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Old Ballard Street Names, Searchable Table

Ballard was a city of its own until 1907, when the citizenry voted to be annexed into Seattle.

Data updated significantly on 8/20/2019.

The data

This table, like the recent 1895 Seattle Renaming article, shows each original Ballard street name and what it changed to after annexation. A number of original street names continue today, basically anything that isn’t a number.

SectionName before 1907CurrentFROM Old StreetTO Old StreetAdditionsNote
1A StNW 45thMainEastern AveGilman Park Addition, Denny’s Ballard
2Ablan’s AveStanton Pl NW(NW 68th St)Phillip Ablan’s AdditionNamed after Phillip Ablan
3AlbertsonNW 54thFirst Ave WDivision AveGilman Park AdditionNotes
4Alonzo AveAlonzo Ave NWReplat of Hamblet’s Acre Gardens blocks C and DFormerly Alonzo Street; named after Alonzo Hamblet, second child of Mary and Eli
6Antonia Ave35th Ave NWCanoeSloopSummit Height’s 1st Add
7Arthur StNW 65th StEighth Ave NSixth Ave NJennings Ballard Add
42Avery St13th Ave NWBallard Park1907 renamed Eli Ave NW, then in 1920s renamed 13th Ave NW
9B StNW 46thMainEastern AveGilman Park, Denny’s Ballard
10B StNW 66thEighth Ave NSixth Ave NJennings Ballard Add
11BakerNW 60thFirst Ave WTenth AveGilman Park, Sander’s, Brygger’s 1st Home, Brygger’s 2nd Homeaka E Baker St
12Ballard AveBallard Ave NWGilman Park
13Barnes StsameGilman Park
14Bay StNW Bright St8th Ave NW5h Ave NWGilman Park
15BoundaryNW 85th StScheuerman’s Garden Acre Tracts, Loyal Heights Div 2, Whitmanaka E Boundary St
16BrigNW 67th StFirst Ave WSixth Ave NSalmon Bay Park, Graff’s Salmon Bay, Sound View, Olympic, Sea View Home, Phillip Ablan’s,
17BroadwayNW Market StGilman Park, H. W. Treat’s 1st, Brygger’s 1st Home, Brygger’s 2nd Home, Creosote Tract, Farmdale Homestead no 49
18Burke AveRussell Ave NWGilman Park
19CNW Ballard WayFirst Ave WEastern AveGilman Park, Dennys BallardW 47th St in 1907; W Ballard Way in 1921
20CanoeNW 72nd StFourth Ave N?Eighth Ave N?Summit Heights 1st, Summit Heights 2nd, Great NorthernOriginally Findlay in Great Northern
21CanoeNW 73rd StFirst Ave WFourth Ave N
22Carolina StNW 66th StSixthEighthSound View, JenningsOriginally B in Jennings
23ChestnutNW 61st StFirst Ave WTenth AveGilman Park, Sender’s, Gilman Park and The Ballardsaka E Chestnut in Gilman Park and The Ballards
24Clise Ave23rd Ave NWShipSchoonerSalmon Bay Park
25Corvette StNW 80th StLimeEigththLoyal Heights 1 and 2, Ballard Water FrontOriginally Finch Ave in Ballard Water Front
26CrawfordNW 59th StFirst Ave WTenth AveGilman Park, Ballard’s 2nd, Brygger’s 1st Home, Brygger’s 2nd Home, replat of Brygger’s 2nd Home, Gilman Parkaka E Crawford St in Gilman Park
27DNW Leary WayFirst Ave WEastern AveGilman Park, Denny’s BallardW 48th in 1907; Leary Ave in 1909; Leary Way in 1911
29DayNW 51st StFirst Ave WDivision AveGilman Park
28, 96Dayton AveVacated, Ballard HighE ShipE BrigReplat of Hamblet’s Garden Acres blocks 8, 9, 10 and AMary Ave in 1907
30Denton Ave22nd Ave NWSalmon Bay Park
31Dewey PlNw Brygger PlBlock 36 Ballard’s 2ndName Brygger is after Anna S. Brygger
32Dibble AveDibbleAve NWDibble’s 1stOriginally Vine Street
33Diebert StNW 70th StHamblet’s Acre Gardens C and D replatLater Sloop Street
35Division Ave N8th Ave NWE SloopE SchoonerBallard ParkOriginally Maple Street
34Division Ave N8th Ave NWE ShipMohrDenny’s, Gilman Park, The BallardOriginally 3rd Ave E
36Division Ave NDivision Ave NWE ShipE SloopDibble’s 1stOriginally Madison Street
