street names in the 1890 list.

Archive of STEP 1 work along the way:

Notes on text munging:

  • Some commas removed in list of construction materials
  • Commas removed from thousands marker in building cost
  • Some commas removed in list of owners
  • Expense to date as one column; expected cost in same column as total cost
  • Text inconsistently separates height from materials; as data they are in separate fields (eg, “one-story fm” as fields one-story and fm)

Links to original OCR (which in turn has links to original pages): Page 5Page 6Page 7

Raw corrected text (includes many errors cleaned up after combined into single table; errors found later were made directly in the table and not included in these):

Panorama of Pioneer Square in 1906. The Occidental Hotel on the right was completed in 1890. Other buildings were in planning or under construction.
Panorama of Pioneer Square in 1906. The Occidental Hotel on the right was completed in 1890. Other buildings were in planning or under construction. (I contributed this postcard to Wikimedia)

Further reading

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  1. Hi Rob – Love everything you’ve done here. Have you hit Step 4? Still looking for a mapping platform? Hit me at: jeff at Also see crude draft here, based on the OSM stack. We’re in dev right now. Or, if you know of other alternatives, I’d love to hear about ’em. Thanks! Jeff


    Good afternoon – I work for a general contractor in the Seattle area, and we are currently conducting exploratory work on the ‘Washington Park’ building constructed in 1892 (68 S. Washington St). I’ve been searching all over the net trying to find structural drawings/details of the original structure, but have not had luck. I’m generally curious as to the construction type of that era and in the Pioneer district. Do you have any references to documentation or books that may provide such structural details/descriptions?

    • Rob Ketcherside


      You may have more luck searching under the original name, the Lowman and Hanford Printing and Stationery Building. But they had several of them over the years so that may be tricky too.

      It was constructed in 1889-1890, not 1892, right after the Great Fire. Your 1892 date is probably from when the upper floors were added.

      To reinforce what you’re saying, I can’t find mention of it in the books Shaping Seattle Architecture (2nd ed) or Distant Corner. But I’ve noticed that there are inexplicable gaps and inaccuracies in the architectural history of Pioneer Square. So I’m not surprised.

      Here is the brief PCAD entry for it:

      There is a long mention in the 1970 register report, but that research is fifty years dated now:

      You may have luck looking in the Lowman and Hanford Company records, but they don’t date back to the time of construction,

      I skimmed through “Like the Phoenix” in the December 7, 1889 Seattle P-I and strangely I don’t see it mentioned, . There were advertisements for the West Seattle Improvement Company starting in December 1889 saying that their offices were in the Lowman and Hanford Building, so I believe it was complete at that time.

      There must have been some research done by the State of Washington for their EIS for replacing the viaduct. Often they just assemble available information though, so I’m unsure if it will help.



    The thorough response is greatly appreciated. I had come across the 1970 register report and the Lowman & Hanford records, but no results to inform on the structural design. At this point i have been in contact with Architectural and Structural professors from the UW; this has also yielded no results to the structural design of the time-period in Seattle.

    One way or another we’ll get to where we need to and move forward. I’ll plan to document our findings and would be glad to share if there’s an interest. Construction won’t begin for another year, so there’s some time to explore this unique building.

    Thanks again for your assistance.

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