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Renaming the streets of South and West Seattle

I transcribed three major street renaming events in early 1900s Seattle: West Seattle; Beacon Hill, Columbia City, and the Rainier Valley; and Georgetown. As each of these cities or unincorporated areas was annexed Seattle had to weave the names into the existing grid.

These three tables were created from city ordinances. All of the tables are available for free use on figshare.

West Seattle

Here is West Seattle, from 1907. This was in Ordinance 17214. Luckily this was already scanned to pdf on the City Clerk’s site. I transcribed and tablified it. Later in the year 34 corrections were made in ordinance 17506. I included those as well.

OrdinanceBulletOld NameNew NameFrom locationTo locationAddition/Division/Tracts
172141A StreetWest Andover StreetFaegre's Second, Gottstein's First, Sander's First, South Haven and White and Manning's Addition
172142Alder Street30th Ave SWWhite & Manning's, Pleasant Grove; Plat 1 West Seattle
172143Alder DriveEdgewood Avenue1st Plat West Seattle L&I
172144Alder Place50th Ave SWSpring Hill Park
172145Alice StreetWest Dakota StreetFaeger's First, Hesslocher's and Souther Pacific
172146Alki AvenueWest Stevens StreetWest Seattle Five Acre Tracts, Alki Avenue, Glory, Sea Shore, Highland Heights, Made's First, Sawyer's First, Tull's Second Additions, Payne's Addition, 4th Plat West Seattle L&I
172147Alvord Avenue37th Ave SWCentury Scenic Acre Tracts
172148Amund Avenue54th Ave SWWest Seattle Five Acre Tracts, Alki Heights, Meyer's, Shank's Orchard View Additions, Spring Hill Villa Tracts
172149Arabelle Street53rd Ave SWHughes
1721410Arch TerraceArch Avenue3rd Plat West Seattle L&I, Walnut Terrace
1721411Arizone StreetArizone AvenueSeattle Tide Lands
1721412Ash Avenue41st Ave SWAvenue, Elliott Bay
1721413Ash StreetWalnut Avenue3rd Plat West Seattle L&I
1721414Ashworth Street54th Ave SWChilberg
1721415B StreetYancy StreetWhite & Manning's
1721416Back Bay StreetColby StreetSeaboard
1721417Bay Terrace10th Ave SWWhite Heights
1721418Bay View Avenue36th Ave SW3rd Plat West Seattle L&I
1721419Bay View Avenue14th Ave SWDuwamish Heights Garden Tracts, Northern Pacific Addition, White Heights
1721420Bay View StreetWest Spokane StreetSeaboard, Steel Works
1721421Bay View StreetPrince StreetBay View Additions
1721422Baker PlacePrescott PlaceWest Seattle L&I 3rd Plat
1721423Battery StreetWest Hinds StreetA A Smith, California, O'Bryan's Sound View, Mountain View Addition, Central Addition to Alki Point
1721424Beach WayBronson WayWest Seattle L&I 3rd Plat
1721425Beach Street45th Ave SW1st Plat West Seattle L&I
1721426Beacon StreetManning StreetSeaboard
1721427Beacon StreetColby StreetGottstein's First, Sander's First, White Brothers, Star Addition to WS
1721428Bellevue Avenue55th Ave SWTract 54 Spring Hill Villa Tracts, Dodge, Meyer's, Shank's Orchard Veiw
1721429Bellevue StreetWest Holden StreetFauntleroy Heights
1721430Bertrand Street55th Ave SWChilberg
1721431Bicycle AvenueArnold AvenueChilberg
1721432Blanche StreetWest Spokane StreetCentral Addition #2, Sparkman & McLean's 2nd, Sound View, O'Bryan's Sound View
1721433Bluff StreetArch Avenue2nd Plat West Seattle L&I
1721434Boston Avenue35th Ave SWCentury Scenic Acre Tracts, Commonwealth, Harbor View, Kingsbury Heights, McCord Heights, Shasta Heights, Ashford, Sawyer's Home Tracts, Lincoln Beach Villas
1721435Box Street59th Ave SWChilberg
1721436Brook StreetBrook Avenue3rd Plat West Seattle L&I
1721437Bryant Avenue19th Ave SWHasslocher, Sander's 1st, Sander's 2nd, White Brother
1721438C StreetWest Dakota StreetWhite & Manning
1721439Cambridge Avenue38th Ave SWBoston Company, Norris, Ashford
1721440Canyon AvenueCanyon DriveSeashore Park
1721441Carden StreetWest Ferdinand StreetUnion Pacific Addition
1721442Carolina StreetBronson WaySeattle Tide Lands
1721443Cascade Avenue12th Ave SWDuwamish Heights Garden Tracts, White Heights
1721444Cascade AvenueCalifornia AvenueCalifornia AvenueNE cor Lot 1 Bl 8 1st Plat WS L&I
1721445Cascade AvenueFerry AvenueNE cor Lot 1 Bl 8 1st Plat WS L&IGrand Avenue
1721446Cascade View Avenue12th Ave SWNorthern Pacific
1721447Cedar Street37th Ave SW3rd Plat West Seattle L&I
1721448Cedar StreetWalnut AvenueElliott Bay, Spencer, Scenic Heights Supplemental
1721449Cedar StreetWest Hill Street2nd Plat West Seattle L&I, Replat of West Seattle Park, West Seattle Park
1721450Center StreetOlga StreetWheeler's Western, Wheeler's Western 2nd
1721451Central AvenuePratt StreetWhite Heights
1721452Chelan AvenueWest Hanford StreetSeattle Tide Lands
1721453City View Avenue13th Ave SWNorthern Pacific, White Heights
1721454Clara Street13th Ave SWGoodspeed
1721455Clay StreetArnold PlaceChilberg
1721456Columbia Avenue46th Ave SW"Alta Vista" J Walter Hainsworth 3rd, 1st Addition to West Seattle L&I 2nd, Sea View Park, 2nd Plat West Seattle L&I, 4th Plat West Seattle L&I, Century, Fern Hill, J. Walter Hainsworth, Holbrook & Clark, Howe, Howe 2nd, Made's 1st, Olympic Heights, Sparkman & McLean's Second, Sutherland 1st
1721457Commonwealth Ave36th Ave SWLincoln Beach Villas
1721458Columbia Street46th Ave SWRosenbaum Spring Hill No 1.
1721459Commonwealth Ave37th Ave SWBoston Company, Harbor View, Kingsbury Heights, McCord Heights, Norris, Shasta Heights, Ashford
1721460County Road48th Ave SWLincoln Beach
1721461County RoadWhite AvenueEasterly margin of Plat of Prospect Tracs
1721462Dan McKinnon Road26th Ave SWSE cor Bl 9 White & ManningNE cor Bl 1 Plat 1 West Side
1721463Dan McKinnon RoadWest Brandon StNE cor Bl 1 Plat 1 West Side700' E of NW cor SW 1/4 S24T24R3E
1721464Dan McKinnon Road24th Ave SW700' E of NW cor SW 1/4 S24T24R3ES line S24 600' E of SW cor SE 1/4
1721465Dan McKinnon RoadWest Graham StS line S24 600' E of SW cor SE 1/4S line of S24 1050' E of SW cor of SE 1/4
1721466Dan McKinnon Road22nd Ave SWS line of S24 1050' E of SW cor of SE 1/4450' S of NE cor NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of S36T24N, R3E
1721467County Road22nd Ave SWSteel Plant Addition
1721468Courtland StreetMaryland Street1st Plat West Seattle L&I
1721469Crawford AvenueAikins AvenueChilberg
1721470D StreetMary StreetWhite & Manning
1721471Dakota StreetWest Dakota StreetWest of Whatcom Ave in Seattle Tidelands
1721472Depot Avenue26th Ave SWFaegre's 1st, Faegre's 2nd, Ingle's Supplement to White & Manning, South Haven, Southern Pacific, White & Manning, Plat No 1 West Side
1721473Dorffel Avenue53rd Ave SWHughes
1721474Dryden Avenue52nd Ave SWOliver & Dryden, Olympic Park
1721475Dryden Avenue52nd Ave SWOliver & Dryden, Olympic Park
1721476Duwamish Avenue15th Ave SWDuwamish Heights Garden Tracts
1721477Duwamish AvenueDetroid AvenueWhite Heights
1721478Duwamish Avenue45th Ave SWCentral Addition No 2, Central Park, Holbrook & Clark, Sparkman & McLean 1st, Sparkman & McLean 2nd, Sutherland 1st, Sea View Park
1721479E StreetStanton StreetWhite & Manning
1721480Edgewood Avenue42nd Ave SWWest Seattle L&I
1721481Ellensburgh Avenue27th Ave SWPlat 1 of West Side
1721482Elliott AvenueFairmount AvenueBanner Tract, Madrona, Occident Heights, Wheeler's Western 2nd, Block 4 in Point, Replat of West Seattle L&I 3rd, West Seattle Five Acre Tracts, Seattle Tide Lands
1721483Elliott Avenue39th Ave SWBoston Company, Century Scenic Acre Tracts, Fauntleroy Heights, Sea View Park, Birdle Heights, Elliott Bay, Fairmount, Norris Scenic Heights, Spencer, Tull 1st, Ashford, Lincoln Beach Villas