37ENW 49th StFirst Ave WEastern Ave
11, 46E Baker StNW 60th StFirst Ave WDivision AveBallard Add, Gilman Park, Alexander’s 1stFormerly Baker Street
15, 47E Boundary StNW 85th StWhitman, Scheuerman’s Garden Acre No 2Formerly Boundary Street
16, 48E Brig StNW 67th StFirst Ave WDivision AveDibble’s 1st, McElroy’s and Salmon Bay Park, replat C and D Hamblet’s Acre Gardens, Hamblet’s Acre GardensFormerly Brig Street in Salmon Bay Park, formerly Salmon Bay Ave in Dibble’s etc
17, 49E Broadway StNW Market StFirst Ave WDivision AveGilman ParkFormerly Broadway
50E Canoe StNW 73rd StFirst Ave WDivision AveSalmon Bay Park; Ballard Parkformerly Canoe Street in Salmon Bay Park; Park Ave in Ballard Park
23, 51E Chestnut StNW 61st StFirst Ave WDivision AveGilman Park, Ballard Add, Alexander’s 1stformerly Chestnut St in Gilman Park and Ballard Add
52E Corvette StNW 80th StWhitman, Scheuerman’s Garden Acre No 3formerly Siepman in Scheuerman’s 3
26E Crawford StNW 59th StFirst Ave WDivision AveGilman Park
54E North StNW 64th StFirst Ave WDivision AveBallard Add, Gilman ParkFormerly North St
55E Polk StNW 63rd StFirst Ave WDivision AveBallard Add, Gilman ParkFormerly Polk St
56E Post StNW 62nd StFirst Ave WDivision AveAlexander’s 1st, Ballard Add, Gilman ParkFormerly Post in Ballard and Gilman Park
57E Schooner StNW 75th StFirst Ave WDivision AveHoyt’s Garden Acre Tracts, Leary’s Acre Tracts, Whitman’s, Salmon BayFormerly Schooner in Whitman and Salmon Bay Park
58E Ship StNW 65th StFirst Ave WDivision AveSalmon Bay Park, Dibble’s 1st, McElroy’s, Ballard Add, Hamblet’s Acre Gardens and Hamblet’s Acre Garden replat lots 8,9,10 Block A, Gilman ParkFormerly Ship Street, Woodland Ave, and unnamed
59E Sloop StNW 70th StFirst Ave WDivision AveSalmont Bay Park, Dibble’s 1st, Ballard Park, McElroy’s, Hamblet’s Acre Garden replat blocks C and DFormerly Sloop Street, Diebert Street
60E State StNW 56th StFirst Ave WDivision AveGilman ParkFormerly State Street
61E Times StNW 58th StFirst Ave WDivision AveGilman ParkFormerly Times Street
62E Walter StNW 83rd StScheuerman’s Garden Acre Tracts No 2 and 3Formerly Walter Street
63E Willbert StNW 57th StFirst Ave WDivision AveGilman ParkFormerly Willbert Street
64E Yacht StNW 77th StWhitman
38, 39EarlEarl Ave NWGraff’s Salmon BayFormerly Earle Street
41Eastern Ave N9th Ave NWE ShipE SloopDibble’s 1st, McElroy’s, Ballard ParkOriginally Flemming St in Dibble’s 1st; Scranton Ave in McElroy’s; Pine St in Ballard Park
40Eastern Avenue9th Ave NWShipShip Canal (NW 42nd)Ballard Tide Lands, Denny’s, Alexander’s 1st, Gilman Park, The BallardSecond Ave E in 1890 building list; Originally 2nd Ave E in Gilman Park and The Ballard
202Eighth Ave32nd Ave NWProspect Beach, Ballard Tide Lands, Brygger’s 1st Home and 2nd Home, Sander’sFormerly Eighth Ave W in Ballard Tide Lands, Brygger’s 1st Home and 2nd Home, Sander’s
127Eighth Ave N32nd Ave NWShipSchoonerSummit Heights 1st and 2nd, Loyal Heights 1 and 2, Jennings, Great Northern, Holman, Ballard Four Acre Home Tracts, Ballard’s Water FrontFormerly Eighth Ave W in Jennings, Great Northern, Holman, Ballard Four Acre Home Tracts; formerly Russell St in Ballard’s Water Front
204Eighth Ave WSander’sLater Eight Ave in Jennings, Great Northern, Holman, Ballard’s Four Acre Home Tracts; later Eighth Ave in Sander’s
208Eleventh Ave37th Ave NWShipChestnutProspect Beach
