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Pioneer Palace and Novdevichy, Moscow through my grandfather’s lens, part 2

This is 3rd in a series of posts sharing the photos my grandfather took in 1969 on a business trip to Moscow. For full context, read the start of part 1.

This post includes the Pioneer’s Palace and Novdevichy.

Pioneer Palace

IEC Conference in Pioneer’s Palace, Moscow, 1969 (55.703038, 37.554434) CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Scientist delegates from each country attending a day of the International Electrotechnical Committee conference.

MGDTiYu Московский городской Дворец детского Москва МГДД(Ю)Т

User comments:
– Looking at their faces, most of them probably are gone.
– Another way to look at it, I wonder what their contributions were to the techonological advances of WW2.

Pioneer’s Palace Interior, Moscow, 1969 (55.703056, 37.554455) CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Thanks to Flickr user der_spielmann for confirming that this is the interior of Pioneer’s Palace in Moscow’s Lenin Hills. On the right side is a sign with the logo for the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) 1969 conference.

User comments:
– I was there once in 2000. Nothing changes – same trees and fishes in pools )) Sorry for my english ))
– Yes! One of those places in modern Moscow, where you still can feel the spirit of USSR. Thank you for your photos! I’m a amateur Kodachrome collector. It’s really amazing to look through them on a slide-projector =) Some kind of time-machine!

Pioneer’s Palace, Moscow, 1969 (55.703116, 37.553447) CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

MGDTiYu Московский городской Дворец детского Москва МГДД(Ю)Т

Pioneer’s Palace with IEC Logo, Moscow, 1969 (55.703101, 37.553785) CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

In the center of the doors is the IEC 1969 conference sign.

Mural on Pioneer’s Palace, Moscow, 1969 (55.703497, 37.554477) CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Members of the IEC are headed into Moscow Pioneer’s Palace (thanks Flickr user masha!). With all of the briefcases, I assumed that the conference was held here, but this is a youth center… I love the mural, though.

User comments:
– It’s a Pioneer’s Palace on Sparrow Hills – More about Pioneer’s Palaces here
– Thank you for sharing! It’s very interesting 🙂 


Novodevichy Convent, Moscow, 1969 (55.727943, 37.548372) CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

From Moscow River.

Towers of Novodevichy Convent, Moscow, 1969 (55.727073, 37.553179) CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

башня “Новодевичьего монастыряmoscow”.

Overgate Church and Smolensk Cathedral, Moscow, 1969 (55.726626, 37.554080) CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Within Novodevichy Convent. “Новоде́вичий монасты́рь” “Церковь Спаса Преображения” “Собор Смоленской иконы Божией Матери”

User comments:
– Thank you for sharing these pictures, they are so interesting!

Novodevichy Convent and Novodevichy Pond, Moscow, 1969 (55.728439, 37.558028) CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

“Новоде́вичий монасты́рь”

Krasnoluzhsky Bridge, Moscow, 1969 (55.727678, 37.559444) CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Over Novodevichiy Pond. “Лужнецкий мост” “Новый Краснолужский”

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