1721484Elliott CourtGold CourtSeashore Park
1721485Elizabeth Avenue48th Ave SWGocher's Orchard Tract
1721486Elm StreetWest HolgateWest Seattle L&I 3rd
1721487Elorus Street52nd Ave SWHughes
1721488Erie Avenue4th Ave SWJos R McLaughlin Water Front
1721489Euclid Avenue49th Ave SWSpring Hill Villa Tracts, Gocher's Orchard Tracts, Sea View Park, Rosenbaum Spring Hill No 2, Spring Hill Park, Waldemere, Willett's Alder Grove, Lawrence 2nd, Spring Hill Villa Tracts, Sea Shore Park
1721490Euclid AvenueCalifornia AvenueBoston Company, Holbrook & Clark, Mountain View
1721491Euclid Drive49th Ave SWEuclid
1721492Everett Avenue16th Ave SWSanders 1st, Sanders 2nd
1721493Ewing Avenue47th Ave SWLeber, Sander, Sparkman & McLean 2nd, West Seattle Park
1721494F StreetWest Genessee StreetHasslocher, Ingle Supplement to Whiteman & Manning, Sothern Pacific
1721495Fair View AvenueWest Graham StNorthern Pacific
1721496Ferry Avenue50th Ave SWE S Young, Euclid, Highland Heights, Mountan & Seaview, O'Bryan Sound View, Olympic Park, Sawyer 1st, West Seattle L&I 4th, Replat of West Seattle Park, West Seattle Park
1721497Forest AvenueManning StreetCallow and Queens
1721498Glenwood Avenue42nd Ave SW1st West Seattle by West Seattle L&I
1721499Grand Avenue61st Ave SWCentral Addition to Alki Point, Sea Shore
17214100Grand AvenueWest Raymond StreetWhite Heights
17214101Grand Avenue6th Ave SWUnion Pacific
17214102Grand AvenueFerry Avenue1st West Seattle Park, Replat of West Seattle L&I 3rd, 1st and 2nd West Seattle by West Seattle L&I
17214103Grand View AvenueWest Raymond StreetNorthern Pacific
17214104Grand View StreetWest Hinds StreetSteel Works
17214105Grant StreetWest Atlantic Street1st and 2nd Plat of West Seattle by West Seattle L&I
17214106Grayson AvenueGrayson StreetReplat of West Seattle L&I 3rd
17214107Greenwood AvenueWest Brandon StDuwamish Heights Garden Tracts
17214108Haller Avenue47th Ave SWAlta Vista J Walter Hainsworth 3rd, Century, Fern Hill, J Walter Hainsworth 2nd, Howe 2nd, Olympic Heights, Willett Alder Grove, Lawrence 2nd, West Seattle L&I 4th, Replat of West Seattle Park, Replat of 1st Add to West Seattle Park
17214109Hanson Avenue63rd Ave SWA A Smith, Alki Point
17214110Harrison StreetWest College StreetPoint
17214111Harvard Avenue40th Ave SWBoston Company, California Heights, Birdle Heights, Fairmont, Norris, Scenic Heights, Sea View Park
17214112Hazel Street35th Ave SWWest Seattle L&I 3rd
17214113Hersalora Street25th Ave SWGodspeed
17214114High Street50th Ave SWBay View Addition
17214115Highland Avenue37th Ave SWWest Seattle L&I 3rd
17214116Hill Avenue17th Ave SWSanders 1st, Sanders 2nd
17214117Hill PlaceGordon PlaceSpring Hill Park
17214118Home StreetWalnut AvenueOccident Heights, Point Addition
17214119Huron Avenue2nd Ave SWJos R McLaughlin's Water Front
17214120Hugo Avenue21st Ave SWFaegre's 1st, Gottstein's 1st, Sander's 1st, Sander's 2nd, South Haven, Southern Pacific, Southern Pacific Supplemental, Star Addition
17214121Hugo Street21st Ave SWHasslocher
17214122Hunter AvenueWest Massachusetts StreetWest Seattle L&I 3rd
17214123Indiana StreetIndiana AvenueSeattle Tide Lands
17214124Iowa StreetIowa AvenueSeattle Tide Lands
17214125Irvington StreetWest Charlestown StreetSeaboard
17214126Jacobson RoadWest Alaska StreetWest of 16.7 feet west of west margin at north margin of Lot 4 Blk 3 Rockaway Beach
17214127Jones StreetWest Dakota StreetChilberg
17214128Juneau AvenueWest Juneau StreetDuwamish Heights Garden Tracts, Weight Heights
17214129King StreetWest Juneau Street1st West Seattle by West Seattle L&I
17214130King StreetBelvidere AvenueWest Seattle L&I 3rd
17214131Klickitat Avenue16th Ave SWOuter Harbor LineLot 11 in Blk 401 Seattle Tide Lands
17214132Lake StreetWest Dakota StreetAlki Heights, Dodge, Meyer's, Oliver & Dryden's, Euclid 2nd
17214133Laurel StreetWest Massachusetts Street1st and 2nd Plat of West Seattle by West Seattle L&I, Replat of West Seattle Park
17214134Leary WayWest College StreetWest Seattle L&I 3rd
17214135Lewis Avenue48th Ave SWWest Seattle L&I 4th, West Seattle Park, 1st West Seattle Park
17214136Lewis AvenueWest Myrtle StreetLincoln Beach
17214137Lewis Street48th Ave SWGlory and Leber
17214138Lincoln AvenueWest Myrtle StreetLincoln Beach
17214139Lincoln AvenueMurray AvenueLincoln Beach, Sea View Park
17214140Lincoln Beach BoulevardWest Othello StreetLincoln Beach Villas
17214141Locust AvenueWest Hinds StreetArchie Major, Elliott Bay, Lawrence's Central, Lincoln Heights
17214142Louise Street55th Ave SWCallow
17214143Louisiana StreetWest Atlantic StreetSeattle Tide Lands
17214144Lyons Street53rd Ave SWQueen
17214145McDonald Avenue49th Ave SWWest Seattle Park
17214146McEntire Ave22nd Ave SWFaegre's 1st, Gottstein's 1st, South Haven, Southern Pacific, Southern Pacific Supplemental, Star Addition
17214147Madrone StreetWest Holgate2nd West Seattle by West Seattle L&I, Replat of West Seattle Park, West Seattle Park
17214148Maple Lane46th Ave SWLincoln Beach
17214149Maple StreetWest Seattle Street1st and 2nd West Seatle by West Seattle L&I
17214150Maine StreetAlki AvenueSeattle Tide Lands
17214151Market StreetWest Charlestown StreetCallow, Queen, Leber, Olympic Park, Shank's Orchard View, Sparkman & McLean 2nd
17214152Marshall StreetCalifornia Place1st West Seattle by West Seattle L&I
17214153Marshall Avenue48th Ave SWEuclid, Waldemere, Willett's Alder Grove, Lawrence's 2nd, West Seattle Park
17214154Maryland StreetMaryland PlaceSeattle Tide Lands
17214155Massachusetts Avenue36th Ave SWBoston Company's Plat, Commonwealth, Kingsbury Heights, Harbor View, Shasta Heights, McCord Heights, Ashford
17214156Maurice Street16th Ave SWAnderson, Goodspeed, Supplement to Goodspeed
17214157Michigan AvenueWest Michigan Streetwest of 1st Ave S in Jos R McLaughlin's Water Front
17214158Michigan AvenueMichigan Streeteast of 1st Ave S in Jos R McLaughlin's Water Front
17214159Midvale AvenueWest Findlay StreetDuwamish Heights Garden Tracts
17214160Mills StreetLocust StreetPayne's
17214161Missouri StreetMissouri AvenueSeattle Tide Lands
17214162Minnessota Street28th Ave SWSeattle Tide Lands
17214163Mississippi AvenueWest Lander StreetSeattle Tide Lands
17214164Motor BoulevardLowman DriveLincoln Beach Villas
17214165Mountain View Avenue15th Ave SWWhite Heights, Northern Pacific
17214166Nebraska StreetWest Oregon StreetSeattle Tide Lands
17214167North Front StreetFront Streeteast of 1st Ave S in Jos R McLaughlin's Water Front
17214168North Front StreetWest Front Streetwest of 1st Ave S in Jos R McLaughlin's Water Front
17214169North StreetWest Wait StreetWheeler's Western and Wheeler's Western 2nd
17214170North StreetWest Othello StreetSteel Plant
17214171Oak Avenue42nd Ave SWAvenue Addition
17214172Oak StreetOak Place1st West Seattle by West Seattle L&I
17214173Occident AvenuePoint StreetOccident Heights
17214174Ocean View Avenue28th Ave SWPleasant Grove, White & Manning's, Plat No 1 of West Side
17214175Ohio StreetWest Myrtle StreetJos R McLaughlin's Water Front
17214176Olive StreetLocust StreetBanner Tract
17214177Olson AvenueWest Hanford StreetA A Smith's, Sea Shore, Central Addition to Alki Point, Alki Point
17214178Olympia Avenue44th Ave SWSea View Park, Sparkman & McLean's 1st, 2nd West Seattle by West Seattle L&I, West Seattle L&I 4th