42Eli Ave13th Ave NWE ShipE SloopBallard Park, Hamblet’s Acre Gardens C and D replat1907 renamed Eli Ave NW, then in 1920s renamed 13th; Hamblet section vacated for high school; Ballard Park formerly Avery St; named after Eli Hamblet
43Eli Street13th Ave NWE ShipE BrigHamblet’s Acre Gardens C and D replatLater Eli Ave; vacated for Ballard High
44, 45Elm Ave11th Ave NWE SloopE SchoonerWhitman AdditionFormerly Elm Street; Marcus Ave in sewer map 1588
65, 66Ferry Ave25th Ae NWShipSchoonerGraff’s Salmon Bay, Ward’sFormerly Ferry St
193Fifth Ave26th Ave NWBallard Tide Lands, Gilman Park, Leary’s, Ballard’s 2nd, Supllemental Block C of Ballard Tide Lands, Treat’s 1stFormerly Fifth Ave W in Ballard Tide Lands, Gilman Park, Leary’s, Ballard’s 2nd, Supllemental Block C of Ballard Tide Lands; Fifth Ave W in Treat’s 1st
150, 194Fifth Ave N26th Ave NWShipSchoonerGraff’s Salmon Bay, Ward’sFormerly Squire St
25, 67FinchNW 80th StBallard Water FrontFormerly Corvette Street
21, 68FindlayNW 72nd StEighth Ave NSixth Ave NGreat NorthernLater Canoe St
178First Ave17th Ave NWGilman ParkLater First Ave W
179First Ave E11th Ave NWGilman Park, BallardLater Spring Ave
180First Ave N17th Ave NWShipSchoonerSalmon Bay ParkFormerly First Ave W, Formerly McCoy Ave in Salmon Bay Park plat
181First Ave W17th Ave NWBroadwayShipSalmon Bay ParkLater First Ave N
41, 69Flemming St9th Ave NWDibble’s 1stLater Eastern Ave or Eastern Ave N
70Fonda Ave18th Ave NWShipSchoonerSalmon Bay Park
189Fourth Ave24th Ave NWBallard Tide Lands, Gilman parkFormerly Fourth Ave W
190Fourth Ave N24th Ave NWShipSchoonerWard’s, Graff’s Salmon Bay, Salmon Bay ParkFormerly Fourth Ave W in Ward; formerly Fourth St in Graff’s Salmon Bay; formerly McDermot Ave in Salmon Bay Park; spelled “McDermott Ave” in Salmon Bay Park plat
90, 191Fourth Ave W24th Ave NWBroadwayShipGraff’s Salmon Bay, Salmon Bay Park, Ward’sLater Fourth Ave N
192Fourth St24th Ave NWGraff’s Salmon BayLater Fourth Ave W, Later Fourth Ave N
71Garrett Ave19th Ave NWShipSchoonerSalmon Bay Park
72Graven Ave33rd Ave NWBallard Water Front
73Green Lake AveNW 70th StBallard Park, Dibble’s 1st, and McElroy’sLater East Sloop St or Sloop St
74Hamblet Ave14th Ave NWShipDiebert StHamblet’s Acre Gardens C and D replatLater renamed Railroad ave N; per Hamblet’s Acre Gardens plat; named after Eli and Mary Hamblet
75Harrison Ave N21st Ave NWShipSchoonerSalmon Bay Park
76HolbrookNW 52nd StFirst Ave WDivision AveGilman Park
77Jefferson PlVernon PlGilman Park
16, 78JenningsNW 67th StEighth Ave NSixth Ave NJennings Ballard Add
79Jones AveJones Ave NWSalmon Bay Park
80, 81Joseph Ave12th Ave NWE BrigE SloopHamblet’s Acre Gardens C and D replatNamed after Joseph Hamblet, first child of Eli and Mary Hamblet; Formerly Joseph St
Kilbourne StreetVacated, ship canal10th Ave NW7th Ave NW
82Langridge Ave16th Ave NWE ShipE SchoonerSalmon Bay Park(“Langdridge”?)
83Lawton St14th Ave NWLawton St, Hoyt’s Garden Acre Tracts, Leary’s Acre Tracts, Scheuerman’s Garden Acre Tracts No 2 and 3Later Railroad Ave N
84Leary AveLeary Ave NWGilman ParkLeary Ave
85Lenox15th Ave NWHamblet’s Acre Gardens C and D and Block A lots 8,9,10 replatsLater Main Ave and Main Ave N
86Lime Ave[green space]SchoonerCorvetteBallard Water Front
87, 88Lockard Ave14th Ave NWE SloopE SchoonerBallard ParkFormerly Lockard St
89McCoy Ave17th Ave NWSalmon Bay ParkLater First Ave W and First Ave N
90McDermott Ave24th Ave NWSalmon Bay ParkLater Fourth Ave W and Fourth Ave N
91Madison StDivision Ave NWDibble’s 1stLater Divison Ave N
92Main Ave15th Ave NWAShipBallard Tide Lands, Gilman ParkFormerly Main St
93Main Ave N15th Ave NWE ShipE SchoonerSalmon Bay Park, Hamblet’s Garde Acre C, D, and Lots 8, 9 and 10 f A replats, Hoyt’s, Scheuerman’s Garden Acre Tracts and Tracts No 2, Ballard ParkWelch Ave in Salmon Bay Park plat; Lenox Ave in Hamblet’s Garde Acre C, D and Lots 8, 9 and 10 of A replat; Main St in Hoyt’s, Scheuerman’s Garden Acre Tracts and Tracts No 2, Thornell St in Ballard Park
96Mary AveMary Ave NWBallard Park, Hamblet’s Acre Gardens A Block 8-10 replatFormerly Stevens in Ballard Park, formerly Dayton Ave in Hamblet’s A replat; Named after Mary Hamblet
98Marcus Ave10th Ave NWMcElroy’s, Ballard ParkForlmerly Peach St in Ballard Park, Spokane Ave in McElroy’s
97Mary StMary Ave NWHamblet’s Acre Gardens C and D replatNamed after Mary Hamblet
99Mohr StNW 50th StFirst Ave WDivision AveGilman Park, Denny’s Ballard
100Murray StNW 69th StEighth Ave NSixth Ave NJennings, Holman
101Murtaw St14th Ave NWBallard ParkLater Railroad Ave N
102New York StNW 68th StEighth Ave NGNRRJennings, Holman, Olympic and Sea View Homes, Ballard’s Four Acre TractsFormerly Washington Ave in Ballard’s Four Acre Tracts
103N Park PlNW Canoe PlGarrettHarrisonSalmon Bay Park
165, 206Ninth Ave N34th Ave NWSloop[North Ballard City Limits]Sound View, Sea View Home, Olympic, Summit Heights 1st, Summit Heights 2nd, Front AdditionPlatted as Way Street in Front Addition
205Ninth Ave34th Ave NWShip[NPRN Rairoad]Prospect Beach, Ballard Tide Lands, Brygger’s 2nd HomeOriginally Ninth Ave W in Brygger’s 2nd, Ballard Tide Lands
105North StNW 64th StFirst Ave WTenth AveGilman Park, Leary’s, Sander’s, Prospect Beach, BallardLater E North St in Ballard and Gilman Park
106Norwood StNW 75th StGreat NorthernLater Schooner St
107Olive PlStanton Pl NWBallard’s Four Acre Home Tracts
108Olympic Ave35th Ave NWPhillip Ahlan’s, Sea View Home
109PNW 65th StBallard Tide Lands
110Park Ave20th Ave NWSalmon Bay ParkLater Second Ave N
111Park AveNW 73rd StBallard ParkLater Canoe St and E Canoe St
112Park PlNW Dock PlGilman Park Add
98, 113Peach St10th Ave NWE SloopE SchoonerBallard ParkLater Marcus Ave
114Pine PlNW Central PlGilman Park
41, 115Pine St9th Ave NWBallard ParkLater Eastern Ave N
116Pittsburgh StNW 63rd StMcElroy’sLater Spring Ave N
117, 118Polk StNW 63rd StFirst Ave WTenth AveGilman Park, Leary, Sander, Ballard AddLater East Polk Street in Gallard and Gilman Park
119, 120Post StNW 62nd StFirst Ave WTenth AveGilman Park, Sander, Prospect Beach, BallardLater East Post St in Gilman Park and Ballard
121Preston StNW 53rd StFirst Ave WDivision AveGilman Park
122Q StNW 70th StBallard Tide Lands
123R StNW 75th StBallard Tide Lands
124Railroad14th Ave NWABridge Across BayBallard Tide Lands, Gilman ParkSecond Ave E in 1890 building listRailroad
125Railroad Ave N14th Ave NWE ShipE SloopHamblet’s Acre Gardens and C and D replat, Ballard Park, Hoyt’s Garden Acre, Leary Acre and Scheuerman’s Garden Acre 2 and 3this is “Hamlin” in 1901 Cram; later Hamblet Ave in Hamblet’s Acre Gardens and C and D replat; formerly Hurtaw St in Ballard Park; Formerly Lawton St in Hoyt’s Garden Acre, Leary Acre and Scheuerman’s Garden Acre 2 and 3
n/aRailroad Ave NAlonzo Ave NWE SloopE Schooner
126Reiter AveNW 75th StBallard Water FrontLater Schooner St
127Russell St32nd Ave NWBallard Water FrontLater Eighth Ave N
n/aRoss PlaceVacated? Between NW 40th and NW 41st8th Ave NWGreenwood
128S StreetNW 80th StBallard Tide Lands and Ballard Tide Lands Block 22 and 23 replat