17214179Olympic Avenue44th Ave SWAlta Vista J Walter Hainsworth's 3rd, Central Addition #2, Century Addition #2, Central Park, J Walter Hainsworth's 2nd, Holbrook & Clark's, Olympic Heights, Mountain View Park, Sparkman & McLean's 2nd, Stewart's 1st, 1st and 2nd West Seattle by West Seattle L&I, West Seattle L&I 4th
17214180Olympic Avenue16th Ave SWDuwamish Heights Garden Tracts, White Heights
17214181Olympic View Avenue16th Ave SWNorthern Pacific
17214182Oregon StreetChelan AvenueSoutheasterly of 427, 407 Seattle Tide Lands
17214183Oregon StreetWest Spokane StreetSouth of blocks 400, 434, 437 Seattle Tide Lands
17214184Orleans AvenueOrleans StreetCallow, Queen
17214185Pacific Avenue42nd Ave SWAldine Heights, Hainsworth Heights, Archie Major, Lawrence's Central, Niesz, Sound View, Tull's 2nd, 2nd Plat of WS by WS L&I
17214186Pacific Avenue52nd Ave SWEuclid 2nd, Tull's 2nd, Spring Hill Villa Tracts
17214187Palm StreetWest Stevens StreetBanner Tract, Stewart's 1st
17214188Palmer StreetWest Stevens StreetJ. Walter Hanwsworth's 1st, Prospect Tracts, Wymore Addition
17214189Panting Avenue20th Ave SWHasslocher's, White Brothers', Sander's 1st and Sander's 2nd
17214190Park PlaceBrook AvenueWest Seattle L&I 3rd
17214191Park PlaceGordon PlaceSpring Hill Park
17214192Park WaySumner WayWest Seattle L&I 3rd
17214193Park WayOcean Park WaySeashore Park
17214194Park WayOcean CourtSeashore Park
17214195Park StreetDonald Street1st West Seattle by West Seattle L&I
17214196Paulson AvenueWest Lander StreetAlki Point, Seaside
17214197Paulson Avenue59th Ave SWSeaside
17214198Payne Avenue51st Ave SW51st Ave SW
17214199Pelly AvenueFauntleroyLincoln Beach
17214200Pelly AvenueWest Willow StreetLincoln Beach
17214201Pitner Street14th Ave SWAnderson's, Goodspeed's
17214202Plateau Avenue42nd Ave SWThe Boston Company's, California Heights, Sea View Park, Birdle Heights, Fairmount, Scenic Heights, Seaview Heights
17214203Plimpton Street47th Ave SWChilberg's
17214204Portland Avenue32nd Ave SWSawyer's Home Tracts, Plat 1 of West Side
17214205Pratt Street15th Ave SWAnderson's, Goodspeed's
17214206Prince StreetWest Wait StreetHughes', Madrona, Niesz, Olympic Heights, Bay View, West Seattle L&I 3rd, WS L & 4th, West Seattle Five Acre Tracts, 1st West Seattle Park
17214207Princess Street51st Ave SWAlki Avenue, Hughes' Bay View
17214208Prospect Avenue41st Ave SWAldine Heights, California Heights, Boston Company, Fauntleroy Heights, Hainsworth Heights, West Seattle L&I 3rd, Sea View Park, Walnut Terrace, 2nd West Seattle by West Seattle L&I, , Birdle Heights, Fairmount, Lawrence's Central, Madrona, Niesz, Occident Heights, Scenic Heights, Seaview Heights
17214209Prospect AvenueWest Hanford StreetGlory
17214210Prospect StreetWest Hanford StreetProspect Tracts, Tull's 1st, J. Walter Hainsworth's 1st
17214211Prospect StreetDouglas PlaceChilberg's
17214212Prospect StreetWest Edmunds StreetUnion Pacific
17214213Puget Avenue53rd Ave SWAlki Heights, Shank's Orchard View, Euclid, Euclid 2nd
17214214Puget DriveUpper CourtLincoln Home
17214215Puget Street53rd Ave SWOlympic Park
17214216Queen StreetGrayson StreetHughes', Bay View
17214217Railroad AvenueAlki AvenueSeattle Tide Lands, 1st West Seattle by West Seattle Land & Improvement, West Seattle L&I 3rd
17214218Rainier AvenuePalm Avenue1st Plat of West Seattle by the West Seattle Land & Improvement Co
17214219Resort CourtPalm AvenueSeashore Park; Seashore Park 2nd
17214220River View AvenueWest Morgan StreetNorthern Pacific
17214221UnnamedFauntleroy AvenueSw cor bl 1 of Lincoln HomeNe cor of bl 3 in Fauntleroy Park
17214222Rose StreetWest Webster StreetFauntleroy Heights, Lincoln Beach Villas
17214223Russell Avenue23rd Ave SWFaegre's 1st, Gottsten's 1st, South Haven, Southern Pacific, Southern Pacific Supp, Star
17214224St. Claire Avenue3rd Ave SWJos R McLaughlin's Water Front
17214225Sander Avenue18th Ave SWSanders 1st, Sanders 2nd, White Brothers'
17214226Sawyer Avenue34th Ave SWSawyer's Home Tracts
17214227Seattle Avenue51st Ave SWO'Bryan's Sound View, Olympic Park, Euclid, Euclid 2nd, Mountain & Seaview, Oliver & Dryden's, Spring Hill Villa Tracts
17214228Short StreetArch AvenueOccident Heights, Point Addition
17214229Smith AvenueWest Spokane StreetAlki Point
17214230Smith StreetSawyer StreetPayne's
17214231Smith StreetWest Andover StreetChilberg's
17214232South StreetWest Lander StreetAlki Avenue, Madrona, Niesz, Wheeler's Western, Wymore, Prospect Tracts, Stewart's 1st, West Seattle L&I 4th
17214233South StreetWest Holden StreetSteel Plant
17214234South Front StreetRiver StreetEast of 1st Ave S in Jos R McLaughlin's Water Front
17214235Spencer StreetWest Hanford StreetCentury No 2, Century, E. S. Young's, Made's 1st, Spencer's, Tull's 2nd, Mountain View Park, Hainsworth Heights
17214236Spokane Avenue31st Ave SWPlat 1 of West Side
17214237Spokane AvenueWest Spokane StreetWhatcom Avenue in Seattle Tide LandsOregon Street in Seattle Tide Lands
17214238Spokane AvenueIowa AvenueNortheasterly margin of bl 426 in Seattle Tide Lands
17214239Spring AvenueWright AvenueLincoln Beach
17214240Spring PlaceAtlas PlaceSpring Hill Park
17214241Spring StreetWest Hill StreetWest Seattle L&I 3rd
17214242Spring StreetWalnut Avenue2nd West Seattle by West Seattle L&I
17214243Spruce StreetWest Walker StreetAldine Heights, West Seattle L&I 2nd, Walnut Terrace, 2nd West Seattle by WS L&I, West Seattle Park
17214244Spruce Street40th Ave SWElliott Bay, Spencer's
17214245Sunset Avenue47th Ave SWEuclid, Holbrook & Clark's, Sutherland's 1st, Waldemere, Gocher's Orchard Tracts, Sea View Park, 2nd Plat of West Seattle by the WS L&I, WS by WS L&I 1st
17214246Turner Avenue48th Ave SWSea View Park
17214247Turner Avenue49th Ave SWWest Seattle L&I 4th
17214248Union Avenue7th Ave SWUnion Pacific
17214249Unnamed StreetElmira StreetSouth of bl 2 in Lincoln Beach Villas
17214250Unnamed Street39th Ave SWEast of bl 1, 2, 3 of Banner Tract
17214251Unnamed StreetWalnut AvenueWest of bl 4, 5, 6 of Banner Tract
17214252Unnamed StreetWest Andover StreetN margin of Dodge
17214253Unnamed StreetWest Kenyon StreetS margin of Fauntleroy Heights
17214254Unnamed StreetBluff StreetNortheasterly of bl 72 in Replat of West Seattle L&I 3rd
17214255Unnamed StreetWest Atlantic StreetCascade AveElliott BaySouth of bl 21 of 1st West Seattle by WS L&I
17214256Unnamed StreetCalifornia AvenueWest of lot 7 and 8 in Lincoln Beach
17214257Unnamed StreetWest Holly StreetNorth margin of Lincoln Beach
17214258Unnamed StreetWest Willow StreetNortherly margin of lots 31, 43, 55 in Lincoln Beach
17214259Unnamed StreetLoman DriveNortherly margin of lot 66 and portion of lot 91 and along easterly margin of lot 90 and a portion of lot 91 of Lincoln Beach
17214260Unnamed Street if any extension of Railroad AvenueAlki Avenueblock 465 of Seattle Tide LandsTerminus of Alki Avenue at northwesterly cor of bl 16 in Hughes'
17214261Unnamed StreetWest Holden StreetNorth margin of Ashford
17214262Van Ness Avenue54th Ave SWDodge Addition
17214263Vashon Avenue45th Ave SW"Alta Vista" J Walter Hainsworth 3rd, Century No 2, east margin of 1st West Seattle L&I 2nd, Century, Fern Hill, J Walter Hainsworth's 2nd, How's, Made's 1rst, Olympic Heights, Mountain Veiw Park, Stewart's 1st, 1st and 2nd WS by WS L&I, WS L&I 4th
17214264Vashon Street45th Ave SW1st West Seattle by West Seattle L&I
17214265Victor Avenue25th Ave SWInglee's Supplement to White & Mannings, South Haven, Southern Pacific