144S Park PlNW Sloop PlGarrettHarrisonSalmon Bay Park
130Salmon StVacated, just south of NW 45thSpringEastern AveGilman Park and Denny’s
129Salmon Bay AveNW 67th StDibble’s 1st, McElroy’s and Salmon Bay Park, replat C and D Hamblet’s Acre Gardens, Hamblet’s Acre GardensLater Brig St and E Brig St
131, 132Schooner StNW 75th StFirst Ave WFourth Ave NWhitman, Salmon Bay Park, Hoyt’s Garden Acre, Leary Acre Tracts, Salmon Bay Park, Ward, Summit Heights 2nd Add, Great Northern, Ballard Water FrontLater E Schooner St, formerly Norwood St in Great Northern, formerl Reiter Ave in Ballard Water Front
133Scranton Ave9th Ave NWMcElroy’sLater Eastern Ave, Eastern Ave N
134Sea View AveNW 54thBrygger’s 1st Home, Brygger’s 2nd HomeEast of Ninth Ave
135Sea View AveSea View Ave NWBrygger’s 2nd Home, Prospect Beach, Summit Heights 1st, Ballard’s Four Acre Home Tracts
182Second Ave20th Ave NWBallard Tide Lands, Gilman ParkFormerly Second Ave W
40, 183Second Ave E9th Ave NWGilman Park, The BallardLater Eastern Ave N
110, 184Second Ave N20th Ave NWShipSchoonerSalmon Bay ParkPark Avenue in 1890 buildings and Salmon Bay Park plat
185Second Ave W20th Ave NWBroadwayShipBallard Tide Lands, Gilman ParkLater Second Ave
199Seventh Ave30th Ave NWBallard Tide Lands, Bryggers 1st home, Sander’sLater Seventh Ave N
200Seventh Ave N30th Ave NWShipSchoonerLoyal Heights 2, Jennings, Great NorthernOriginally Seventh Ave W in Jennings and Great Northern
201Seventh Ave W30th Ave NWJennings, Great Northern, Brygger’s 1st Home, Sander’sLater Seventh Ave N in Jennings, Great Northern; later Seventh Ave W in Brygger’s 1st Home and Sander’s
137SherbrookNW 74th StSixth Ave NEighth Ave NGreat Northern, Summit Heights 2ndSherbrooke in sewer map 1588 and in ordinance 16363
138ShilbyNW 70th StSixth Ave NEighth Ave NGreat Northern, JenningsLater Sloop Street
140, 141ShipNW 65th StFirst Ave WEighth Ave NSalmon Bay Park, Graff’s Salmon Bay, Prospect Beach, Leary, Sound View, Ballard Four Acre Home Tracts, Jennings, Dibble’s 1st, McElroy’s, Ballard, Hamblet’s Acre Gardens, Hamblet’s Acre Gardens Lot 8,9. 10 of Block A ReplatFormerly Arthur St in Jennings; later East Ship St in Dibble’s 1st, McElroy’s, Ballard, Hamblet’s Acre Gardens, Hamblet’s Acre Gardens Lot 8,9. 10 of Block A Replat
139Shilshole AveShilshole Ave NEGilman Park
136Siepman StNW 80th StScheuerman’s Garden Acre Tracts No 3Later E Corvette St
195Sixth Ave28th Ave NWTreat’s 1st, Plat of Ballard Tide Lands, Brygger’s 1st Home, Leary’s, Sander’s, Ballard’s 2nd and Spllemental Block C Ballard’s 2ndFormerly Sixth Ave W in Plat of Ballard Tide Lands, Brygger’s 1st Home, Leary’s, Sander’s, Ballard’s 2nd and Spllemental Block C Ballard’s 2nd
196Sixth Ave N28th Ave NWShipSchoonerJennings, Great Northern, Graff’s Salmon Bay, Loyal Heights Div 2Formerly Sixth Ave W in Jennings, Great Northern; formerly Sixth St in Graff’s Salmon Bay; formerly Sixth Ave N in Loyal Heights Div 2
197Sixth Ave W28th Ave NWJennings, Great NorthernLater Sixth Ave N
198Sixth St28th Ave NWSalmon BayLater Sixth Ave N
142, 143Sloop StNW 70th StFirst Ave WSixth Ave NSalmon Bay Park, Graff’s Salmon Bay, Holman, Summit Heights, Ballard Four Acres, Great Norhtern, Jennings, Ballard Park, Dibble’s 1st, McElroy’s, Salmon Bay Park, Hamblet’s Acre Gardens C and D replatFormerly Shilby in Great Northern and Jennings; Later E Sloop St in Ballard Park, Dibble’s 1st, McElroy’s, Salmon Bay Park, Hamblet’s Acre Gardens C and D replat
145Spokane Ave10th Ave NWE ShipE SloopMcElroy’sMarcus Ave in sewer map 1588
146, 147Spring Ave11th Ave NWE ShipE SloopBallard Tide Lands, Gilman Park, McElroy’sFormerly First Ave E in Gilman Park and Ballard; formerly Pittsburgh in McElroy’s
148Spring Ave N12th Ave NWE SloopE SchoonerWhitman, Ballard Park, Leary’s Acre Tracts, Scheuerman’s Garden AcreSpruce St in 1901 map; formerly Spruce St in Ballard Park, Leary Acre Tracts, Scheuerman’s Garden Acre Tracts
149Spruce St12th Ave NWBallard Park, Leary Acre Tracts, Scheuerman’s Garden Acre TractsLater Spring Ave N
150Squire St26th Ave NWGraff’s Salmon Bay, Ward’sLater Fifth Ave N
152StantonNW 71st StSixth Ave NEighth Ave NGreat Northern, Summit Heights 1st
16, 151Stanley AveNW 67th StBallards Four Acre Home TractsLater Brig St
153StateNW 56th StFirst Ave WNinth AveH. W. Treat’s 1st, Brygger’s 1st Home, Brygger’s 2nd Home, Gilman ParkLater E State St east of First Ave W
96, 154Stevens StMary Ave NWE SloopE SchoonerBallard ParkLater Mary Ave; Mary Ave in sewere map 1588 (Where did I see “Steven Ave”?)
155Summit Ave33rd Ave NWSloopSchoonerSummit Heights 1st and 2nd
156T StreetNW 85th StBallard Tide Lands
157Tallman AveTallman Ave NWGilman Park
207Tenth Ave36th Ave NWBroadwayShipProspect Beach, Ballard Tide Lands, Brygger’s 2nd homePlatted as Tenth Ave West in Ballard Tide Lands and Brygger’s 2nd Home
187Third Ave E8th Ave NWGilman Park, Ballard
188Third Ave N22nd Ave NWShipSchoonerSalmon Bay ParkFormerly Denton Ave in Salmon Bay Park plataka Benton in 1901 Cram
186Third Ave22nd Ave NWBroadwayShipGilman Park, Ballard Tide LandsFormerly Third Ave W
159Thornell StBallard ParkLater Main St, Later E Main St
158TimesNW 58th StFirst Ave WEighth AveBallard’s 2nd, Brygger’s 1st Home, Brygger’s 2nd Home, Brygger’s 2nd Home Replat, Gilman ParkLater E Times St in Gilman Park east of First Ave W
162TimesNW 58th StEighth Ave WTenth Ave WBrygger’s 2nd Home, Brygger’s 2nd Home ReplatWest of Wilbert St
59(Unnamed on north edge of Gilman Park)NW 65th StGilman ParkLater E Ship St
32, 161Vine StDibble Ave NWE SloopE SchoonerBallard ParkLater Dibble Ave
32Vine Ave NDibble Ave NWE SloopE SchoonerBallard Park
163Walter StNW 83rd StScheuerman’s Garden Acre Tracts 2 and 3Later E Walter St
164Washington AveNW 68th StBallards Four Acre Home TractsLater New York St
165Way St34th Ave NWBallard Water FrontLaer Ninth Ave N
166Welch Ave15th Ave NWSalmon Bay parkLater Main St, Later Main Ave N
167West StSea View Ave NWBallard Water Front
168W 44th StBright StDenny’s
169W 55th StMarket StHaitz’s First
170WhidbyNW 73rd StSummit Heights 2nd
171WhitbyNW 73rd StEighth Ave NSixth Ave NGreat Northern
172WilbertNW 57th StFirst Ave WEighth AveGilman Park, H. W. Treat’s 1st, Ballard’s 2nd, Brygger’s 1st Home, Brygger’s 2nd HomeEast of First Ave W in Gilman Park later E Wilbert in Gilman Park
173, 174Wilson Ave27th Ave NWShipSloopGraff’s Salmon BayFormerly Wilson St
175Woodland AveNW 65th StHamblet’s Acre Gardens, replat of lots 8, 9, 10 of block A of Hamblet’s Acre GardensLater Ship St; per Hamblet’s Acre Gardens plat
176Woodland Park AveNW 65th StDibble’s 1st, McElroy’s, BallardLater Ship St, later E Ship St
177Yacht StNW 77th StLimeEighthBallard Water Front
RussellRussell Ave NW
n/aEli Ave NW13th Ave NWBallard ParkOrdinance 26558? Occurred in late 1920s. NW 70th to NW 75th.
n/a13th Ave NW14th Ave NWBallard ParkOrdinance 26558? Occurred in late 1920s. NW 70th to NW 75th.
n/a14th Ave NWAlonzo Ave NWBallard ParkOrdinance 26558? Occurred in late 1920s. NW 70th to NW 75th.