17214266Victoria StreetVictoria AvenueWest Seattle L&I 3rd
17214267Villa AvenueVilla StreetSouth margin bl 2 and 4 in Rockaway Beach
17214268Vine AvenueWalnut AvenueMadrona
17214269Walnut TerraceWalnut AvenueWalnut Terrace
17214270Walnut StreetManning StreetAvenue, Scenic Heights Supplemental
17214271Water StreetConrad AvenueSander's 1st, Sander's 2nd
17214272Wenatchee Avenue26th Ave SWSeattle Tide Lands
17214273West Side Avenue35th Ave SWSteel Plant
17214274White Avenue30th Ave SWSeaboard
17214275White AvenueAlki AvenueSteel Works
17214276Whittlesoy StreetWest College StreetAldine Heights, Niesz, Olympic
17214277Willow Avenue62nd Ave SWA A Smith's
17214278Willow Avenue39th Ave SWWest Seattle L&I 3rd
17214279Winslow AvenueDodge PlaceSander's 1st
17214280Wisconsin Street30th Ave SWSeattle Tide Lands
17214281Wyoming StreetWyoming AvenueSeattle Tide Lands
17214282Wylde AvenueBruce StreetSeashore Park 2nd
17214283Yakima Avenue29th Ave SWNo 1 West Side, Pleasant Grove
17214284Yancy Avenue24th Ave SWFaegre's 1st and 2nd, Ingle's Supplement to White & Manning's, South Haven, Southern Pacific Additions
17214285First Avenue30th Ave SWSteel Works
17214286Second Avenue31st Ave SWSteel Works
17214287Third Avenue32nd Ave SWSeaboard and Streel Works
17214288Third Street33rd Ave SWProspect Tracts, Wymore
17214289Third StreetWest Charlestown StreetScenic Heights
17214290Fourth Avenue33rd Ave SWSteel Works
17214291Fourth Street34th Ave SWProspect Tracts, Wymore
17214292Fourth StreetWest Bradford StreetScenic Heights
17214293Fourth StreetWest Charlestown StreetHarbor View
17214294Fifth Avenue34th Ave SWSteel Works
17214295Fifth Street35th Ave SWLincoln Heights, Prospect Tracts, Wheeler's Western, Wymore
17214296Fifth StreetWest Andover StreetBoston Company, J Walter Hainsworth's 2nd, Harbor View, Leber's, Oliver & Dryden's, Olympic Park, Scenic Heights, Shank's Orchard View, Sparkman & McLean's 2nd
17214297Sixth Avenue35th Ave SWSteel Works
17214298Sixth Street36th Ave SWLincoln Heights, Prospect Tracts, Wheeler's Western, Wymore
17214299Sixth StreetWest Dakota Street"Alta Vista" J Walter Hainsworth's 3rd, Boston Company, J Walter Hainsworth's 2nd
17214300Seventh StreetBelvidere AvenueLincoln Heights, Prospect Tracts, Wheeler's Western, Wymore
17214301Seventh StreetWest Genessee StreetAlki Heights, Howe's, Howe's 2nd, Meyer's, Sparkman & McLean's 1st, Euclid, Euclid 2nd, "Alta Vista" J Walter Hainsworth's 3rd, Boston Company's
17214302Eighth Avenue37th Ave SWTull's 1st
17214303Eighth Street37th Ave SWLincoln Heights, Prospect Tracts, Wheeler's Western, Wymore
17214304Eighth StreetWest Oregon StreetBoston Company, Euclid, Holbrook & Clark's, Howe's Howe's 2nd, Sparkman & McLean's 1st, Spring Hill Villa
17214305Ninth Avenue38th Ave SWTull's 1st
17214306Ninth Street38th Ave SWJ. Walter Hanwsworth's 1st, Wheeler's Western, Prospect Tracts
17214307Ninth StreetWest Alaska StreetAnderson's Central Park, Euclid, Godspeed's, Holbrook & Clark's, McCord Heights, Sutherland's 1st, Boston Company's, Norris' Addition, Spring Hill Villa Tracts
17214308Tenth (10th) Street39th Ave SWProspect Tracts, J. Walter Hainsworth's 2st, Wheeler's Western, Wheeler's Western 2nd
17214309Tenth (10th) StreetWest Edmunds StreetGoodspeed's, Goodspeed's Supplemenatal, Central Park, Norris', McCord Heights, Sutherland's
17214310Eleventh (11th) StreetWest Hudson StreetCalifronia Heights, Fern Hill, Goodspeed's, Norris', Seaview Heights, Spring Hill Villa Tracts
17214311Twelfth (12th) StreetWest Dawson StreetCalifornia Heights, Fern Hill, Mountain & Seaview, Sea View Park, Shasta Heights, Rosenbaum Spring Hill No 1, Spring Hill Villa Tracts
17214312Thirteenth (13th) StreetWest Brandon StreetFairmount, Commonwealth, Lawrence's 2nd, Sea View Park, No 1 West Side
17214313Fourteenth (14th) StreetWest Findlay StreetFairmount, Waldemere, Gocher's Orchard Tracts, Seaview Park, No 1 West Side
17214314Fifteenth (15th) StreetWest Juneau StreetGocher's Orchard Tract, Fairmount, Rosenbaum Spring Hill No 2, Sea View Park, Spring Hill Park, No 1 West Side
17214315Sixteenth (16th) StreetWest Raymond StreetSea View Park, Willett's Alder Grove
17214316Seventeenth (17th) StreetWest Graham StBirdle Heights, Kingsbury Heights, Willett's Alder Grove, Sea View Park, Rosenbaum Spring Hill Addition No 2
17214317Eighteenth (18th) StreetWest Morgan StreeetKingsbury Heights
17214318Nineteenth (19th) StreetWest Morgan StreetBirdle Heights, Sea View Park
17214319Nineteenth (19th) StreetWest Holly StreetRosenBaum Spring Hill No 2
17214320Twentieth (20th) StreetWest Holly StreetSea View Park
17214321Twenty-first (21st) StreetWest Myrtle StreetSawyer's Home Tracts
17214322Twenty-fourth (24th) StreetWest Holden StreetPleasant Grove
17214323Twenty-fifth (25th) StreetWest Kenyon StreetPleasant Grove
17214324Twenty-ninth (29th) StreetWest Howan StreetCentury Scenic Acre Tracts
17214325Thirtieth (30th) StreetWest HendersonCentury Scenic Acre Tracts
17214326Thirty-first (31st) StreetWest Barton StreetCentury Scenic Acre Tracts
17214327Thirty-second (32nd) StreetWest Cambridge StreetCentury Scenic Acre Tracts
17214328Thirty-third (33rd) StreetRoxbury StreetCentury Scenic Acre Tracts
175071Maryland StreetMaryland Place1st Plat of West Seattle by WSL&I
175072Alki AvenueWhite AvenueBlock 433 in Plat of Seattle Tide Lands and Replat
175073West Willow StreetFrontenac StreetNorth margin of lots 4, 13, 20, 26, 33, 40 and 45 of Plat of Lincoln Beach
175074Alki AvenueRailroad Avenue WestNW cor bl 443 Seattle TidelandsMexico StreetPlat of Seattle Tide Lands, 1st Plat of West Seattle by WSL&I, Replat of WSL&I 3rd Plat
175075Alki AvenueWhite AvenueSteel Works Add
175076Mirimar StreetWest Bradford StreetSeaboard Add
175077Alki AvenueWest Stevens StreetKiefer's 1st Add
175078Spencer StreetWest Hanford StreetKiefer's 1st Add
175079Columbia Avenue46th Ave SWKiefer's 1st Add
1750710Railroad AveRailroad Avenue WestEast Waterway to nw cor bl 443 in Seattle Tide Lands
1750711West Gowan StreetWest Trenton StreetCentury Scenic Acre Tracts
17507121st StreetRoxbury StreetHighland Park
17507132nd StreetWest Cambridge StreetHighland Park
17507143rd StreetWest Barton StreetHighland Park
17507154th StreetWest Henderson StreetHighland Park
17507165th StreetWest Trenton StreetHighland Park
1750717Longfellow Avenue16th Ave SWHighland Park
1750718Highland Ave15th Ave SWHighland Park
1750719Cascade Ave14th Ave SWHighland Park
1750720Elmira Ave13th Ave SWHighland Park
1750721Sherman Ave12th Ave SWHighland Park
1750722Alder Street30th Ave SWPlat of Montrepose Cemetery
1750723Depot Ave26th Ave SWPlat of Montrepose Cemetery
175072419th StreetHolly StreetPlat of Montrepose Cemetery
175072520th StreetWest Willow StreetPlat of Montrepose Cemetery
1750726Motor BoulevardElmira StreetNorth margin of lot 2 Lincoln Beach Park
1750727Motor BoulevardLowman DriveNE margin bl 3 in Lincoln Beach Park
1750728Lincoln Beach BoulevardLowman DriveSW margin bl 2 in Lincoln Beach Park
1750729Woodly AveLowman DriveSE margin bl 2 in Lincoln Beach Park
1750730Lincoln Beach BoulevardWest Othello StreetNorth margin bl 4 and 5 in Lincoln Beach Park
1750731Rose StreetWest Webster StreetLincoln Beach Park
1750732Elliott Ave39th Ave SWLincoln Beach Park
1750733Highland Ave40th Ave SWLincoln Beach Park
1750734Woodly Ave42nd Ave SWWest margin bl 5 in Lincoln Beach Park

Beacon Hill and Rainier Valley

On the same day Seattle renamed Beacon Hill and the Rainier Valley in Ordinance 17213. I transcribed and tablified this from a purchased scan. Also I included the 20 corrections that were made a few months later in Ordinance 17507.

OrdinanceBulletOld NameNew NameFrom Old StreetAddition/Division/TractsNotes
172131A StreetCharlestown StreetMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
172132Abbott Street46th Ave SMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood, Columbia Heights 2nd, Columbia Heights
172133Adela AvenueSpencer StreetHillman City Division No 5
172134Alder Avenue46th Ave SBrighton Beach Acre Tracts, Bowen's Replat of Rainier Gardens
172135Alder Street46th Ave SFontanelle's, Cedar Grove, Brighton Beach Orchard
172136Alder StreetMyrtle StreetBowen's Replat of Rainier Gardens
172137Alder Street31st Ave SMeadow Park, Brent Street
172138Alamo StreetAlama PlaceLafayette Place
172139Alice AvenueEddy StreetHillman City Division No 6
1721310Alice StreetHudson StreetDuwamishLadd's Factory Sites, Wallingford's
1721311Byron StreetHinds StreetCascade View
1721312Hinds StreetDella StreetCascade View
1721313Della StreetAnthony PlaceCascade View
1721314Evans StreetOthello PlaceDuwamish Heights
1721315Woodland AvenueMorgan StreetGillam's
1721316Bryant Street48th Ave SGillam's
1721317Laurel StreetWarsaw StreetGillam's
1721318Thirty-fifth (35th) Ave S36th Ave SYork
1721319Thirty-sixth (36th) Ave SCourtland PlaceYork
1721320Ashland AveShamrock StreetCedar Grove
1721321The AlleyBrandon StreetSouth margin of Columbia First
1721322Atlantic AveChicago StreetRiver Park, 1st River Park
1721323Austin AveAustin StreetRiverside
1721324B StreetBradford StreetMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
1721325Baker StreetDakota StreetClaremont Home Tracts, Claremont
1721326Barton AvenueBarton StreetAberfeldy Estate Addition
1721327Bateman Street52nd Ave SHillman City Division No 7
1721328Bedford StreetOregon StreetClaremont
1721329Bennett AvenueBennett StreetGermania Tracts
1721330Bismark Street30th Ave SGermania Tracts
1721331The BoulevardRainier Ave SWest margin of Wildwood
1721332Bowen Street45th Ave SColumbia Heights 2nd
1721333Brents Street32nd Ave SBrents Street, Meadow Park, Columbia Supplemental No 1, Germania Tracts, Frye's, Corless' Columbia
1721334Broadway42nd Ave SHillman City #1, Hillman City #2, #5, #6, Bowen's Replat of Rainier Gardens
1721335Bulwer Street44th Ave SMaynard's Lake Washington, LakewoodEnglish writer
1721336Bryant Street48th Ave SMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood, Sound Trustee Co's 1st, Hillman City #3, Hillman City #4English writer
1721337Burns Street53rd Ave SMaynard's Lake Washington, LakewoodEnglish writer
1721338Byron StreetHanford StreetYork, York SupplementalNamed after Byron A Young, filer
1721339C StreetAndover StreetMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
1721340Caldwell Street37th Ave SColumbia Supplemental #1, Lakeside, Columbia Terrace, Kramer Heights
1721341Caledonia AveKenyon StreetRiver Park, 1st River Park
1721342Carnation Street37th Ave SSunrise
1721343Carson Street35th Ave SRiverside
1721344Cedar River Pipe Line Right of WayBeacon Avenue
1721345Center StreetOthello PlaceBrighton Beach Orchard, Rainier Gardens, Bowen's Replat
1721346Charles StreetHanford StreetByron
1721347Charles StreetJuneau StreetSomerville, Gale's Tract B
1721348Cherry AvenueBateman StreetSunnyside Five Acre Tracts 30 and 31
1721349Chicago AveChicago StreetRiverside
1721350Claremont Ave34th Ave SClaremont
1721351Clay StMayflower StMontana
1721352Clover St39th Ave SSunrise
1721353Clover Dale AveCloverdale StreetSouth Park, South Park Heights
1721354Coleus Street42nd Ave SSunrise
1721355College AveSullivan StreetSouth Park
1721356CollingwoodLucile StreetHillman City, Hillman City #1, Hillman City #2, Hillman City #3
1721357Columbus StreetEdmunds StreetColumbia Supplemental #1, Columbia, Corliss' Columbia
1721358Commercial Street1st Ave SAberfeldy Estate
1721359Conover StreetOregon StreetColumbia Terrace, Squire's LakesideNamed after real estate, later ST rememberances
1721360The County RoadKenyon StreetCedar Grove, south margin Plat of Wildwood
1721361The County RoadWilson AvenueEast margin of lots 7-15 in Plat of Wildwood, east margin of 1st Wildwood, east margin Brighton Beach 2nd, Brighton Beach2nd Supplemental
1721362The County RoadWhipple StreetSouth margin of Abrams'
1721363The County RoadRenton AvenueFrye's Columbia, Claremont, Claremont Home Tracts
1721364Court StreetAdams StreetSquire's Lakeside
1721365Courtland StreetCourtland PlaceSquire's Lakeside
1721366Crawford AvenueAlaska StreetMeadow Park
1721367Crawford StreetAlaska StreetMcCoy's Columbia, Columbia Terrace, Squire's Lakeside, Kramer Heights, Columbia
1721368Cregier AvenueAlaska StreetRiverside
1721369D StreetDakota StreetMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
1721370Darrow AvenueDarrow StreetHartung's, Columbia Heights
1721371Dearborn Avenue24th Ave SSomerville, F J Shafer's of Lot J Somerville, W W Kriegel's Tract G Somerville, Gale's Tract B Somerville
1721372Donovan AvenueDonovan StreetSouth Park, South Park Heights
1721373Drexel Boulevard46th Ave SHartung's, Hillman City #3, Hillman City #4, Hillman City #5
1721374Drexel Street46th Ave SJoseph H Boehm's 1st, Sound Trustee Co's 1st
1721375Duwamish AvenueRiverside AvenueRiver Park
1721376Duwamish AvenueDirector StreetSouth Park
1721377E StreetAdams StreetMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
1721378East StreetSnoqualmie StreetNorth of block 31 of Squire's Lakeside
1721379East Street41st Ave SWest of Block 31 of Squire's Lakeside
1721380East Shamrock StreetHolden StreetRiver Park, Abram's
1721381Edna StreetOccidental AvenuePortland and Puget Sound Railway
1721382Elgin Street30th Ave SRiverside
1721383Elk StreetAmericus StreetMcCoy's Columbia
1721384Elizabeth StreetBrandon StreetSomerville
1721385Elmgrove AvenueEmgrove StreetRiver Park, 1st River Park
1721386Estelle StreetHinds StreetYork and York Supplemental
1721387Euclid AvenueJuneau StreetHillman City, Hillman City #2, Hillman City #4, Hillman City #5
1721388F StreetGenesee StreetMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
1721389Fern Street40th Ave SSunrise
1721390Fontanelle AvenueFontanelle StreetFontanelle
1721391Forest AvenueHolden StreetRiverside
1721392Forest Avenue52nd Ave SBrighton Beach Addition
1721393Foster Avenue30th Ave SPlouf's 2nd
1721394Frazer Avenue31st Ave SPlouf's 2nd
1721395Franklin Avenue32nd Ave SEast margin of Somerville, Plouf's 2nd
1721396Franklin AvenueBateman StreetHillman City #5
1721397Frederick AvenueDarrow StreetGermania Tracts
1721398Fruitland AvenueBrandon StreetFrye's Columbia, Columia Heights, Sunnyside Five Acre Tracts, Morning Acre Tracts
1721399Frye PlaceDarrow StreetFrye's Columbia
17213100G StreetOregon StreetMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213101Gill AvenueWarsaw StreetHillman City #6
17213102Goldsmith Street45th Ave SMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213103Godell Street47th Ave SSound Trustee Co's 1st
17213104Gowan AvenueTrenton StreetAberfeldy Estate
17213105Graham AvenueGraham StreetHillman City #5, Hillman City #6, Sound Trustee CO's 1st, Kelsey's Brighton Beach Acre Tracts, Brighton Beach Acre Tracts, south margin Joseph H Boehm's 1st
17213106Green StreetBowen PlaceColumbia Heights 2nd