How to

When I assembled this table in 2015, I started with the 1888 Gilman Addition plat from the King County records website, then reviewed the 1905 Sanborn fire insurance maps available online from the Seattle Public Library, and finally I reviewed a 1903 sewer map online (map 1588) at the Seattle Municipal Archives.

I included a few streets from just outside of the old City of Ballard boundaries, towards Fremont or across the canal. I happened to notice them while reviewing maps and went ahead and listed them.

For more information on old Ballard, check out my book Lost Seattle.

This data has been shared with a Creative Commons license on Figshare. You can download the full table there.

Large update

In August 2019 I uploaded a major update to the data table, which also replaced the figshare spreadsheet. This came after I found the city law that changed Ballard’s street names after annexation, Ordinance 16363.

I made edits to this page in January and July 2019 prior to that discovery. In January I noticed that there was a major change between the original Salmon Park addition street names (plat map available at WA Digital Archives) and the 1903 sewer map I originally used for the data table. I linked to the 1904 Ballard directory’s street guide at Seattle Public Library as a reference to bridge the gap between the two maps. But now the data table on this page should answer any questions.

In July 2019 I included some of the far eastern “additions to the city of Ballard” — areas that we call Frelard — which are now included in the data I published yesterday for Fremont. You may find your Ballard street name there.

Bonus content

While I’m here I’ll list the sources of a few meanings of street names:

  • Denton: Elon W. Denton, filer of Salmon Park Addition
  • McDermott: J. D. McDermott, who Denton purchased part of the property from.
  • Ablan’s Ave: Named after Philip Ablan
Ballard's original street names, from the 1888 plat for Gilman Park Addition by the Learys, Ballards and Crawfords.
Ballard’s original street names, from the 1888 plat for the Gilman Park Addition by the Learys, Ballards and Crawfords. (King County Records)

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    • Rob Ketcherside

      Thanks again for your encouragement!

  1. Lea

    when did w 79th change to ??nw 79.

  2. Patty

    thank you. I have been trying to find where my 3x great grandfather lived while building boats bound for the Yukon in 1900. I found him in the directory at 330 Times. You have been a great help by showing the new street names!

  3. Donna Mullen

    Thank you so much for all your work… looking for an old home located at Denton Av cor Sloop is now “findable”.

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