17213107Griffith StreetWebster StreetBowen's Rainier Gardens
17213108H StreetSnoqualmie StreetMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213109Hazel Street48th Ave SBrighton Beach Orchard, Fontanelle, Cedar Grove
17213110Helena AvenueThistle StreetSouth Park
17213111Helena StreetRiver ParkThistle Street
17213112Hella StreetHorton StreetYork, York Supplemental
17213113Hella StreetWalden StreetByron
17213114Henderson AvenueHenderson StreetAberfeldy Estate
17213115High StreetGenesee StreetClaremont, Claremont Home Tracts
17213116Highland DriveMead StreetHillman City #2
17213117Highland Drive AvenueMead StreetHillman City, Hillman City #1, Hillman City #4
17213118Hillman BoulevardRenton AvenueHillman City #2
17213119Hillside Avenue51st Ave SBrighton Beach, Brighton Beach Acre Tracts
17213120Holly AvenueHolly StreetHillman City #6, Brighton Beach Acre Tracts, Brighton Beach, Kelsey's Brighton Beach Acre Tracts
17213121Holmes Street50th Ave SMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213122Holmes Street51st Ave SHillman City #3, Hillman City #4, Hillman City #7
17213123Hop AvenueGraham StreetSunnyside Five Acre Tracts
17213124Huckleberry AvenueCourt StreetSunrise
17213125Hudson AvenueHudson StreetColumbia Heights 2nd, D B McCann's Block 14
17213126Illinois Street32nd Ave SRiverside
17213127Irving Street43rd Ave SMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213128Ivy Street38th Ave SSunrise
17213129Junta StreetDarrow StreetColumbia 1st
17213130K StreetAlaska StreetMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213131Kenny AvenueKenny StreetHillman City #5
17213132Keeley Street4th Ave SPortland and Puget Sound Railway
17213133King Street44th Ave SColumbia Heights 2nd
17213134L StreetAngeline StreetMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213135Laferne StreetLaferne PlaceSound Trustee Co's 1st
17213136Lake AvenueLakeside Avenue SouthWesterly margin Water Front lots no 100 to 335 in Lakewood
17213137Lake AvenueCourt StreetSouth margin blocks 1, 26, 27, 52, 53 in Maynard's Lake Washington and Lakewood
17213138Lake StreetDarrow StreetMontana
17213139Lake View AvenueChicago StreetCedar Grove
17213140Lake WayDakota StreetSquire's Lakeside
17213141Lampe Street28th Ave SGermania Tracts
17213142Lawrence AvenueMorgan StreetHillman City #6
17213143Lawrence StreetBennett StreetColumbia First Addition
17213144Lemon Street30th Ave SClaremont Home Tracts
17213145Lenox StreetAlaska StreetClaremont
17213146Letitia Avenue South35th Ave SSouth of Bedford Street in Claremont
17213147Letitia Street35th Ave SColumbia Supplemental #1, Columbia Terrace, Frye's Columbia
17213148Lexington Avenue33rd Ave SWest of block 2 Claremont
17213149Lexington AvenueLexington PlaceWest of block 6 Claremont
17213150Lilac StreetAndover StreetYork, Squire's Lakeside
17213151Lilac AvenueAndover StreetSunrise
17213152Lily Street41st Ave SSunrise
17213153Lookout Street16th Ae SMcNatt's 1st South Park Heights
17213154M StreetFerdinand StreetMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213155McNatt Street17th Ave SSouth Park Heights
17213156Main StreetOrcas StreetHillman City #1, Hillman City #2, Hillman City #4, Hillman City #7
17213157Maiden LaneConcord StreetSouth Park, South Park Heights, South Park Reserve
17213158Maple AvenueMyrtle StreetBrighton Beach Acre Tracts, Kelsey's Brighton Beach Acre Tracts, Brighton Beach Orchard, Brighton Beach Orchard 2nd, Hillman City #6
17213159Mable Street30th Ave SMeadow Park
17213160Margaret StreetCambridge StreetExcelsior Acre Tracts #2
17213161Martin Street12th Ave SAbram's
17213162Milton Street42nd Ave SMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213163Molke Street29th Ave SGermania Tracts
17213164Moore Street52nd Ave SMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213165Morgan Street5th Ave SPortland and Puget Sound Railway
17213166Morse Avenue27th Ave SSunnyvale
17213167Motor Line Avenue3rd Ave SPortland and Puget Sound Railway, River Park
17213168Mount Baker AvenueBrandon StreetHillman City #1, Hillman City #2, Hillman City #3, Hartung's, Columbia 1st
17213169Myrtle StreetGenesee StreetClaremont
17213170N StreetHudson StreetMcCann's Replat of Block 14, Maynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213171Noble Street42nd Ave SColumbia, Columbia Heights, Morningside Acre Tracts, Columbia Heights 2nd
17213172Ogden Street2nd Ave SPortland and Puget Sound Railway, wet margin of River Park, 1st River Park, Aberfeldy Estate
17213173Olive TerraceJuneau TerraceHillman City #2
17213174Orange Street31st Ave SClaremont Home Tracts
17213175Orchard AvenueRose StreetSouth Park
17213176Pacific AvenuePortland StreetRiver Park
17213177Pacific StreetPortland Street1st River Park
17213178Paine Street47th Ave SMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213179Palm StreetAndover StreetClaremont Home Tracts
17213180Park AvenueAngeline StreetMeadow Park
17213181Park Drive36th Ave SEast margin block 56 Columbia Supplemental #1
17213182Park DriveEdmunds PlaceWest margin block 55 Columbia Supplemental #1
17213183Park WayConover WaySquire's Lakeside
17213184Peach AvenueJuneau StreetSunnyside Five Acre Tracts
17213185Pear Avenue48th Ave SSunnyside Five Acre Tracts 30 and 31
17213186Pearl AvenuePearl StreetHillman City #8
17213187Perkins Avenue28th Ave SMcCoy's Columbia, Somerville, Maplewood lot 42
17213188Plum Avenue44th Ave SSunnyside Five Acre Tracts
17213189Poe Street56th Ave SMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213190Pope Street55th Ave SMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213191Prentice AvenueMonroe StreetRiver Park, 1st River Park
17213192Prospect Boulevard40th Ave SSquire's Lakeside
17213193Prospect DriveBeacon AvenueSomerville, M W Kriegel's G Somerville, F J Shaffer's J Somerville, Maplewood 42 Somerville
17213194Prospect PlaceAdams StreetClaremont
17213195Prune Avenue41st Ave SSunnyside Five Acre Tracts 30 and 31
17213196Railway AvenueRiverside DrivePortland and Puget Sound Railway
17213197Rainier BoulevardRainier AvenueRainier Boulevard Garden, Squire's Lakeside, Central Add to Columbia, Hillman City #1, Hillman City #5, Columbia Heights, Brighton Beach Orchard, Cedar Grove
17213198Raymond AvenueRaymond StreetSunnyside Five Acre Tracts 30 and 31
17213199Remington Avenue36th Ave SSquire's Lakeside
17213200Renton Avenue39th Ave SHillman City #2, Hillman City #5, Hillman City #6, Sunnyside Five Acre Tracts, Robinson's Tracts, Squire's Lakeside
17213201Rex PlaceMcCoy PlaceMcCoy's
17213202Riverside AvenuePortland StreetRiverside
17213203Rose StreetWebster StreetAdams
17213204East Rose StreetWebster StreetRiver Park
17213205Scott Street54th Ave SMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213206Shamrock StreetHolden StreetRiver Park
17213207Simpson AvenueRenton AvenueByron
17213208South Park AvenueHenderson StreetSouth Park, South Park Reserve
17213209Southern AvenueSouthern Street1st River Park, River Park
17213210Spencer AvenueRaymond StreetHillman City #5
17213211Spokane AvenueSpokane StreetHanson's Park
17213212Sturgis Street48th Ave SColumbia 1st
17213213Sullivan StreetFontanelle StreetPortland and Puget Sound Railway, River Park
17213214Summit Avenue50th Ave SMontana Columbia City
17213215Sunrise AvenueTrenton StreetRiver Park
17213216Sunrise AvenueCharlestown StreetSunrise
17213217Sunrise StreetCharlestown StreetRainier Boulevard Gardens
17213218Sunset AvenueTrenton StreetSouth Park, South Park Heights, South Park Reserve
17213219Tennyson Street51st Ave SMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213220Terrace PlaceLilac StreetClaremont
17213221Thistle StreetAustin StreetRiver Park
17213222East Thistle StreetAustin StreetRiver Park, Abram's
17213223Unnamed streetBrandon StreetSouth margin Frye's Columbia, south margin Montana Columbia City
17213224Unnamed StreetKenyon StreetSouth margin of H S Upper's Acre Tracts, south margin Kittinger's
17213225Unnamed StreetHolly StreetCoffman Garden Tracts
17213226Unnamed StreetHudson StreetNorth margin of Montana Columbia City, north margin Hillman City #8
17213227Unnamed StreetWebster StreetSomerville Tracts, Abram's, north margin Kittinger's
17213228Unnamed StreetAustin StreetFontanelle
17213229Unnamed streetAlaska StreetNorth margin of Columbia Supplemental #1, northerly margin Columbia
17213230Unnamed streetLetitia AvenueWesterly margin of block 1 Montrose
17213231Unnamed streetRainier AvenueEasterly margin block 1 Montrose
17213232Unnamed streetHolden StreetSouth margin block 1 Kittinger's
17213233Unnamed streetRenton AvenueEasterly margin block 3 Kittinger's
17213234Unnamed street51st Ave SEasterly margin Montana Columbia City
17213235Unnamed street7th Ave SEast margin Excelsior Acre Tracts #1-6
17213236Unnamed street8th Ave SEast margin tracts 13-18 of Excelsior Acre Tracts
17213237Unnamed street16th Ae SWest margin Lafayette Place
17213238Unnamed street24th Ave SWest margin Northeast 1/4 S 16 T 24N R 4E
17213239Unnamed street24th Ave SWest margin Gale's Tract B Somerville Acre Tracts
17213240Unnamed street24th Ave SWest margin Tracts C and F, 4, 5, 12 and 13 Somerville Acre Tracts
17213241Unnamed street28th Ave SEast margin west 1/2 of NE 1/4 of S 16 T 24N R 4E
17213242Unnamed street28th Ave SWest margin Somerville Acre Tracts 26, 27, 31, 34, 35, 38, 39, 43, 46, 47
17213243Unnamed street28th Ave SWest margin Maplewood Somerville Acre Tracts No 42
17213244Unnamed street32nd Ave SWest margin Hillman City #6
17213245Unnamed street32nd Ave SEast margin Hillman City #6
17213246Unnamed street37th Ave SWest margin H S Upper's Acre Tracts
17213247Unnamed street38th Ave SCoffman Garden Tracts No 1-7
17213248Unnamed street39th Ave SEast margin block 1 H S Upper's Acre Tracts
17213249Unnamed street40th Ave SWest margin blocks 14 and 15 Hillman City #6
17213250Unnamed street43rd Ave SEast margin block 4 Bowen's Rainier Gardens
17213251Unnamed street44th Ave SWest margin block 2 Bowen's Rainier Gardens
17213252Unnamed street45th Ave SEast margin block 2 and west margin block 1 Bowen's Rainier Gardens
17213253Unnamed street46th Ave SWest margin Hillman City #8
17213254Unnamed street46th Ave SEast margin Kittinger's
17213255Unnamed street48th Ave SEast margin Hillman City #8
17213256Unnamed street48th Ave SWest margin Montana Columbia City
17213257Valley RoadDallas AvenueRiver Park, South Park, South Park Heights
17213258Van Asselt Avenue28th Ave SRiverside
17213259Viking Street44th Ave SHillman City #5
17213260Warren AvenueFindlay StreetHillman City, Hillman City #1, Hillman City #2
17213261Washington AvenueSpencer StreetSunnyside Five Acre Tracts 30 and 31
17213262Washington Boulevard10th Ave SRiver Park, South Park, Excelsior Acre Tracts
17213263Westport Avenue49th Ave SMontana Columbia City
17213264Water StreetGraham StreetSomerville
17213265Wetmore StreetSpokane StreetYork, Supplemental York
17213266Whittier Street49th Ave SMaynard's Lake Washington, Lakewood
17213267Will Street8th Ave SSouth Park Heights
17213268William StreetHolly StreetSomerville, Plouf's 2nd
17213269Willow AveWillow StreetBrighton Beach Acre Tracts, Kelsey's Brighton Beach Acre Tracts, Hillman City #6
17213270Winston PlaceWinston AvenueSound Trustee Co's 2nd
17213271Winston Street39th Ave SKramer Heights, Columbia, Morningside Acre Tracts
17213272Winter StreetGraham StreetLeyba's, Shaffer's Lot V, Kriegel's Lot G, Somerville
17213273Woodland AvenueAustin StreetCedar Grove
17213274Woodland AvenueMorgan StreetKelsey's Brighton Beach Acre Tracts, Brighton Beach Acre Tracts, Brighton Beach
17213275Woodland Avenue38th Ave SHillman City, Hillman City #6, Robinson's Tracts
17213276Wright Street43rd Ave SColumbia Heights 2nd
17213277Young AvenueClaremontByronNamed after Byron A Young, filer
17213278South Second (2nd) StreetHamiltonAberfeldy Estate
17213279South Third (3rd) StreetOthello StreetAberfeldy Estate
17213280South Fourth (4th) Street2nd Ave SAberfeldy Estate
17213281South Fifth (5th) Street3rd Ave SAberfeldy Estate
17213282South Sixth (6th) Street4th Ave SAberfeldy Estate
17213283South Sixth (6th) Street5th Ave S1st River Park, River Park, South Park
17213284South Seventh (7th) Street7th Ave SRiver Park, South Park, South Park Reserve
17213285South Eight (8th) Street8th Ave SRiver Park, South Park, South Park Reserve
17213286South Tenth (10th) Street12th Ave SSouth Park, Excelsior Acre Tracts #2
17213287South Eleventh (11th) St16th Ave SSouth Park
17213288South Twelfth (12th) Street16th Ave SSouth Park
17213289Twenty-seventh (27th) Ave SMorse AvenueSunnyvale
17213290Thirty-third (33rd) Avenue33rd Ave SRainier Boulevard Garden
17213291Thirty-fourth (34th) Avenue34th Ave SRainier Boulevard Garden
17213292Thirty-fifth (35th) Ave35th Ave SRainier Boulevard Garden
17213293Thirty-seventh (37th) Avenue37th Ave SRobinson's Tracts
17213294Thirty-seventh (37th) Avenue South37th PlaceWest blocks 6 and 7
17213295Continuous RoadwayLakeside Avenue SouthFollowing the shore line of Lake Washington on east margin Maynard's Lake Washington and Lakewood
17213296Unnamed streetRenton AvenueEasterly margin block 3 Kittinger's
17213297Unnamed streetRainier AvenueEast margin block 1 Montrose
17213298RoadwayWilson AvenueExtenting from lot 5 in block 8 Brighton Beach, northeast corner block 12 Brighton Beach 2nd
17213299RoadwayWilson AvenueEast margin Brighton Beach 2nd
17213300RoadwayWilson AvenueEast margin 1st Wildwood
17213301RoadwayRenton AvenueNE 1/4 SW 1/4 S 16 T 24N R 4E, from Simpson Avenue in Byron to county road in Claremont Home Tracts
175061Shamrock StreetHolden StreetCedar Grove Addition
175062Darrow StreetDawson StreetGermania Tracts
175063Darrow StreetDawson StreetFrye's Addition
175064Darrow StreetDawson StreetHartung's Addition and Plat of Columbia Heights
175065Darrow StreetDawson StreetColumbia 1st Add
175066Darrow StreetDawson StreetMontana Add to Columbia City
175067Collingwood StreetLucile StreetSound Trustee Company's Second Add
175068Myrtle AvenueMyrtle StreetBrighton Beach Acre Tracts, Kelsey's Brighton Beach Acre Tracts, Brighton Beach Orchard Add and 2nd Plat Supplemental, Hillman City Division 6
17506950th Ave S51st Ave SLake Washington Heights
1750610Noble Street42nd Ave STurk's Addition to Columbia
1750611Elizabeth StreetBrandon StreetColumbia View Tracts
1750612Lampe Street28th Ave SColumbia View Tracts
1750613Brents Street32nd Ave SColumbia View Tracts
1750614Unnamed Street29th Ave SWest margin of Bl 8 and 6 of Columbia View Tracts
1750615Unnamed Street30th Ave SEast margin of Bl 7 and 6 of Columbia View Tracts
1750616Unnamed street31st Ave SEast margin of bl 3 of Columbia View Tracts
1750617Espey StreetMorgan StAir Line Addition
1750618Simpson AveRenton AveSperber's 1st Add
175061930th Ave30th Ave SSperber's 1st Add
1750620Genesse StreetGenesee StSperber's 1st Add


Here is Georgetown, which was renamed after annexation in 1910. Rather than referring to Ordinance 24173 itself, I pulled this from a newspaper article about residents struggling to understand where voting booths were located due to new street names. This was in the Seattle Times, Aug 11 1910, page 3 “Georgetown Folk do Street Guessing Act”.

Old NameNew NameFrom Old StreetTo Old StreetFrom New StreetTo New StreetAddition/Division/Tracts
Alaska StreetSnoqualmie Street
Alma Street22nd Ave S
A Street30th Ave S
Alki StreetAlbro Place
Blaine StreetAlaska Street
Baker County RoadSwift Avenue
Breyman Street17th Ave S
Beaumont Avenue19th Ave S
Bishop Street7th Ave S
Bateman StreetBailey StreetBailey's
Bateman Street12th Ave SHorton Streetsouth line Ward's Supplemental
B Street14th Ave S
Chico StreetAngeline Street
Colvin StreetGraham Street
Corgiat StreetWarsaw Street
Cedar River Pipe Line Right of WayBeacon Avenue
Commercial StreetOrcas Street
Chestnut Street6th Ave S
Charleston AvenueCorson Avenue
Carstens StreetCarstens Place
County RoadMyrtle Street
C Street15th Ave S
Delaware StreetBennett Street
Dehli StreetFindlay Street
Dearborn Avenue24th Ave S
Duwamish StreetFindlay Street
Drigs Street3rd Ave S
Eugenia StreetEddy Street
Eugene StreetEugene Avenue
Englewood StreetBennett Street
Estelle StreetCarleton Avenue
Fairbanks StreetPearl Street
Flora PlaceUrsula Place
Front Street11th Ave S
Fidalgo StreetMeade Street
Flora StreetFlora Avenue
Grand View Avenue12th Ave S
Glenwood Avenue23rd Ave S
Grand AvenueNebraska Street
Helen StreetBrandon Street
East Howard StreetLucile Street
Howard StreetLucile Street
Howard StreetVale Street
Harrison StreetHardy Street
James StreetRaymond Street
John StreetJoseph Street
Junction StreetDawson Street
Jefferson StreetDoris Street
Lincoln StreetWillow Street
Marion StreetNoice Place
Mattie Street29th Ave S
McFarlane StreetMcFarlane Place
McCallister DriveUtah Avenue
Maple Street4th Ave S
Merrick Street8th Ave S
Monroe StreetWarsaw Street
Mabel StreetEllis Avenue
Nora AvenueMeade StreetSprague's
Nora Avenue13th Ave SMarco's
Norton Avenue21st Ave S
Olympia StreetFerdinand Street
Prospect DriveBeacon Avenue
Plum StreetMaynard Avenue
Pedilla StreetPedilla Place
Perry StreetHarney Street
Reed StreetBennet Street
Ridgeway AvenueSwift Avenue
Roosevelt Avenue15th Ave S
Randolph Avenue15th Ave S
Rose Avenue22nd Ave S
River StreetFidalgo Street
Riverside AvenueFidalgo Street
Rainier Avenue8th Ave SJunctionMerrick
Rainier AvenueDuwamish AvenueMerricksouth line of block 1, Sprague's
Rainier AvenueJuneau StreetA Streeteast line of block 1, Spragues
Sidney StreetHudson Street
Seneca StreetBrandon Street
Sanders StreetJuneau Street
Spring StreetJuneau Street
Stephen StreetShaffer Street
Swift Avenue14th Ave S
Summit Avenue20th Ave S
Spokane AvenueHorner Street
Stark Street5th Ave S
Stebman AvenueEddy Street
Trinity AvenueSwift Avenue
Thomas StreetHorner Street
Victoria StreetPearl Street
Vancouver StreetDawson Street
Victoria Avenue17th Ave S
Victor Street2nd Ave S
Vego StreetVego Place
Wager StreetMorgan Street
Williams StreetHolly Street
Wellington Avenue18th Ave S
Unnamed StreetSwift AvenueFormerly lots 9 and 10, block 18, Sander's Acre Tracts to City of Georgetown
Unnamed StreetMeade StreetBetween blocks 3 and 11, Sprague's

Fun facts

  • Many street names, like Morgan Street, were newly created in 1907 and replaced a series of street names across a number of plats, from Puget Sound to Lake Washington.
  • Next to Columbia City was originally platted by Guy Phinney as Maynard’s Lake Washington Addition. In 1907 its streets were renamed to dull things like “42nd Ave S”. Previously they were named after greats of English literature: Milton, Irving, Bulwer, Goldsmith, Abbott, Paine, Bryant, Whittier, Holmes, Tennyson, Moore, Burns, Scott, Pope, and Poe streets.
  • Alamo Place South near Jefferson Park should be named Alama Place South due to a typo in ordinance 17213 that has never been corrected.

The purpose

My end goal here is to translate the locations of each structure built in 1890 into something understandable today. My friend Curt and I created an index of all of the 1890 buildings, which we wrapped up in February. I proceeded in March to correct and tablify the already-transcribed 1895 Ordinance 4044, which rationalized street names within the city limits to that point. I thought this would be sufficient but discovered that it only covered a minority of the street name changes between 1890 and now. A week later I completed an all new index of Ballard street renames, created by painstakingly reviewing maps from before and after the 1907 annexation. I later discovered that ordinances renamed each part of the city at the time of annexation.

Street names are always changing, so I may need to do some data gathering of more sparse resources to finish my overall project. For example, I know that I’m missing the actual city named South Seattle. I have lots of fun discoveries ahead.

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  1. Robin M. Snyder

    I LOVE this site that I stumbled across! Thank you! I lived on Alder Place! I will explore further. Interesting that it still doesn’t have sidewalks where I lived but at least it’s paved. We could never figure out why we were surrounded by regular pavement and sidewalks every direction except the 1/2 block going east to 49th and 1/2 block going north. We even had partial gravel! Nowhere else in Seattle or West Seattle. I noticed SW Stevens, Spokane, etc. were “West Stevens” etc. in the beginning?

  2. […] Maryland Street when the latter was created as part of the 1895 Seattle Tide Lands plat. When West Seattle was annexed to Seattle in 1907, both were renamed Maryland […]

  3. […] Atlantic Street, from Elliott Bay to Lake Washington. The name was extended into West Seattle in 1907, when Grant Street and Louisiana Street were […]

  4. Fascinating article about the history of Seattle Streets. I was hoping to discover why my street of residence was named the way it was, but don’t see an answer.

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